What unpopular opinions do you have?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not going to say there's no such thing as trans, but only 1.7% of people are intersex or actually trans. The rest of those motherfuckers got dealt a bunch of bullshit cards and they didn't like it so they want to cash the cards in but ain't no mother fucking re-deal in life.

If you were born with a penis, you are a dude. If you were born with a vagina you are a chick. The world isn't going to Cave just because you were dealt some horrible cards. Play your fucking hand

If Rachel Dolezal can't be trans black, Bruce Jenner can't be transsexual. He's just a dude who didn't like the way he looked in the mirror

image url host

I get everything you're saying and a person like Caster Semenya who has breasts and a vagina but undescended testicles and a naturally high testosterone count has every right to be happy and comfortable in her body and live her life.

But that doesn't change the fact that she's a biological anomaly in the species and NOT the norm. If her condition was say a quarter of the human species then you could say that what's happening is some kind of evolution/adaptation happening in the species. But the vast majority of people who identify as something other than what they were born as are in fact fully functional males and females with the corresponding reproductive system.

Also terms are getting muddled. As I'm TRYING to understand... sex and gender aren't the same thing just as now man and woman and male and female aren't the same.

Only in the human species do we bend conventional definitions to serve changing POVs. We don't do this with any other species. If you owned a million goats and 5 were born with 3 legs and one eye or ear you wouldn't say oh this normal and how things are supposed to be...you'd say that those goats are an anomaly that can happen from time to time but you wouldn't change all the definitions of male and female goats to accommodate them.

What do you call a horse than a two foot penis between its legs?? I'm not being sarcastic that's a serious question. Because thats where we are in the discussion of the human species today. A human being with a penis or vagina may not be a male or female depending on how they feel about themselves. So when a baby is born and the parents ask the doctor what is it and the doc sees a penis and says, "A boy....MAYBE"


"We wont have a true answer until THEY are 15 or so and THEY decide what THEY are...."

this is where we're at.
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor

I get everything you're saying and a person like Caster Semenya who has breasts and a vagina but undescended testicles and a naturally high testosterone count has every right to be happy and comfortable in her body and live her life.

But that doesn't change the fact that she's a biological anomaly in the species and NOT the norm. If her condition was say a quarter of the human species then you could say that what's happening is some kind of evolution/adaptation happening in the species. But the vast majority of people who identify as something other than what they were born as are in fact fully functional males and females with the corresponding reproductive system.

Also terms are getting muddled. As I'm TRYING to understand... sex and gender aren't the same thing just as now man and woman and male and female aren't the same.

Only in the human species do we bend conventional definitions to serve changing POVs. We don't do this with any other species. If you owned a million goats and 5 were born with 3 legs and one eye or ear you wouldn't say oh this normal and how things are supposed to be...you'd say that those goats are an anomaly that can happen from time to time but you wouldn't change all the definitions of male and female goats to accommodate them.

What do you call a horse than a two foot penis between its legs?? I'm not being sarcastic that's a serious question. Because thats where we are in the discussion of the human species today. A human being with a penis or vagina may not be a male or female depending on how they feel about themselves. So when a baby is born and the parents ask the doctor what is it and the doc sees a penis and says, "A boy....MAYBE"


"We wont have a true answer until THEY are 15 or so and THEY decide what THEY are...."

this is where we're at.
Castor Semenya is exactly who I am speaking of with the 1.7%.

"I feel like a woman," is a Shania Twain song. How can a male say they feel like a woman? Or a female say they feel like a man when they have never been that?

I love my back rubbed Softly and to be lightly rubbed on the back of my neck. Can I say I feel like a cat, or I feel like I should have been a cat?

This is the shit we're dealing with and calling it normal. A man cutting off his penis because he feels like he should have been a woman is insane. He's not trans


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm not going to say there's no such thing as trans, but only 1.7% of people are intersex or actually trans. The rest of those motherfuckers got dealt a bunch of bullshit cards and they didn't like it so they want to cash the cards in but ain't no mother fucking re-deal in life.

If you were born with a penis, you are a dude. If you were born with a vagina you are a chick. The world isn't going to Cave just because you were dealt some cards you deem as horrible, or you don't like. Play your fucking hand

If Rachel Dolezal can't be trans black, Bruce Jenner can't be transsexual. He's just a dude who didn't like the way he looked in the mirror

image url host

Like you said only like 2% are probably legit.

But I think in 2023 people confusing a fetish or a kink with a lifestyle choice.

I don't think cause a woman likes to wear a dress shirt and tie or a man likes to wear heels in their home means they want to change genders.

But now it's all been co opted together to fit an agenda

What is frustrating is that this generation acts like they INVENTED all this sh*t. It's been here forever. And yes there was abuse and prosecution on the lgbtq

However they seem to fail to realize EVERYTHING at one point in history is scorned.

GRAVITY was scorned.

The earth revolving around the sun.

I'm sure Galileo pissed as f*ck that we accepted his her they them faster than THE EARTH REVOLVES AROUND THE SUN.

I got no issues with whatever you want to be however you want.

But this isn't women at the workplace or blacks using water fountains or ramps in public places.

They want to be able to kink 24/7 without judgment and get off on the uncomfortable they cause. That's it. I get it. And many legitimately just want to live in peace

But it may not go the way they think if they keep treating all this with war like tactics.

Especially with kids.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Castor Semenya is exactly who I am speaking of with the 1.7%.

"I feel like a woman," is a Shania Twain song. How can a male say they feel like a woman? Or a female say they feel like a man when they have never been that?

I love my back rubbed Softly and to be lightly rubbed on the back of my neck. Can I say I feel like a cat, or I feel like I should have been a cat?

This is the shit we're dealing with and calling it normal. A man cutting off his penis because he feels like he should have been a woman is insane. He's not trans


But ummm watch in a few months that joke becomes a reality.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor

I get everything you're saying and a person like Caster Semenya who has breasts and a vagina but undescended testicles and a naturally high testosterone count has every right to be happy and comfortable in her body and live her life.

But that doesn't change the fact that she's a biological anomaly in the species and NOT the norm. If her condition was say a quarter of the human species then you could say that what's happening is some kind of evolution/adaptation happening in the species. But the vast majority of people who identify as something other than what they were born as are in fact fully functional males and females with the corresponding reproductive system.

Also terms are getting muddled. As I'm TRYING to understand... sex and gender aren't the same thing just as now man and woman and male and female aren't the same.

Only in the human species do we bend conventional definitions to serve changing POVs. We don't do this with any other species. If you owned a million goats and 5 were born with 3 legs and one eye or ear you wouldn't say oh this normal and how things are supposed to be...you'd say that those goats are an anomaly that can happen from time to time but you wouldn't change all the definitions of male and female goats to accommodate them.

What do you call a horse than a two foot penis between its legs?? I'm not being sarcastic that's a serious question. Because thats where we are in the discussion of the human species today. A human being with a penis or vagina may not be a male or female depending on how they feel about themselves. So when a baby is born and the parents ask the doctor what is it and the doc sees a penis and says, "A boy....MAYBE"


"We wont have a true answer until THEY are 15 or so and THEY decide what THEY are...."

this is where we're at.

Which political ideology and party is promoting this narrative???


(watch geechie run...:D)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They want to be able to kink 24/7 without judgment and get off on the uncomfortable they cause. That's it. I get it. And many legitimately just want to live in peace

But it may not go the way they think if they keep treating all this with war like tactics.

Especially with kids.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
They want to force us to be uncomfortable because they felt they were forced to be uncomfortable for years even though no one was forcing them

They're like the person everybody thought was mute for a long time and no one knew they had their tongue cut out. So some doctor performed surgery and next thing you know not only do they have a tongue now, but they won't shut the fuck up.

24/7 they talk talk talk talk talk because they know they're protected by the LGBTQ Alphabet Brigade, and if anyone says anything to them about their ridiculous Behavior they will be canceled, probably lose their job and any potential Fame they have in the present or future

What I don't get is why is it so fucking important to them that I accept them as being actual real women when they clearly aren't? They don't just want me to silently accept their nonsense, they want me to publicly say it or else


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They want to force us to be uncomfortable because they felt they were forced to be uncomfortable for years even though no one was forcing them

They're like the person everybody thought was mute for a long time and no one knew they had their tongue cut out. So some doctor performed surgery and next thing you know not only do they have a tongue now, but they won't shut the fuck up.

24/7 they talk talk talk talk talk because they know they're protected by the LGBTQ Alphabet Brigade, and if anyone says anything to them about their ridiculous Behavior they will be canceled, probably lose their job and any potential Fame they have in the present or future

What I don't get is why is it so fucking important to them that I accept them as being actual real women when they clearly aren't? They don't just want me to silently accept their nonsense, they want me to publicly say it or else

It's fascinating on all levels

Just how they were able to ascend to this level of power and have this much influence and then change corporate and medical and government guidelines so FAST in comparison to almost ALL other groups. Think about that.

it is something not discussed or analyzed enough.

And I get it like I said, we ALL want to be accepted.

But it's funny older gay folk hate all this stuff. Cause to them? You don't want to be part of a club that would have you as a member.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
It's fascinating on all levels

Just how they were able to ascend to this level of power and have this much influence and then change corporate and medical and government guidelines so FAST in comparison to almost ALL other groups. Think about that.

it is something not discussed or analyzed enough.

And I get it like I said, we ALL want to be accepted.

But it's funny older gay folk hate all this stuff. Cause to them? You don't want to be part of a club that would have you as a member.
That's easy. They've been able to do that shit in such a small time because their group contains White men. White trans women are just white men.

White gay men have big mouths and a lot of influence because now no one can tell them to shut up. If someone does tell them to shut up, they will say that person is homophobic or transphobic and have them canceled and or fired
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's fascinating on all levels

Just how they were able to ascend to this level of power and have this much influence and then change corporate and medical and government guidelines so FAST in comparison to almost ALL other groups. Think about that.

it is something not discussed or analyzed enough.

And I get it like I said, we ALL want to be accepted.

But it's funny older gay folk hate all this stuff. Cause to them? You don't want to be part of a club that would have you as a member.
Chappelle said what the agenda is...the ONLY reason this is getting as much traction that it has is because white men are the face of it. You got a whole country of "ladyboys" in the Philippines for the last 30 years and NO ONE ever made the case they were real women.

MUCH of trans and drag culture is driven by black people and NO ONE thru the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s made the case that black drag and trans were real women.

In the last 20 years white men have been more vocal about the shit and all of sudden trans women are women???

its clear whose driving the agenda. Like I said...it smacks of white privilege.

But whats going to make the trans issue come to a head is when black and brown women are affected in really prime time sports. Its just bubbling now because the sports are not high profile and collegiate and the women affected are mostly white.

Imagine whats going to happen when trans women start breaking Simone Biles record in gymnastics or Elaine Thompson and flo jo's record in track or Serena in tennis or play in the WNBA and completely dominate including playing above the rim and dunking regularly on black and brown women.

In fact recently Martina Navrotalova called out Serena Williams for NOT saying anything about trans women in womens sports:

Martina Navratilova appears to call out Serena Williams: Has not said a word​

Then theres going to be a problem...a HUGE problem....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chappelle said what the agenda is...the ONLY reason this is getting as much traction that it has is because white men are the face of it. You got a whole country of "ladyboys" in the Philippines for the last 30 years and NO ONE ever made the case they were real women.

MUCH of trans and drag culture is driven by black people and NO ONE thru the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s made the case that black drag and trans were real women.

In the last 20 years white men have been more vocal about the shit and all of sudden trans women are women???

its clear whose driving the agenda. Like I said...it smacks of white privilege.

But whats going to make the trans issue come to a head is when black and brown women are affected in really prime time sports. Its just bubbling now because the sports are not high profile and collegiate and the women affected are mostly white.

Imagine whats going to happen when trans women start breaking Simone Biles record in gymnastics or Elaine Thompson and flo jo's record in track or Serena in tennis or play in the WNBA and completely dominate including playing above the rim and dunking regularly on black and brown women.

In fact recently Martina Navrotalova called out Serena Williams for NOT saying anything about trans women in womens sports:

Martina Navratilova appears to call out Serena Williams: Has not said a word​

Then theres going to be a problem...a HUGE problem....

I think Lesbians are also going to play a part in this.

Transwomen who claim to be lesbians will most certainly clash with cisgender lesbians who have no interest in penis what so ever


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
I think Lesbians are also going to play a part in this.

Transwomen who claim to be lesbians will most certainly clash with cisgender lesbians who have no interest in penis what so ever
I don't remember which thread it was in, but I posted a few months back about how there are already Reddit groups that complain about this exact scenario. Lesbians are already fed up with the transformers.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Nice guys finish last. Who the fuck thought of that? Why would you want to finish last? Bitch, let me take my turn and finish FIRST! Don't be a nice guy. Be a good guy. Nice guys are tampons and shitters for the world.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Caster Semenya: I sympathise with trans athletes but their issues are irrelevant to mine​


Caster Semenya believes that the controversy over transgender inclusion in sport is irrelevant to her case and has suggested that there is a racial element to what she calls her “discriminatory” treatment.

The double Olympic 800 metres champion can no longer compete in female track events without taking testosterone-reducing drugs after being born with differences in sexual development (DSD).

Semenya says that she discovered that she “did not have a uterus or fallopian tubes” only when she was 18 following a gender test and, although she is supportive of transgender women competing in sport, says that the two situations should not be mixed.

“I can’t speak on behalf of the trans community,” said Semenya on the Noted with Mary podcast. “I sympathise with them, I have feelings for them. I don’t have a problem with them competing, but it would be unfair for a woman with a DSD talking on behalf of a woman who is a transgender. More research needs to be done.

“And then obviously the trans family needs to come on board to argue the matter, to make, you know each and everyone understand the situation. But, I love them, I support them in everything that they do, but when it comes to my situation, it’s way irrelevant to mix it.”

Semenya has challenged the World Athletics DSD regulations and, although her case was rejected at the Court of Arbitration for Sport and the Swiss Federal Court, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in July that her human rights had not been protected by the Swiss government. The case, which is not against any specific sporting governing body, has now gone to the ECHR’s Grand Chamber for a final ruling.

‘It’s a racial issue, it’s discriminatory’​

Semenya, though, has now claimed that only people from particular ethnic backgrounds are under such scrutiny.

“If you look into our situation, it only affects brown skinned/coloured people,” she said. “It’s only them that are being scrutinised … even brown-skinned people who are in America. If you look at Serena Williams, it’s been questioned.

“It worries me because it only affects those kind of people who are coming from certain continents. As the title says ‘World Athletics’, why are you calling it ‘World Athletics’ if you are going to judge, you’re going to discriminate?

“It’s a racial issue, it’s discriminatory. You’re going to just separate women and draw a line where, ‘If you’re a different woman you’re not a woman’. It needs to get into their head that you need to consider human rights. What p*sses me off is that it’s men who divide women, and men are still going to tell you that right now it’s important for a certain group of women to be sidelined from sports.”

World Athletics say that they have 15 years “of data, observations and information directly from DSD athletes in our own sport that show high testosterone levels do provide an unfair advantage in the female category - and that our guidelines on testosterone thresholds are necessary, reasonable, and proportionate in our aim to protect the integrity of the female category”.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That's easy. They've been able to do that shit in such a small time because their group contains White men. White trans women are just white men.

White gay men have big mouths and a lot of influence because now I'm no one can tell them to shut up. If someone does tell them to shut up, they will say that person is homophobic and have them canceled and or fired

But bro they made homophobic WORSE than racist or anti Semitic.

In record time how the hell they do that?


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
But bro they made homophobic WORSE than racist or anti Semitic.

In record time how the hell they do that?
Nah, they made TRANSPHOBIC worse than even homophobic racist or anti-Semitic. That's crazy

And the ball is so heavily, and proudly carried by black women. I don't know if it's because black women have so many gay friends in the Arts, but...

They made this thing that's not a thing a thing. And they keep on making new things to force us who don't believe their thing is a thing.

TERF (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist) is basically women who don't want or don't believe trans women belong in their ranks. They don't believe trans women are women.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nah, they made TRANSPHOBIC worse than even homophobic racist or anti-Semitic. That's crazy

And the ball is so heavily, and proudly carried by black women. I don't know if it's because black women have so many gay friends in the Arts, but...

They made this thing that's not a thing a thing. And they keep on making new things to force us who don't believe their thing is a thing.

TERF (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist) is basically women who don't want or don't believe trans women belong in their ranks. They don't believe trans women are women.




Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nah, they made TRANSPHOBIC worse than even homophobic racist or anti-Semitic. That's crazy

And the ball is so heavily, and proudly carried by black women. I don't know if it's because black women have so many gay friends in the Arts, but...

They made this thing that's not a thing a thing. And they keep on making new things to force us who don't believe their thing is a thing.

TERF (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist) is basically women who don't want or don't believe trans women belong in their ranks. They don't believe trans women are women.

Let me tell you something...

They starting to f*ck up that relationship


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nah, they made TRANSPHOBIC worse than even homophobic racist or anti-Semitic. That's crazy

And the ball is so heavily, and proudly carried by black women. I don't know if it's because black women have so many gay friends in the Arts, but...

They made this thing that's not a thing a thing. And they keep on making new things to force us who don't believe their thing is a thing.

TERF (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist) is basically women who don't want or don't believe trans women belong in their ranks. They don't believe trans women are women.

Not yet... but they are trying hard as hell


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Let me tell you something...

They starting to f*ck up that relationship
They can't fuck up that friendship, because black women throughout history have not realized how easy it is to use them. They are clearly the most manipulated being on the planet. The LGBTQ community uses Black women better than ants use aphids for honeydew.

It's quite sad, actually.

These trans are women replacement when women can't be replaced. Anyone can join trans. Not because they are qualified simply because they say they are. And if they say they are then no one can say they aren't or face being called transphobic.

Any man, particularly a White one, can walk into any place and say they are a woman and they belong. Kid Rock can walk into Hooters and demand a job as a waitress, and even wear that skimpy uniform because he said he is trans. And can't no one say shit.

Why? Because what's the one group of people that hate being told that they can't do what they want to do? White males

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Chappelle said what the agenda is...the ONLY reason this is getting as much traction that it has is because white men are the face of it. You got a whole country of "ladyboys" in the Philippines for the last 30 years and NO ONE ever made the case they were real women.

MUCH of trans and drag culture is driven by black people and NO ONE thru the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s made the case that black drag and trans were real women.

In the last 20 years white men have been more vocal about the shit and all of sudden trans women are women???

its clear whose driving the agenda. Like I said...it smacks of white privilege.

But whats going to make the trans issue come to a head is when black and brown women are affected in really prime time sports. Its just bubbling now because the sports are not high profile and collegiate and the women affected are mostly white.

Imagine whats going to happen when trans women start breaking Simone Biles record in gymnastics or Elaine Thompson and flo jo's record in track or Serena in tennis or play in the WNBA and completely dominate including playing above the rim and dunking regularly on black and brown women.

In fact recently Martina Navrotalova called out Serena Williams for NOT saying anything about trans women in womens sports:

Martina Navratilova appears to call out Serena Williams: Has not said a word​

Then theres going to be a problem...a HUGE problem....

But bro they made homophobic WORSE than racist or anti Semitic.

In record time how the hell they do that?

Nah, they made TRANSPHOBIC worse than even homophobic racist or anti-Semitic. That's crazy

And the ball is so heavily, and proudly carried by black women. I don't know if it's because black women have so many gay friends in the Arts, but...

They made this thing that's not a thing a thing. And they keep on making new things to force us who don't believe their thing is a thing.

TERF (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist) is basically women who don't want or don't believe trans women belong in their ranks. They don't believe trans women are women.

Why are y’all ignoring the political party that promotes this?

Statement from President Joe Biden on Transgender Day of Visibility

FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Advances Equality and Visibility for Transgender Americans

Transgender Biden administration health official to be sworn in as four-star admiral



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Sometimes, liberals can be too liberal.

Democrats are better than republicans, but they do go too God damn far with supporting this trans bullshit


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Sometimes, liberals can be too liberal.

Democrats are better than republicans, but they do go too God damn far with supporting this trans bullshit

I hate to admit this but you not wrong.

But I feel they feel compelled to go extra because of how extra the other side always goes with EVERYTHING especially the dumb sh*t

From abortion, banning books, CRT, voters rights etc.

So I get it.