What yall think about my workout today


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mile and half in 15 minutes
1 min of pull ups
1 min rest
1 min of dips
1 min rest
1 min of push ups
1 min rest
1 min of core
Did that 3 times (except the run) with 3 min rest between sets
First time running since I been out no breakfast
6’6 245/250 I told yall I lost 40 lbs while locked up I’m gone stay at 250 and tone it up
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Platinum Member
Mike and half in 15 minutes
1 min of pull ups
1 min rest
1 min of dips
1 min rest
1 min of push ups
1 min rest
1 min of core
Did that 3 times (except the run) with 3 min rest between sets
First time running since I been out no breakfast
6’6 245/250 I told yall I lost 40 lbs while locked up I’m gone stay at 250 and tone it up

6’ 6 245 you trying to be like Usain Bolt

Light on your feet lmao


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Ran an mile
250 push ups
100 dips
100 pull ups
250 core exercises (full body crunches, toe touches, Russian twist with a10lb ball, flutter kicks, weighted leg raises)
That’s usual workout
Today I decided to switch it up
Might go again tonight but don’t know how long the run gone be

Good lawd man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Right now I’m being smart with the lil money I got from my people when I got out
I don’t do the vending machine it’s trips to DG for lil snacks and they only let us order food on occasions I survived prison food so I’ll be ok
Plus wifey comes thru once a week and we grab something
I wanted pancakes so bad and a real burger haven’t had a real sit down meal yet
Bruh, you don’t have to live like that anymore. You good.

I’m on my way to True Kitchen KOP to have a nice lunch.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Imagine an entire family engaged in random Olympic behaviors.
It’s non stop but I love it
Aau high school games etc my kids love to train with me it’s fun even when I was able to go to catch wrestling class baby girl came with me
Sons hit growth spurts while I was locked up 1 is 6’3 the other is 6’1 180 and one of the fastest and strongest on the football team


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mile and half in 15 minutes
1 min of pull ups
1 min rest
1 min of dips
1 min rest
1 min of push ups
1 min rest
1 min of core
Did that 3 times (except the run) with 3 min rest between sets
First time running since I been out no breakfast
6’6 245/250 I told yall I lost 40 lbs while locked up I’m gone stay at 250 and tone it up

thats what IM TALKIN BOUT..

Fuck all this worrying about shit you cant control...

FOCUS ON SHIT YOU CAN CONTROL like your HEALTH and making the right choices..

bruh you combine that with a diet full of green leafy shit, fiber and healthy proteins,

you gonna live a long healthy life..

no matter who the fuck is president..

I think its awesome, and focused consistency... bruh.. yea mayne,

you begging for a long healthy rewarding life..



DEATH TO ALL DISTRACTIONS... unless its good sweet pussy, we can give that a pass

every now and then.. LOL


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Today’s punishment
930 mile
10 min rest
100 full rom push ups in 335
5 min rest
50 full rom pull ups in 430
5 min rest
50 full rom dips in 330
5 min rest
1 min of flutter kicks
1 min rest
1 min full body crunches
1 min rest
1 min of leg raises (hanging on the dip bar)

Ok or no?

Nice what you doin for protein tho???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Today was fasted workout
Gotta get better
I’m gone do the OMAD/intermittent fasting
I need to buy some tuna but they be on bs at this halfway house bro I just know I’m cutting sweets And bread

fo sho,

all that fuckin sugary shit does is FEED cancer and other diseases... bruh I like drinking a lot of water the night before a run, then have some green tea, a hour or two before I run,

work up a powerful sweat, bruh, when I run its like the sweat is baptizing me into a whole new even more powerful knigga...

and if I can get my hands on some, SEEDED watermelon with the BLACK SEEDS, the REAL TASTY muthafuckas.. bruh I throw that bitch

in a blender, and put it in the freezer..

bruh after a run that shit be like drink of the gods juice, shit is like the perfect hydration after a good run, I also run with a weight vest twenty to forty pounds,

when its real hot I only do twenty five...on the vest and ten pound heavy hand weights in each hand...

Resistence running is the best for me, because in doing so, I maintain muscle, if I dont add resistence I would lose muscle mass..

I also eat a lot of green leafy shit, I just had a big ass plate of just romain lettuce, with a lil bit of toasted seseme oil, dash of apple cider vineger,

and some brown rice, washed it down with a spice banana protein smoothie...

Im really moving towards eating as natural as possible... the more processed a food is, the more I try to stay away from it...

I literally feel the years Im adding on to my life... I feel like Im going into my thirties instead of my fifties...

My mid life crisis.. Is fuckin AWESOME BRUH...I hope it NEVER GOES AWAY...lol