You have to be careful on these platforms that appear open to all content creators.
Other forms of media can inherently filter by terminating their employment or not hiring such as CNN, MSNBC, or newspapers; assassination is not really needed to shut you down. They have assassinated journalist like Gary Webb reporting on the intelligence community allowing drugs into the country but it is rare. They want to exert this form of control over the social media space even though it is not readily evident. Many time they can use their algorithms to take you out, but word of mouth can bypass these mechanism, leaving them no other choice.
The same practices are readily evident in the social media space as with corporate media. There is a certain type they are looking to promote at all costs...
1. having a gay white lover,
2. promoting products that contract manufactured overseas,
3. promoting colleges in lieu of manufacturing jobs,
4. attack legitimate black thought leaders such as me,
5. promoting transgenderism over black issues,
6. linking transgenderism to the fight for equality through Civil Rights,
7. biracial,
8. cosigning tough on crime/mass incarceration
9. inter-racial dating,
10. fighting for abortion rights,
11. Promoting immigration/LGBTQ issues over interest of the black community,
12. Cop propaganda
You can see President Biden or Obama following this checklist when they pick one of us for a critical position. This plays out in the movie industry, political, or news outlets.
COINTELPRO, how can I avoid ending up like Kevin Samuels?
You can use black social media outlets or forums to reduce your risk factor greatly, disguise your appearance, and your real name if you do go onto their platforms. If you notice your views or subscriber count is skyrocketing, than beef up security.