Man oh Man oh Man... SMH
Some black people will never think we can do it on our own. There salvation will always include a white person. Deal with them if you want to.
Man, I like Vice. I think that they are, for the most part, fair and balanced. My problem with the black conservatives is that they say that same crazy conservative shit.
Conservative Myth: They want to take our guns
Actual Truth: We should just probably make sure that the people buying guns are not BATSHIT CRAZY!!!
Then,black conservatives wants to say the Democrats are racist but ignore the the Republicans
Neither,party have done anything for black people yet they want ignore the Republicans fuckery..
Black people might be the most conservative group in this country when you break down what a conservative really is. The problem is the racist overtones of the party. We do have to hold these racist Democrats to the same standard since they are playing us, too.Fascinating piece.
It helps to reiterate the point that Black people are NOT a monolithically minded people.
It also illustrates that being a "Black Conservative" is probably a somewhat lonely & isolated existence with regards to socializing with other Black people. (Especially after their political leanings are made public).
Some black people will never think we can do it on our own. There salvation will always include a white person. Deal with them if you want to.
Black people might be the most conservative group in this country when you break down what a conservative really is. The problem is the racist overtones of the party. We do have to hold these racist Democrats to the same standard since they are playing us, too.
Yes!! My grams and my parents are conservative, but they are conservative in nature not in name. A person can now be conservative by repeating talking points.Black people might be the most conservative group in this country when you break down what a conservative really is. The problem is the racist overtones of the party. We do have to hold these racist Democrats to the same standard since they are playing us, too.
Man this is tough to watch... So many lost souls.
I can understand why you would have issues with the democratic party... but damn go become an independent.. go join the Green Party. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being a Repub. It's a party that tries to preach Judeo-Christian values as the cornerstone of their beliefs yet they elected a man that is an Internationally known Adultery and Thief.
Candace fucking Owens.You mean that it is insane to say you are a "republican" because of your religion and then support a serial philanderer who goes raw in porn stars and is married to a nude model?
In my experience there are two types of Black republicans: The Ben Carson types and the Omarosa types. The first group (The Ben Carson/Clarence Thomas types) are people who grew up in fucked circumstances and deeply resent other black people. They actually see white people as "saviors" and they genuinely see themselves as different from the other black people.
The second group are simply opportunists and contrarians (Omarosa). They aren't true believers in the same way as the other group but see that the republicans will always have a check and position for a black person who is willing to publicly criticize other black people or question the existence of racism/discrimination.
Exactly! This muhfucka is THE most openly racist Politician in 30 years and this bitch and her cohorts completely ignore it and project it onto the Democratic Party.Damn this Black chick went out duck hunting with the Racist Steve king...