Washington DC Family - Stop sign cameras, $100 each???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wonder how they get you if you're from a state that only has rear plates? I didn't see a 360 camera in the video.
Like someone said they do front and back pictures. Plus, they will have a link where you can watch video of you getting caught. The good news is they can't enforce any of those tickets if the car is registered outside of DC. However, they will put that shit on your credit report no matter where you live, if I remember correctly.

I still laugh when the the Governor of Maryland told DC to kick rocks a couple of years of ago, when DC was trying to do a reciprocal enforcement program with MD and VA.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I got a parking ticket in DC once because there was an event going on in the street and I needed to pull my right side tires up on the curb to be out of the way.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Yall asking about local politicians, who do you think pockets getting lined for installing those in their areas.

These nuccas get approached by these companies and get their palms greased long before they are installed. They will show all kinds of BS data that pedestrians struck are reduced while their pockets gotten fat.

Like the red light cameras that used to be out here in Houston. They removed many of them when they increased accidents and had no reduction of any accidents.

Then on top of it all, it's some company out of Arizona that was the "police reviewer" that determines if to issue a ticket.

Think of all the money they making.
Even if you stop and touch that white line, you getting a ticket and can't dispute it.



Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
We have the new advance models everywhere here that don't need a flash and have night vision. They are even on the side streets and the city says they will be adding more.


Phantom of the Chakras
BGOL Investor
We used to register vehicles in VA for cuz ya didn't need insurance....lol I think they just closed that loophole

Now if you a MD or VA driver and get spotted owing in dc they tow your shit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yall asking about local politicians, who do you think pockets getting lined for installing those in their areas.

These nuccas get approached by these companies and get their palms greased long before they are installed. They will show all kinds of BS data that pedestrians struck are reduced while their pockets gotten fat.

Like the red light cameras that used to be out here in Houston. They removed many of them when they increased accidents and had no reduction of any accidents.

Then on top of it all, it's some company out of Arizona that was the "police reviewer" that determines if to issue a ticket.

Think of all the money they making.
Even if you stop and touch that white line, you getting a ticket and can't dispute it.

Luckily, I never got a ticket for tapping the line at a camera light. here you have to be flashed going through the intersection as for as I can tell.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Luckily, I never got a ticket for tapping the line at a camera light. here you have to be flashed going through the intersection as for as I can tell.
Yeah the typical red light camera yes have to cross the threshold, but the woman in the vid said these stop sign cams, as you touch the line, it's a ticket. They must have a sensor at the line by rhe sign as well.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah this shit is bad....There is one on the intersection on Bladensburg RD and South Dakota Ave and that shit gets people all the damn time....The one on New York Ave. and Bladensburg is a fucking money maker also....

What's crazy, even if you stop and go over that white line...TICKET!

What they didn't say is if you don't pay it within 30 days, that shit will double...Out of towners will get a ticket also....
Not coming to a complete stop, they deserve a ticket. That is not asking a lot. If they are hitting people up who are a inch or so over the white line, that is excessive


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not coming to a complete stop, they deserve a ticket. That is not asking a lot. If they are hitting people up who are a inch or so over the white line, that is excessive
100% agree esp with the number of pedestrians there are in DC. Can’t tell you the number of times I’ve almost been hit by car because an idiot ran the stop sign. When I come to a crosswalk and it’s a car stopping. I let those fuckers just go because everyone is in a damn hurry.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Even AAA called them out a few years ago

DC deemed ‘predatory’ after raking in more than $1B in traffic fines​

Madison DibbleFebruary 21, 2020 8:20 pm
The traffic enforcement in Washington, D.C., has crossed the line into predatory behavior, according to a report from AAA.

The nation’s capital raked in more than $1 billion from traffic violations in 2019. The record-breaking amount caught the attention of AAA, an insurance provider, who deemed the city’s enforcement of moving violations and parking tickets “predatory.”

“I don’t know another local jurisdiction in the entire nation that has generated as much money from traffic tickets, parking tickets, and moving violations,” John Townsend, a public relations manager for AAA Mid-Atlantic, told WJLA. “That tells us that things are out of control and out of hand in the District of Columbia.”

D.C. has the 20th largest population in the United States but managed to surpass all other cities in traffic citation revenue. Townsend said the disparity in revenue between D.C. and other cities stems from the much larger fees assessed to drivers in the city. He argued that the high fees, which were passed under the guise of safety, don’t actually make residents safer.

“We’ve looked high and low. We looked across the globe, and we have not found one major study that proves there is a link between the amount of the fine and compliance,” Townsend said.

WJLA requested records from the city to review whether the high fines resulted in fewer accidents or deaths, but city officials claimed they did not track that data.

The fines from traffic citations surpassed the combined revenue raised from taxes on alcohol, cigarettes, fuel, vehicles, licenses, permits, property, and estate taxes. Parking citations alone brought in $375 million.

Townsend said AAA would likely change the city’s ranking from “strict enforcement zone” to a “traffic trap.” He added, “It is predatory ticketing. That’s precisely what it is. And I defy the District to say otherwise.”

He also noted AAA would be revoking its support for the city’s automated enforcement program, which is a system of traffic cameras that can issue citations. Typically, the revenue from traffic cameras tapers off as more residents become aware of the location of the devices and start driving safely in the area. However, in D.C. revenue has remained steady, leaving Townsend to believe the cameras are just being used to surprise drivers and rake in revenue, rather than changing drivers’ behavior.

He said, “No one really believes this is about traffic safety any longer, which is the reason we’re withdrawing support for the automated enforcement program in the District.”
DC fines are ridiculous....I don't know if they have more cameras than PG, Mo County or Bmore and I think MoCo started that camera shit TBH but nobody beats DC when it comes to the amount of the fines. You gotta pay that shit quick because that thing doubles up on you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
DC fines are ridiculous....I don't know if they have more cameras than PG, Mo County or Bmore and I think MoCo started that camera shit TBH but nobody beats DC when it comes to the amount of the fines. You gotta pay that shit quick because that thing doubles up on you.

DC is Capitalism at it's finest!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Losers would be outta staters like you.. only transplants living in certain areas paying that much.. I got a 3 bedroom for under 1500 in Harlem.. if it was located downtown they would charge cacs and transplants prob 7000 or above.. it’s nice not being born a gullible cac or transplant… to bad that isn’t the same case for dc when it comes to stop signs, dogs getting walked on black campuses, getting invaded by cacs, and having your music silenced
A nigga in harlem talking about a cac invasion... You're a special kinda stupid.

Oh, and heres the aftermath to that "music silenced" bullshit from 5 years ago you keep running back...

An apology and back to crank. Bitch Nigga.

The District.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hate to say it. But only in Democratic run cities
Hate to say it, it works out better than getting excessively stopped and ticketed in red states adding points to your license and messing up your insurance.

At least with automated cameras, they don't go on your driving record or cause your insurance rates to go up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hate to say it, it works out better than getting excessively stopped and ticketed in red states adding points to your license and messing up your insurance.

At least with automated cameras, they don't go on your driving record or cause your insurance rates to go up.
Word? I was wondering how that worked.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hate to say it, it works out better than getting excessively stopped and ticketed in red states adding points to your license and messing up your insurance.

At least with automated cameras, they don't go on your driving record or cause your insurance rates to go up.

This is a FACT...

The number of tickets I got in DC, not once did my insurance go up.......I am sure DC got a few stacks out of me....


Rising Star
This is a FACT...

The number of tickets I got in DC, not once did my insurance go up.......I am sure DC got a few stacks out of me....
Yeah but after a certain amount within a certain time period you gotta go see DMV at least in my state.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah but after a certain amount within a certain time period you gotta go see DMV at least in my state.
DC don't give a fuck as long as you are paying the tickets.. Lol.
Word? I was wondering how that worked.
It's some sort of legal issue as to why they can't add points to your license. If I can find the exact reason, I will post it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah but after a certain amount within a certain time period you gotta go see DMV at least in my state.
Yeah DC don’t care. They about that money.

DC always and will be about the MONEY. Unlike the Bible states, DC gives ZERO Fucks about that moral shit. If it make money, it makes sense.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
A nigga in harlem talking about a cac invasion... You're a special kinda stupid.

Oh, and heres the aftermath to that "music silenced" bullshit from 5 years ago you keep running back...

An apology and back to crank. Bitch Nigga.

The District.
Old nig read the room everybody shitting on your land about how thirsty your area is for money.. i Guess you like giving your authority figures money like you like white people having dogs shit on your black campus and chinks stealing your black condiments and getting rich off of it.. go be like your ex mayor and smoke some crack with your mumbo sauce. The district


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Old nig read the room everybody shitting on your land about how thirsty your area is for money..
Fuck em. You think i give a fuck about a bunch grown ass niggas bitching about tickets they can prevent by stopping at a got dam stop sign? Good thing you Harlem niggas wont have to worry about it considering none of you NY niggas actually own cars. Go hop a subway turnstile and get beatdown by them bigot dego trash cops.. you fucking bum.

And while you keep talking that dog shit on grass bullshit... Ill take that over getting choked to death for hustlin loosey cigarettes you fucking mutt.

The District.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Fuck em. You think i give a fuck about a bunch grown ass niggas bitching about tickets they can prevent by stopping at a got dam stop sign? Good thing you Harlem niggas wont have to worry about it considering none of you NY niggas actually own cars. Go hop a subway turnstile and get beatdown by them bigot dego trash cops.. you fucking bum.

And while you keep talking that dog shit on grass bullshit... Ill take that over getting choked to death for hustlin loosey cigarettes you fucking mutt.

The District.
I ride the train once a yr and I never hustled cigs in the street guess your wishes will be denied.. of course you let white people shit on your grass you old ass coon you probably sit in the back of the bus cause you don’t want to upset white folks, probably don’t drink at the same fountain cause you don’t believe you privileged enough.. probably walk around with that Sam Jackson Django suit you angry how a nig riding a horse looking ass nig.... go sip on your gentrified mambo sauce the district


Rising Star
Platinum Member
of course you let white people shit on your grass
Stop talking about grass sir. You have none. Now go pray your pissy elevator isnt out of order so you wont have to walk up six flights of steps to go in that broom closet you call an apartment. Bum ass nigga.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Stop talking about grass sir. You have none. Now go pray your pissy elevator isnt out of order so you wont have to walk up six flights of steps to go in that broom closet you call an apartment. Bum ass nigga.
no piss, multiple elevators, laundry room,indoor parking lot, million dollar gym.. they actually consider my shit luxury condos.. I know you wish I lived in the projects or was poor but I’m none of those things.. the district