Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Though with the exception of Harris Faulkner (to a degree)
I don't feel sorry for Scott or Goba.
Especially Scott.
That Over-Emotional "SistaGirl" act only gets one so far with a Racist in this current Political Minefield.
Shit was a total MISfire.
And as much of a FOX Plant as Faulkner is,
Say what you will,
But least she tried her damnedest to keep the appearance of being Professional.
Yeah Rachel Scott came in way too hot :smh:

It was easy for him to turn her into the enemy on that stage


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The republicans should hire him

He left the party a couple years ago he's an independent now and I doubt he's going back lol

But He has great insight as a strategist who worked on Gingrich, Romney and Carsons campaigns in the past.

usually he's objective and uses the lens of a strategist...I remember listening to his show about a month ago and he was strongly advocating that the Dems should make Kamala be the candidate...and he got cussed out by nearly every caller lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shermichael is a fucking coon and shouldn't be near any Democrats campaign. Dude SEES what's going on with the Republican party and still claims Republican.

Fuck him......i hope he falls off a cliff.
Even listening to him on Sirius XM Urban View, that nigga still tethered to that tree jumping negro™ mentality regardless if he so called left the party or not :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Y'all trippin, Trump didn't lose any votes tonight...his supporters hates the same people Trump hates, they ain't going nowhere.
We just need to come out in numbers, and we got this...ill bring Wisconsin home :rolleyes:
I agree with you, but Trump did lose a lot of independent voters tonight. His base well there’s nothing you could do with them, but it’s not enough for them to make a difference as time go on.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
they who? the black journalists??
Yes, the black journalist I will not give Trump the time of day even to expose him because he just using free media time all over the place but Today went as I thought it would went for him….. He really fucked his self over.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes, the black journalist I will not give Trump the time of day even to expose him because he just using free media time all over the place but Today went as I thought it would went for him….. He really fucked his self over.
actually he didnt... @Amajorfucup said it best and precisely

They wont listen because they dont care. They are so deeply cemented in their idol worship that nothing he says will ever sway their allegiance. Has zero to do with anyone crying wolf. Grab em by the pussy, shitting on gold star families, clowning McCain for being captured, good people on both sides, hang Mike Pence, inciting the insurrection, calling insurrectionist hostages and promising to free them, rape convictions, porn star payoffs, election fraud .... there is no shortage of heinous words or deeds.. There is no one persuadable left. If you havent been convinced this guy is a trash human being by now nothing will ever convince you.
whenever republicans/conservatives do these types of forums with black professionals its not to garner the black vote. Its to show other whites they can walk into the belly of the beast and show theyre not afraid of those nwords.

Ever notice how black so called political activists never try to leverage anything with the republican party yet democrats get shit for not coming thru on every demand yesterday. trumps not trying to get the black vote he just wants to muddy the water and sew enough confusion to blunt the black vote enough to get over. And dumb niggas fell for that okeydoke.