I got banned from a website for gender shaming for posting this. They accused me of being transphobic for not agreeing that trans women were real women.
But phobia means fear of. While there is a faction of the society who fears trans and fits into the transphobic way, there is a large faction of the rest of us who believe born with a penis means male and born with a vagina means female.
Gender roles and dress can be flipped as is what is typically done in lesbian households where the butch or stud typically takes on the role that the male/man would and the other woman takes the traditional female/woman role.
That most people comprehend as both sides do the role of their job. But studs/butch lesbians don't say they are men, even though they are taking on the role of one.
Our understanding of trans is getting the entire world to call apples oranges when they clearly are not.
Males, if all parts are functional at the time of birth cannot and will not ever give birth as they were born with a penis. They will never have menstrual cramps or menstrate if all parts were functional at birth so they cannot be women, although they can take on a female role and wear female clothing.
A female, if all parts are functional at birth will never produce sperm
100 years from now, anthropologists will say that Caitlyn Jenner has the bone structure of a man and Elliott Page has the bone structure of a female. If it was an apple when it fell from the tree it doesn't hit the ground and become an orange.
Biting into an apple and an orange are completely different as are man and woman. To expect the world to call apples oranges and vice versa defies all logic and makes no sense because not only is it not true, but it can be proven false.
No one is saying trans can't wear the clothes of and take on the role of the opposite sex. They can even surgically modify and become what they believe they should have been. Go nuts. But expecting the world to call apples oranges and go along with an obvious lie is maddening.
I've got nothing against trans, as many people don't. There is no fear. Gender is indeed a fact though the ROLE of that gender is optional as it always has been. There is no debating on what a woman is, with the only logical exception is the 1.7% of people who are like Castor Semenya, who was born intersex.
This isn't as seamless as Cassius Clay changing his name to Muhammad Ali. This is Cassius Clay telling everyone he is a mountain lion when everyone and anyone can see he is a human being. For the apple to become angry that the world won't call it an orange and accept it as a natural orange is attempting to get the world to believe a lie. It doesn't matter if the apples believes they should have been an orange.
Everyone who doesn't believe the apple is an orange is not transphobic, and the argument that comes forth from calling folks transphobic because they won't accept the apple's belief holds no water.