Venezuela...For Realz?


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
The last time I was out in Trinidad, I saw a pair of badass chicks in the country looking out of place by their clothes and fat asses, and they told me they were hoes from Venezuela looking for some money. Could do shit with them because wifey was there, but before the economy went bad, folks used to go there on boats for pussy, even my wife's old ass uncles tried to get me to go there, to hang out, because apparently they did it on a regular, and their women accept that shit. They said what happens in Venezuela stays there, I was tempted but didn't want to fuck up my visa and if you ever watched locked up abroad Venezuela you'd say no also.

Jails with grenades and guns is a no go for me!

Was this before Villa Capri and many other hotels in Trinidad that housed Venezuelan women?

Sadly folks had to mess up a good thing and started having younger and younger females til the police had to step in.


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor

He's correct. You can find Venezuelan women all over the Caribbean now that shit is bad there.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
His vids get way too many views to be terrible. They're literally fucking documentaries at this point. So for you to say nobody cares is completely ridiculous. just say you don't care because the content goes over your head.
do you think Friends was a good show?
His documentaries are garbage. No one cares bro. Watching something doesn't mean you flying out and helping. People don't give a shit. The content doesn't go over my head because it's childish and unproductive.