What unpopular opinions do you have?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unpopular opinion/question

I'm seeing more single women with multiple kids by multiple men struggling to find boyfriends/relations and in some cases struggling just to find a regular sex partner many of them are not finding relationships until all of their kids are grown and out of the house.

Is this a case of niggas being less thirsty or social skills diminishing with this generation?


Rising Star
Democrats and Republicans are the same party.. They play the divide agenda on 85% of the population, just to keep them distracted and divided!! So, they won't snap outta the trance and figure out they have been deceived and fucked over by those they voted for!!!


Rising Star
Covid-19 is being used as the biggest distraction!! To keep the masses looking to the right and never glance to the left and witness our rights being tossed out the windows, mandatory vaccines getting ready, digital currency being kick started, the selection of the internal chip or mark, laws to enforce social distancing and no more than 10 people in a group and the tracking of all citizens, the beginning of UBI and the only way you get it if you get ur yearly shots, no shots the chip or mark won't allow you to do anything in this world.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Covid-19 is being used as the biggest distraction!! To keep the masses looking to the right and never glance to the left and witness our rights being tossed out the windows, mandatory vaccines getting ready, digital currency being kick started, the selection of the internal chip or mark, laws to enforce social distancing and no more than 10 people in a group and the tracking of all citizens, the beginning of UBI and the only way you get it if you get ur yearly shots, no shots the chip or mark won't allow you to do anything in this world.
What is UBI?


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
Unpopular opinion/question

I'm seeing more single women with multiple kids by multiple men struggling to find boyfriends/relations and in some cases struggling just to find a regular sex partner many of them are not finding relationships until all of their kids are grown and out of the house.

Is this a case of niggas being less thirsty or social skills diminishing with this generation?

Men of means and men who value their time, money and energy have little use for a woman who will be a drain on all three. You add up the woman, her kids, and multiple fathers; even at two other men, that’s five drains on your resources (your very life is at stake dealing with some of these birds and the irresponsible bottom dwellers they decide to breed with). Who has time to deal with that bullshit? Plus you know they aint take BC as evidenced by the fuck trophies she already has; whose trying to be the next daddy on that SummerJam screen? Not anyone with any common sense.

Time has helped men realize that being the savior for these bad decision making birds is only good for the bird. And dudes aint less thristy but social media allows them to filter out and volume mack at a rate old heads like me, who was spittin heavy with success when BlackPlanet was the big shit, can’t even dream of.
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I IT!!!



Rising Star

Dragon ball Z the most overrated anime of all time. Was hyped for this shit as a kid but now I look back on it and can’t believe how dumb it was. Also Dragon ball Super main character should be Vegeta and Goku should be dead.

One piece so overrated....goofy ass animation, fights aren’t that hype and story is being dragged out way too long


Hip hop is in a great state.
*LarryJune underrated
*Juelz Santana will forever be ass never understood the hype around dude
*Kanye West Shitted on Teanna Taylor career I believe if she was on another label she would be bigger

Random shit:

*Joe Budden has one of the best podcast out
* Every light skin bitch with baby hairs ain’t fine
* OJ did it (for once the law worked in a black mans favor)

got tons more but I gotta take this call brb


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can predict if a bitch has the clap by sticking my finger in my ear and then in her pussy, if it burns her I know.
I also believe that hitting a bitch doggy style makes her butt bigger.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Many black people are lazy scam artists who have no intention of ever working.
Many black people are incredibly ignorant and never paid attention in school.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There will never be Black Unity. We simply hate and cannot trust each other.


Rising Star
There will never be Black Unity. We simply hate and cannot trust each other.

You gotta point.. However, USA Inc spends billions of dollars a year to keep us divided and from ever uniting!! And they have the perfect tool to pull this off and it's called the television, media, entertainment and sports industries!! If our people could unplug from the TV, that would be a huge first step!! As usual ain't nobody listening!! So, the madness goes on...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Many black people are lazy scam artists who have no intention of ever working.
Many black people are incredibly ignorant and never paid attention in school.

The greatest con the white race has done is make the world believe their race is the gold standard while making the world believe black people are the lowest of the low.

Are we a perfect race? Nope, but to say "many" are lazy scam artists is bullshit when you look at the full scope of what's been laid in front of us throughout history. Cacs are the biggest scam artists on the planet and it's not even close.

We're a product of our environment... they've shredded our identity, thrown us in the slums, limit our resources, filled our communities with mental & physical poison, conned us in believing we're on an equal playing field all while making sure to derail us from advancing economically in every aspect imaginable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Many does not equal most.
Fact remains.

The greatest con the white race has done is make the world believe their race is the gold standard while making the world believe black people are the lowest of the low.

Are we a perfect race? Nope, but to say "many" are lazy scam artists is bullshit when you look at the full scope of what's been laid in front of us throughout history. Cacs are the biggest scam artists on the planet and it's not even close.

We're a product of our environment... they've shredded our identity, thrown us in the slums, limit our resources, filled our communities with mental & physical poison, conned us in believing we're on an equal playing field all while making sure to derail us from advancing economically in every aspect imaginable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black people love blaming other people for the bullshit they do.
If you kill another black man - "America has made us hate each other" blah blah blah.
No nigga, you are a grown as man and know not to kill.
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