Here are the unwritten rules for Youtube, if you want to use the platform.
1. having a gay white lover,
2. promoting products that contract manufactured overseas,
3. promoting colleges in lieu of manufacturing jobs,
4. attack legitimate black thought leaders such as me,
5. promoting transgenderism over black issues,
6. linking transgenderism to the fight for equality through Civil Rights,
7. biracial,
8. cosigning tough on crime/mass incarceration
9. inter-racial dating,
10. fighting for abortion rights,
11. Promoting immigration/LGBTQ issues over interest of the black community (Van Jones crying when President Biden was elected).
12. Cop propaganda
13. Obesity, while the physically attractive black women is with a white man.
14. Promoting credit repair or bad credit products, to infer that we are poor credit risks.
Lastly, Kevin Samuels was contra white replacement theory by promoting relationship and procreating on their platform. It is about being with your homeboy over a seal that your are unloading on everyday. His death has some ties to the Buffalo shooter. This is why I find the U.S. unlivable, because of the active measures being taken.
If they feel they are being encroached or replaced, trust, there are active measure being taken to fix this 'problem'