What unpopular opinions do you have?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Call me old fashioned but I hate the MF's who are always putting out shit to distract black america. That Netta and Charles shit is sickening....

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I was watching this on the 11pm local news and the Sportscaster asked the question: "Who is a better shooter, Steph Curry or Larry Bird?"

The entire crew responded: Steph Curry.

I totally agree that Steph Curry is a better shooter than Larry Bird (and yes, I saw him play when he was attending Indiana State).

FYI: Steph Curry has a .4271 (3 point %, and is ranked 12th) Larry Bird has a .3758 (3 point %, and is ranked 182nd)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The concept of body counts for women is dumb.

That pussy has been fucked, getting fucked, or will be getting fucked....by somebody.

A healthy woman is going to have sex...ALOT, especially if she's attractive.

Unless you got her at 18-20, she done been doing any and everything. No need to believe in fairytales with women.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Men have always been the prize and will always be the prize. I never saw the purpose in chasing pussy nor cold calling to gas some chic I didn't knows head up. Which was why I probably was never successful at the shit because my heart wasn't in it. Just by simple mathematics the year I was born there were more women born then men. Women my age have aged out as far fertility goes women. I'm 53 a woman whose 20 now in 20 years her fertility will be done meanwhile at 73 I will still be able to have children.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I’m sick and tired of excuses for criminals because they had it bad growing up. These trash ass niggas ain’t the only people who had it bad. Not everybody turns to crime . Work 2-3 jobs if you have to. Lazy faggots. Then you have these bitch ass far left wack jobs who want to give them all these chances and they never change , they go right back to terrorism in the community. Some little scumbag ass bitch niggas threw an old Woman to the back of the bus because they wanted to sit up front. Time to start exterminating the trash


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fani Willis is a piece of shit. She had the strongest case against Trump but let her lust get in the way. The dude that was fuckin her is a sellout to the free world. High class professionals have to be careful because people will prey on you if you are not married at anytime.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If after writing multiple paragraphs and triumphantly standing for your position

one of your larger points of fact is proven to be completely and utterly FALSE?

You can't just say "my bad" and continue on your merry way.

You were WRONG and used the mistake to bolster a bad take

You should be big enough to take a self imposed time out and I don't know perhaps take a moment to self evaluate the sh*t you were spewing in the first place.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When women use sex toys and sex machines these ladies cum harder, longer, and more consistent than any man can achieve with her via intercourse.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
The concept of body counts for women is dumb.

That pussy has been fucked, getting fucked, or will be getting fucked....by somebody.

A healthy woman is going to have sex...ALOT, especially if she's attractive.

Unless you got her at 18-20, she done been doing any and everything. No need to believe in fairytales with women.
I agree but a hie is still a hoe. There's no getting around it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trolling, hot takes and fake contrarian talk being accepted and allowed to thrive is one of the main reasons society is deteriorating into a mess of misinformation mistrust and complete lack of personal responsibility

If after writing multiple paragraphs and triumphantly standing for your position

one of your larger points of fact is proven to be completely and utterly FALSE?

You can't just say "my bad" and continue on your merry way.

You were WRONG and used the mistake to bolster a bad take

You should be big enough to take a self imposed time out and I don't know perhaps take a moment to self evaluate the sh*t you were spewing in the first place.

And that's why I put those posters on here on ignore.

I just no longer have time to engage in their bullshit, don't wanna read their bullshit or have any semblance of them on my screen.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
And that's why I put those posters on here on ignore.

I just no longer have time to engage in their bullshit, don't wanna read their bullshit or have any semblance of them on my screen.


I remember a time when it was considered "cowardly " to put folk on ignore on here.

I laugh now realizing it was the very assholes I wanted to avoid who were behind spreading that nonsense.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I used to be very judgmental about people who allowed a disagreement or whatever to cause them to stop talking to a sibling or parent.

Just thought there is absolutely no situation outside an extreme case for that bond to be broken.

I have to apologize

Because I had to do it.

I did not enjoy it.

But it really did help me FEEL BETTER

And especially as a black man... I never thought my feelings or being happy was IMPORTANT.

all these mental health stuff at one pont honestly felt like a fad... it's not.

Stress f*cking kills you.

Unhappiness is contagious and poisonous.

I can love you but hate being around you.

It doesn't have to be permanent

But I don't OWE IT to ANYONE to be their emotional punching bag.

And me acknowledging that doesn't make me any less of a black man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I remember a time when it was considered "cowardly " to put folk on ignore on here.

I laugh now realizing it was the very assholes I wanted to avoid who were behind spreading that nonsense.

Hey man I was one of the ones who thought it was cowardly! :roflmao:

But you educated me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Some people who I won't name names are cowards that put people on ignore.

They'll say some dumb shit, and that dumb shit gets responded to by setting them straight and then it's "Oh on ignore you go"! :lol:

Those posters are cowards who live in their own false reality that whatever they say is correct.

But the ones that constantly spew nonsense, and everyone tells them that it's nonsense and they keep saying it. They deserve to be on ignore.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
it's ok to be straight - seems to be the more and more unpopular opinion these days folks



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Negative. Joy nice from the titties up. Rest of that body you can tell she got white genes


Molly does have the better OVERALL body

What up doe!

But bro if that woman had a tight firm ass with a shelf on top?

They would have to fire half the men and about 1/3 of the women

It wouldn't be safe for Joy to walk the halls without a non binary armed guard
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