Vice: The Young Black Conservatives of Trump’s America AKA Coons on Parade..


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I've yet to watch and wasn't planning on it. After Surviving R Kelly I don't know how much more dumb nigga shit I can take :smh:


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Fascinating piece.
It helps to reiterate the point that Black people are NOT a monolithically minded people. :dunno:
It also illustrates that being a "Black Conservative" is probably a somewhat lonely & isolated existence with regards to socializing with other Black people. (Especially after their political leanings are made public).

I've always wondered how their (Black) families and friends feel about them and their political views...
Black people hold a lot of Conservative values but these Republicans are on some different shit and it's designed to shut out any non white people from any power, leverage, or decent footing that would result in them taking an L.
When these Negro Mockingbirds spew their Conservative CAC talking points, they identify and affiliate themselves with white folks and their survival or intent to remain on top at any cost.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
The brother's @ 24:13 got them on the ropes

Thats the thing that kills me...

These Repub Koolaid sippers refuse to say anything bad about dude... Like nothing..

I fucking love Obama... but I'm still pissed about the NSA shit. Like legit disappointed at how he approached homeland Security..

I'll say that to his face right now..

But these Chicks can't even say that Trump is wrong for saying he likes to grab women by the pussy...

Man Shit is wild....
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Some black people will never think we can do it on our own. There salvation will always include a white person. Deal with them if you want to.
This type attitude is prevalent in our community. If it ain’t white it ain’t right. Always need massa to co-sign everything.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black people might be the most conservative group in this country when you break down what a conservative really is. The problem is the racist overtones of the party. We do have to hold these racist Democrats to the same standard since they are playing us, too.

Black people hold a lot of Conservative values but these Republicans are on some different shit and it's designed to shut out any non white people from any power, leverage, or decent footing that would result in them taking an L.
When these Negro Mockingbirds spew their Conservative CAC talking points, they identify and affiliate themselves with white folks and their survival or intent to remain on top at any cost.

100% cosign with both of you guys on this.
Speaking for myself; I personally have no particular issue with Conservatives values per say, on a number of social talking points.
I do however; have MAJOR problems with The G.O.P/Republican Party on the whole with regards to several of their policies and practices.
Because when you really think about it, there really is a difference between being a conservative and being a Republican. Being one doesn't mean you're automatically the other.
And as you guys pointed out, many, many Blacks are (in fact) Conservatives both fiscally and ethically but tend to be more liberal/progressive thinking in regards to social ideals & policies.

Unfortunately though; the Republican Party is so wrapped up using racist standards and practices like (The Southern Strategy, Voter Suppression, Union Busting, Minimum Wage Increase Denial, Universal Health Care Denial, Wall Building etc...) which causes Blacks and other minorities to vehemently flee/oppose the very party with which they otherwise have much in common with.... :smh:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was painful to watch.....geez...:smh:

I don't understand,why folks think having gun reform equals taking away your guns..... shit makes no sense..I dont want a mentally unstable person to have a gun yet Republicans go around and say they have a right to have a gun...Hell,Missouri returned a blind man's gun after he shot his friend......really...

Then,black conservatives wants to say the Democrats are racist but ignore the the Republicans

Neither,party have done anything for black people yet they want ignore the Republicans fuckery..

Dont they know,white folks want it how it used to be before Civil Rights....Hell,they're already doing it now....

You gotta love how that woman say,if you dont an ID you shouldn't vote...Dont her stupid ass know that there are many elderly that's been voting before her and her mother was even born....

And,the mother is a piece of shit too....Talking about Christians are getting murdered by machetes in Africa yet ignore the very long history of Christians killing folks,who dont convert to their stupid religion...:hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:

there was so much mind fuckery to uncover in that coon lady it aint even funny, its sad & frustrating & sadder to watch and notice how most of the girls had that "wanna be valley type accent" ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
100% cosign with both of you guys on this.
Speaking for myself; I personally have no particular issue with Conservatives values per say, on a number of social talking points.
I do however; have MAJOR problems with The G.O.P/Republican Party on the whole with regards to several of their policies and practices.
Because when you really think about it, there really is a difference between being a conservative and being a Republican. Being one doesn't mean you're automatically the other.
And as you guys pointed out, many, many Blacks are (in fact) Conservatives both fiscally and ethically but tend to be more liberal/progressive thinking in regards to social ideals & policies.

Unfortunately though; the Republican Party is so wrapped up using racist standards and practices like (The Southern Strategy, Voter Suppression, Union Busting, Minimum Wage Increase Denial, Universal Health Care Denial, Wall Building etc...) which causes Blacks and other minorities to vehemently flee/oppose the very party with which they otherwise have much in common with.... :smh:

Well said
Watched the video and agreed with the sentiment that black americans have to start challenging the dnc and let them know they cant just expect to get black votes for free and take the black vote for granted. Its the same sentiment shared by a lot of the "dont vote" peeps.
The problem is how can you align yourself with a party that has supporters and candidates that are CLEARLY white supremacists? Wonder how many of the black republicans in the video would have marched with their comrades in charlottesville last year


Rising Star
Damn, damn, damn!! I could only take 2mins of that video, I saw where it was going!! Im speechless!!! Im ghost, I dont wanna listen or comment on this madness!! Thanks for putting that video up and letting people see whats going on around us!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well said
Watched the video and agreed with the sentiment that black americans have to start challenging the dnc and let them know they cant just expect to get black votes for free and take the black vote for granted. Its the same sentiment shared by a lot of the "dont vote" peeps.
The problem is how can you align yourself with a party that has supporters and candidates that are CLEARLY white supremacists? Wonder how many of the black republicans in the video would have marched with their comrades in charlottesville last year

How can these brothers & sisters WILLINGLY attach themselves to a political party and a way of life that very clearly is about the suppression and oppression of Black and Brown people?
Which is why I'm always curious to see how the Black family members of these brothers & sisters feel about them and their political leanings. I mean, generally speaking, most families (or intimate relationships) these folks seem to have or be in are interracial ones.
Classic Comedy Example:


I'm honestly hard pressed to recall seeing a Black family of Conservatives or a Black couple who are Republicans.

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Is Michelle Obama a coon for hugging up on George W Bush??? By looking at how they feel up on each other and by how she’d ride for him you can tell she gave up the happy dugout!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor