We were fine, then Islam arrived…


Day 1 member
BGOL Investor
dont let demons fool you, SATANIST want you to think all religions are bad, notice when you speak of Organized religions,

and how "bad' and "manipulating" they are, we mention all religions but never ever SATANISM see how slick the devil is,

convinced the world his faggot demon ass an pussy way of life we call religions does NOT exist,

so everybody gets rid of their belief system
Nah bro...believing in some unseen/imaginary diety that another human ''told'' you about is preposterous and void of logic. XtiAns/wiccan/Judaism/Satanism/scientology/
flying spaghetti monster....fairytales. I won't dog nobody's beliefs...just don't force that b.s. my way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah bro...believing in some unseen/imaginary diety that another human ''told'' you about is preposterous and void of logic. XtiAns/wiccan/Judaism/Satanism/scientology/
flying spaghetti monster....fairytales. I won't dog nobody's beliefs...just don't force that b.s. my way.

I feel you

I won't dog your religion of atheism either

Everybody a winner..

But the hating ass losers...

Oh yeah..atheism is a belief system

Don't fool yourself!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Another made up religion by the Roman Catholic Church that venerates the female principle.

The Society of Jesus has the records of this in the Vatican archives.
People don't realize this

Not to mention it's stealing from every other major spiritual belief system

And always have the nerve to cry"victim"
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American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor

historically, as you progress through time, you will eventually encounter a powerful triad of religions: christianity, islam and judaism.all of these religions have had strong mass appeal and persuasive powers,and they remain the most powerful tools in the western world's arsenal of controlling forces. these religions serve as the ultimate sentry for western world interests. they were developed and are perpetuated to preserve past gains, enhance present gains, and ensure future gains


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People don't realize this

Not to mention it's stealing from every other major spiritual belief system

And always have the nerve to cry"victim"
They are stuck on stupid and not looking internally for their search of external answers.

Islam and Wicca are the fastest growing religions on the planet right now, both promoting the same thing.


Day 1 member
BGOL Investor
I feel you

I won't dog your religion of atheism either

Everybody a winner..

But the hating ass losers...

Oh yeah..atheism is a belief system

Don't fool yourself!!
Belief system? It absolutely is....it believes that there is no god.

A Religion? Not at all....it's stupid to think it is.

Imagine being a FOOL and believing that a sky pappy is all knowing and omnipotent but has US here on earth with the very entity he banished...whining about humans not living by rules it made up millennia ago.

Last thing birth defects... bruh.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are stuck on stupid and not looking internally for their search of external answers.

Islam and Wicca are the fastest growing religions on the planet right now, both promoting the same thing.
I’m so tired of hearing about how fast Islam is growing
Let us discuss the 3 choices
1 accept Islam on your free will
2 be taxed to continue practicing your own religion
3 be conquered and forced to covert
So much for peace huh


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Belief system? It absolutely is....it believes that there is no god.

A Religion? Not at all....it's stupid to think it is.

Imagine being a FOOL and believing that a sky pappy is all knowing and omnipotent but has US here on earth with the very entity he banished...whining about humans not living by rules it made up millennia ago.

Last thing birth defects... bruh.

religion is just a way one lives life,

you can do anything religiously...

and you religiously do believe there is no



imagine being a fool that doesnt understand

divine order

sucks to be that guy....

most folks are given the childrens version..

of religion...

the science of religion is reserved for the

financial elite...

for example,,,the masses of christians get water down...


the elite amongst them get the science of Christianity..


you aint ready and I aint mad at ya


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah bro...believing in some unseen/imaginary diety that another human ''told'' you about is preposterous and void of logic. XtiAns/wiccan/Judaism/Satanism/scientology/
flying spaghetti monster....fairytales. I won't dog nobody's beliefs...just don't force that b.s. my way.
get them cobwebs off your energy centers...

and feel The Creator... the great


those that have eyes let them see

you like that one hit wonder group.





Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It would be ok if they just wanted to exist alongside every other religion. They want to change every other religion into islam and they won't stop until they do. That is where the problem comes in!


Day 1 member
BGOL Investor
To do something ''religiously'' is a euphemism not an example of the true definition of the word. Is there a divine order to things? Who knows... But hey bro...tantamount to believers' is to think humans are the pinnacle of creation. I'm not trying to soften your resolve nor shit on your system of belief. I do enjoy an intelligent perspective that differs from my own SOMETIMES

Stay prayed up bro...hakuna matata.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You can do your own research but it’s multiple credible sources that display how Islam stole from other religions and changed it to fit their own agenda
No images of Muhammad huh


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m extremely tired of Muslims doing this “the prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) superhero “ stories. Every time they bring him up it’s some one upping thing with Christians and Jesus smh shit it’s frustrating. Oh his last words were this, he prayed so much this, yeah well he also said you should beat you wife if she lets someone you don’t like sit on your bed. Stop with the mystical elaborated tales.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some are under the impression, that this is my viewpoint but it’s whatever

A simple disclaimer would have cleared that up.

I've posted topics that did not line up with my opinions and stated as such in the first or second post