This clown Nigriq Jewsheed aka @tariqnasheed does nothing but divide the black community by using stupid terms like FBA which really means "frequently bitching all day".
According to him you're not black unless your ancestors were American slaves, and all other blacks from the Caribbean and Africa are "tethers".
He calls anyone that doesn't want to give blacks reparations "undercover white supremacists" and blames whites for all the problems blacks face in america.
He sells his 68 IQ audience a victim mindset and they buy it like the dumb primates they are.
Dude claims he won a debate by calling me a tether 143 times, when he could NOT refute any of my facts.
My stance is simple to the idiotic FBAs that follow Jewsheed (yes he is married to a part white jewish woman) :
Racism is no longer a valid excuse to be a loser as a black American in the United States.
Stop committing crimes, being degens, and having kids out of wedlock.
It's not hard. Cry harder monkeys.
Now that this guy @DNC_Dunce is posting clowns like this, he has destroyed any credibility he could have had in the future.
Pro-whites like him love to join the enemy when their poor choices cause defeat. They invented the “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” mentality.