You have me curious and I genuinely want to know what you mean bc I don’t understand how you feel.
How has the democratic agenda been out of touch when democrats support:
-protecting voting rights, healthcare access, lowering and capping healthcare and drug costs, supporting and building education infrastructure in ALL areas and regions, reforming gun access & control laws (that 70-80% of gun owners polled agree with), supporting workers rights, protecting environment.
…and that’s from moderate to centrist democrats. Overall, the Democratic Party isn’t progressive but pretty conservative. Therefore, I’m baffled by how people think democrats aren’t clear with their messages or don’t produce legislation that tends to be people and community centered (not ultra wealthy or big business centered).
Before anyone tries to counter what I said with, well, why hasn’t there been any changes in law? Please know that the single greatest and consistent role Republicans in government have been doing since 2010 has been blocking legislation from democrats. The majority of time, republicans have held majority rule in house or senate (or both). Often, a bill will pass in the house but not senate. The affordable care act, stimulus checks, education relief, and much more were minor miracles.
Sure. Colin Powell incoming ..
As I explained earlier and have throughout this thread, the out of touch feel is not solely economic based. It’s only half the issue.
To Democrats credit, they’ve done their job 95% of the time when it comes to the economy and getting it back on track. The part of the economics issue they failed at this time around, which I’d argue had the most severe impact, is the price of goods. That remaining 5%. You can try and point people to facts and charts and graphs all day, which they didn’t cause the messaging was clearly off, but all those pie charts pale in comparison to someone having to pay $150 for 2 bags of groceries.
Which do you think has the greater effect on a voter?
Pie charts or the actual cost of a pie?
How Dems answer this question is telling.
The other large issue remains the cultural aspect of the Party. Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, Native Americans, all voted in the opposite direction.
As we can see, the people who left and voted Republican were the traditional valued, hard-working minorities.
The minorities that have to deal with two Americas, not one. The minorities that have their root culture at home, where many times is a language other than English represented by the nation(s) they are from, followed by the remaining American culture that everyone lives in when we leave our homes. That home culture is usually pretty conservative and these folks base.
So when you exclude and alienate that base from them and trade it for the woke/PC/gay and trans show, which they’re not buying into, what’s Left?
See what I did there. I digress.
Case in point, these traditional cultures of people don’t care for any of it and the backlash isn’t just here in the US but it’s happening around the world. People regularly reject this “which gender bathroom” talk whether Democrats like it or not. Not when prices are going up all around them. Frankly, that talk is a luxury that these working class minorities cannot afford nor care about the way Democrats think they do.
These two massive factors, coupled in with disastrous messaging was a recipe for failure and put them out of touch.
As always, don’t take any of this from me. This is not my opinion, this is just what I’ve been hearing and seeing, not just this week but over some time now.
Go out and talk to these minority communities. Delve into their worlds. I live in the DMV so I can and do everyday. On my block alone, I have every demographic I listed up there and am cool with all of them. These are their words. And for a long time, Democrats haven’t listened to those words now.
To recap, all those points you brought were spot on and correct. Democrats did all of that and let’s face it, historically do.
But what they failed to do was:
1) Encourage the feeling of progress at the supermarket or gas station and maybe timing was an issue for Kamala’s price gouging spear
2) Failed to put the microscope back onto their minority base (Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, Native Americans) and reiterate which party fought for them and is their home
3) Be aggressive when it comes to messaging particularly in the internet space
Republicans to their credit, flipped every one of those points. Trump was able to tap into all that and turn it on its head. He agreed about everything being expensive even though he’ll probably make it worse, but he said what he had to, he knew the world didn’t care for the woke agenda & trans talk and used that to his advantage, and he dominated the internet space to get whatever rhetoric he was firing out and out there consistently. Trifecta complete.
Lets be clear, the Democratic Party isn’t far off from the top spot but for the last ten years, they forgot who they were and pushed an agenda that wasn’t as important as they believed, which is why I consistently say Republicans didn’t win this, more than Democrats just lost it.
To sum it all up, Democrats lacked simplicity. The simplicity that made them out of touch with everyday people.
Democrats now need to listen to the people that have abandoned them, go back to the center to remember what they are and consistently push that message across all platforms for the next 2-4 years to get back on track.