We were fine, then Islam arrived…


Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is a simplified "punch line" type of thread, made to play on the emotions of people who won't think and dog wistle to the other CACs on this board.

A more important question would be what happened to Islam and that whole culture after it's rather progressive Golden Age.
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Platinum Member
Interesting, funny how these are labeled the problem in the world



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So which country was a shithole before the war on terror. Iraq, Libya, Kuwait Somalia. The american powers that be went to war with the middle east over oil and money not religion. We drop trillions of dollars worth of bombs on a country then call it a shithole. Really.


SINCE 1998
BGOL Investor
So which country was a shithole before the war on terror. Iraq, Libya, Kuwait Somalia. The american powers that be went to war with the middle east over oil and money not religion. We drop trillions of dollars worth of bombs on a country then call it a shithole. Really.
Same concept in AmeriKKKa with Christianity.
Black people work hard , buy land, build businesses build families.
White Christians come in and burn it down, steal what's left,
destroy what they cant use, make laws that are directed at incarcerating black people,
while working vigorously to keep them from changing the laws and conditioning their minds to think being broke is
the way they should be simply because they are black,
then they say "Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Yall are lazy and wont work for anything
And destroy everything you touch". We have our own version of this right here in this country.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah @Mask This some propaganda bullshit.....

those london cacs have themselves to blame moreso for brexit than Islam and Muslims for the issues in their country

Sn: I thought only thugs and uncivilized animals riot and destroy their own neighborhoods.......... hmmm


Platinum Member
Yeah @Mask This some propaganda bullshit.....

those london cacs have themselves to blame moreso for brexit than Islam and Muslims for the issues in their country

Sn: I thought only thugs and uncivilized animals riot and destroy their own neighborhoods.......... hmmm
No lies,

Europeans have really showed their ass over the last few years…


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Same concept in AmeriKKKa with Christianity.
Black people work hard , buy land, build businesses build families.
White Christians come in and burn it down, steal what's left,
destroy what they cant use, make laws that are directed at incarcerating black people,
while working vigorously to keep them from changing the laws and conditioning their minds to think being broke is
the way they should be simply because they are black,
then they say "Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Yall are lazy and wont work for anything
And destroy everything you touch". We have our own version of this right here in this country.


and make us think we come from somewhere else when OUR HOLY LAND

OUR LAND OF MILK AND HONEY IS RIGHT HERE... no matter how much they try and fuck with our

food and water, more will just grow and clean crisp water will come from the ground...



watch how fast shit will cease..... we still got fools thinkin they some gatdam african american.... which makes no fuckin sense,

a white south african can come here and be african amerian... how fuckin retarded is that??


All we have to do is REALIZE this and KARMIC PAYBACK will ensue and we wouldnt have to lift a finger....

the spirit of depression will cause our enemies to blow their own brains out....

cant just take shit from a people thats been good to you and think their would be no karmic payback...

I dont even want reparations at this point..

I just want to watch the show...!! and its going to be a TRAGEDY for the GLUTTONOUS.COLONIZERS.. A COMEDY FOR THE


let the show BEGIN!!
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BGOL Investor
Can it holds up to statements like this


America is a shit hole.. look at California Texas, Louisiana, Georgia .. mostly red states are the ones discriminating and yet now you blaming Arabic people? Are you retarded, dumb or stupid? what's your education level? Exactly don't blame others for americas mistakes.. .. thousand of displaced people.. RICH people feeding you fake propaganda.. while the poor starve and your eating it up...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's more like my formula

Insert religion here (blank spot) + Weak minded people = Problems

Which is similar to my other formula

Insert type of gun here (blank spot) + Weak minded people = Problems


Platinum Member
Thats not how it went bro.
West did the same dirty tactics they did in Africa. But let them tell they always the victim

I understand it didn’t go like that…

Kinfolk From what I’ve seen, your statement has no Iies


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Literally every know religion has extremists...that believe every other faith is devil worship and should be destroyed..Then you even have sects within world religions that are sworn to hate/murder even members of the same faith that may have relatively small philosophical/historical differences.?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Evangelical Leaders Call Out Danger as 'Prophets' Tie God to Donald Trump

Evangelical leaders are calling out the danger of endorsing political candidates from the pulpit as the nation witnesses a rise in pro-Trump "prophets," who claim God has anointed the former president as the chosen one.

Kimberly Reisman, executive director of World Methodist Evangelism, warned last week that doing so hurts Christians across the country. And Carl Nelson, president of Transform Minnesota, cautioned that many endorsements from church leaders fail to "hold that candidate accountable to the full spectrum of values we represent."

"God can use leaders from all parties, and to equate God's will with the will of any political party or person is exceedingly dangerous and a threat to the overall witness of Christians in the United States,
" Reisman said in a July 31 statement.

In recent years, a number of influential evangelical figures have come forward and spoken about receiving prophecies about former President Donald Trump as a secular messiah who will deliver conservative Christians from cultural exile. Many of them have gone viral, telling thousands and even millions of people that God will reinstate Trump in the White House, leaving their followers hanging on to promises of a second Trump term.

Matthew D. Taylor, a senior scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian and Jewish Studies, told Newsweek, that much of this began with Paula White-Cain, the prosperity gospel televangelist whom Trump chose to be his liaison with the evangelical community in 2015.

Taylor said that while White-Cain didn't know many A-listers on the religious right, she was well connected among prophets and charismatic megachurch pastors.

"Those are the people she starts bringing in to meet with Donald Trump in the fall of 2015, and this is where you start to see this energy and this move of prophecies about Donald Trump really start to surge," Taylor said.

"When Trump wins in 2016, those prophets look like they really hit the nail on the head. They accurately predicted what everyone was saying wouldn't happen,"
he continued. "This just led to a proliferation, and by the 2020 campaign there are hundreds of these prophecies from different prophets, each claiming that God spoke to them individually and said that Donald Trump was destined to have a second term."

Those include Julie Green, a popular preacher who has risen to celebrity status on former national security adviser Michael Flynn's ReAwaken America tour, MAGA pastor Shane Vaughn and Pentecostal pastor Johnny Enlow, who promised his followers in 2021 that Trump would be restored to power before the next presidential election.

When Trump was grazed by a bullet during a Pennsylvania rally last month, some said the shooting was part of a wider series of prophecies.

Charlie Shamp told his 1,260,000 Instagram followers that he had twice predicted the assassination attempt. Amanda Grace, who has 239,000 YouTube subscribers, went live on the platform to link her prophecies to the incident. Brandon Biggs became popular overnight after an old video of him discussing an "attempt on [Trump's] life" recirculated.

For those who believe Trump carries the Christian vision for America, the assassination attempt "cemented that narrative," Taylor said. These prophets may be amassing large followings, but evangelical leaders are increasingly against the idea of political endorsements.

The National Association of Evangelicals' May/June Evangelical Leaders Survey found that 98 percent of leaders say pastors should not endorse politicians from the pulpit, a nearly double-digit uptick since 2017. That year, 89 percent answered no when asked "Should pastors endorse politicians from the pulpit?"

"This language of spiritual warfare has gotten more and more infused into our politics," Taylor said, adding that the danger of polarizing religious discourse is that it radicalizes the right.

"If you believe that every policy dispute, every election is an arena of constant combat between good and evil, you have no motivation to ever compromise or negotiate," he said. "What negotiation is there with allies and demons?"

Taylor also expressed concern that as yet another extremely polarized election nears, this rhetoric is "at an even higher fever pitch than it was in 2020." With Trump leaning into these narratives of prophecy, he said, "we could be coming into a very harrowing season for American democracy."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This one is jew propaganda. All religion is useless unless it's used for manipulation of the populous.

dont let demons fool you, SATANIST want you to think all religions are bad, notice when you speak of Organized religions,

and how "bad' and "manipulating" they are, we mention all religions but never ever SATANISM see how slick the devil is,

convinced the world his faggot demon ass an pussy way of life we call religions does NOT exist,

so everybody gets rid of their belief system


Platinum Member
What the fuck is this shit @Mask ?

Saw this on tumblr and felt the account holder was hating on Islam.
Just wanted to get folks opinion on the shit he posted.
I’m not a historian on this matter. I’ve been around here long enough to know, many here have outstanding knowledge.

Some are under the impression, that this is my viewpoint but it’s whatever


Rising Star
OG Investor
So which country was a shithole before the war on terror. Iraq, Libya, Kuwait Somalia. The american powers that be went to war with the middle east over oil and money not religion. We drop trillions of dollars worth of bombs on a country then call it a shithole. Really.
"We" give countries trillions of dollars to other countries and throw citizens in jail over thousands of dollars (taxes). There is a history of ludicrous behavior.