What yall think about my workout today


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
fo sho,

all that fuckin sugary shit does is FEED cancer and other diseases... bruh I like drinking a lot of water the night before a run, then have some green tea, a hour or two before I run,

work up a powerful sweat, bruh, when I run its like the sweat is baptizing me into a whole new even more powerful knigga...

and if I can get my hands on some, SEEDED watermelon with the BLACK SEEDS, the REAL TASTY muthafuckas.. bruh I throw that bitch

in a blender, and put it in the freezer..

bruh after a run that shit be like drink of the gods juice, shit is like the perfect hydration after a good run, I also run with a weight vest twenty to forty pounds,

when its real hot I only do twenty five...on the vest and ten pound heavy hand weights in each hand...

Resistence running is the best for me, because in doing so, I maintain muscle, if I dont add resistence I would lose muscle mass..

I also eat a lot of green leafy shit, I just had a big ass plate of just romain lettuce, with a lil bit of toasted seseme oil, dash of apple cider vineger,

and some brown rice, washed it down with a spice banana protein smoothie...

Im really moving towards eating as natural as possible... the more processed a food is, the more I try to stay away from it...

I literally feel the years Im adding on to my life... I feel like Im going into my thirties instead of my fifties...

My mid life crisis.. Is fuckin AWESOME BRUH...I hope it NEVER GOES AWAY...lol
When I get home I’ll start doing fresh fruit


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
6’ 6 245 you trying to be like Usain Bolt

Light on your feet lmao



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
I tell you one thing, you don’t realize how long a minute is until you on set 2 and 3 and your arms shaking like new born baby deer legs

I might skip the mile tonight and do squats instead

I hear you on that.

Took some sports science courses back in college (early-2000s). They had us planning some workout circuits and shit, and trying them out near the end of the term. That worst feeling is when the newborn baby deer legs kick in ... and your classmates are watching you (including some bad bitches who played volleyball and ran track).



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hear you on that.

Took some sports science courses back in college (early-2000s). They had us planning some workout circuits and shit, and trying them out near the end of the term. That worst feeling is when the newborn baby deer legs kick in ... and your classmates are watching you (including some bad bitches who played volleyball and ran track).

lol you down there sounding like Rocky or Arnold


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Lord, I come to you as a humble man……

Funny side note for you ... the local gym at the community center is right next to the outdoor pool and hot tub.

When you're on the stat bikes or elliptical, it faces out towards the hot tub.

Some of the machines face out to the pool.

The free weights and benches are all close to the floor-to-ceiling wall mirror. One of the best MOTIVATION / DISTRACTIONS is doing free weights, and all you see off the glass = ladies bouncing on ellipticals and stairclimbers, or walking to the pool & hot tub in bikinis.

You try to play it cool and workout, but shit ... Lord ... one time pre-covid I think I spent about 2 hours simply doing curls & shrugs because I couldn't pass up all the cleavage and cameltoes. I think I did about 2500 curls.

Oh ... and the ab machine for crunches is directly facing out in front of the stairclimbers. Thank you, yoga pants visuals.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Funny side note for you ... the local gym at the community center is right next to the outdoor pool and hot tub.

When you're on the stat bikes or elliptical, it faces out towards the hot tub.

Some of the machines face out to the pool.

The free weights and benches are all close to the floor-to-ceiling wall mirror. One of the best MOTIVATION / DISTRACTIONS is doing free weights, and all you see off the glass = ladies bouncing on ellipticals and stairclimbers, or walking to the pool & hot tub in bikinis.

You try to play it cool and workout, but shit ... Lord ... one time pre-covid I think I spent about 2 hours simply doing curls & shrugs because I couldn't pass up all the cleavage and cameltoes. I think I did about 2500 curls.

God gives us motivation in mysterious ways


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Funny side note for you ... the local gym at the community center is right next to the outdoor pool and hot tub.

When you're on the stat bikes or elliptical, it faces out towards the hot tub.

Some of the machines face out to the pool.

The free weights and benches are all close to the floor-to-ceiling wall mirror. One of the best MOTIVATION / DISTRACTIONS is doing free weights, and all you see off the glass = ladies bouncing on ellipticals and stairclimbers, or walking to the pool & hot tub in bikinis.

You try to play it cool and workout, but shit ... Lord ... one time pre-covid I think I spent about 2 hours simply doing curls & shrugs because I couldn't pass up all the cleavage and cameltoes. I think I did about 2500 curls.

Oh ... and the ab machine for crunches is directly facing out in front of the stairclimbers. Thank you, yoga pants visuals.

Bruh watching these shotput dudes yell I was on FaceTime with my wife and started crying laughing all she says “you better not,I swear you better not” she knows me too well because I’d do that shit during sex just to be funny


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Bruh watching these shotput dudes yell I was on FaceTime with my wife and started crying laughing all she says “you better not,I swear you better not” she knows me too well because I’d do that shit during sex just to be funny

That would be a funny callback if you incorporated it into a future session with your wife, lol!

One of my funniest interactions recently was with a coworker at shift exchange.

Someone was being impatient with her and calling out for assistance. She got fed up, and finally half-hollered - "I'm coming, I'm coming!!! and did it really animated-like when she told me.

She caught herself ... started laughing and said - "You'd better not clip that soundbyte"

I just played it cool (and pictured the visual), lol.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That would be a funny callback if you incorporated it into a future session with your wife, lol!

One of my funniest interactions recently was with a coworker at shift exchange.

Someone was being impatient with her and calling out for assistance. She got fed up, and finally half-hollered - "I'm coming, I'm coming!!! and did it really animated-like when she told me.

She caught herself ... started laughing and said - "You'd better not clip that soundbyte"

I just played it cool (and pictured the visual), lol.

Bruh from now on we gotta scream like those Olympics shotput throwers



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mile and half in 15 minutes
1 min of pull ups
1 min rest
1 min of dips
1 min rest
1 min of push ups
1 min rest
1 min of core
Did that 3 times (except the run) with 3 min rest between sets
First time running since I been out no breakfast
6’6 245/250 I told yall I lost 40 lbs while locked up I’m gone stay at 250 and tone it up

Good shit brotha, push and pull muscles are being targeted, over time you can add more exercises, sets and reps.

I Also like the fact that you're doing your cardio in a fasted state to initiate lipolysis

Just stay consistent, switch things up or take a week off every 6 weeks so you avoid a plateau.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good shit brotha, push and pull muscles are being targeted, over time you can add more exercises, sets and reps.

I Also like the fact that you're doing your cardio in a fasted state to initiate lipolysis

Just stay consistent, switch things up or take a week off every 6 weeks so you avoid a plateau.
Like what? I can only do so much(not trying be a jerk)
There’s a dip/pull up station and that’s it where I’m at
I do different variations of push up
Bear crawl
Navy seal
5 wide 5 normal 5 diamond 5 normal 5 wide for a set of 25


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Like what? I can only do so much(not trying be a jerk)
There’s a dip/pull up station and that’s it where I’m at
I do different variations of push up
Bear crawl
Navy seal
5 wide 5 normal 5 diamond 5 normal 5 wide for a set of 25

Nah fam, you doing enough....when I posted my comment, I just read your initial post, but then I went through the thread after and saw a few more of your posted workouts.

you on the right track with your workouts and ideas about nutrition...seems like you focused. And I hope your path back as a returning citizen is one that leads to mad prosperity, success and solid relationship building with your family.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah fam, you doing enough....when I posted my comment, I just read your initial post, but then I went through the thread after and saw a few more of your posted workouts.

you on the right track with your workouts and ideas about nutrition...seems like you focused. And I hope your path back as a returning citizen is one that leads to mad prosperity, success and solid relationship building with your family.
Thank you bro
Debating on going back to the gym or getting home equipment when I get out


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Loving the prison style workouts. I hate to call it that but jail is where calisthenics remains the purest form of exercise. Unless you a gymnast. I have access to gym as I’m a service member but the bulk of my workouts are still body weight focused. Weights are only used to enhance the workouts.

Have you considered adding squats? Body weight squats are fantastic. If you do them slowly and I’m incorporate a 1 second pause at the bottom you can make your legs pop. Bring your heels together to target the quads. I like to start wide and do ten and then bring my feet in a few inches. Sets of ten. By the time you are on your 5th set you should be in the heels together position. Reverse the position and you’ll finish at 100 reps returning to the wide stance. Eventually you should consider one legged squats or pistols as they are known. I think the pistol is the best leg exercise ever but that’s just me.

What about your shoulders? Pushups are of course a staple but have you considered handstand pushups? Find a wall and treat them just like regular pushups. Altered hand placement will target your entire upper body. I do mine in sets of 10-12. In order to work on more stability and strength, instead of kicking up with the heels flat on the wall I reverse it to where my stomach is facing the wall. This forces you to stabilize yourself more and works on balance and strength. Work on both ways so you can eventually get the free standing HSPU.

Since you got a pull up bar somewhere I’d suggest hanging leg raises. STRICT. there should be no swinging and a pause at the top and bottom. I been doin em for a while and can’t get past a set of 10. It don’t matter though. Best ab workout ever.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Loving the prison style workouts. I hate to call it that but jail is where calisthenics remains the purest form of exercise. Unless you a gymnast. I have access to gym as I’m a service member but the bulk of my workouts are still body weight focused. Weights are only used to enhance the workouts.

Have you considered adding squats? Body weight squats are fantastic. If you do them slowly and I’m incorporate a 1 second pause at the bottom you can make your legs pop. Bring your heels together to target the quads. I like to start wide and do ten and then bring my feet in a few inches. Sets of ten. By the time you are on your 5th set you should be in the heels together position. Reverse the position and you’ll finish at 100 reps returning to the wide stance. Eventually you should consider one legged squats or pistols as they are known. I think the pistol is the best leg exercise ever but that’s just me.

What about your shoulders? Pushups are of course a staple but have you considered handstand pushups? Find a wall and treat them just like regular pushups. Altered hand placement will target your entire upper body. I do mine in sets of 10-12. In order to work on more stability and strength, instead of kicking up with the heels flat on the wall I reverse it to where my stomach is facing the wall. This forces you to stabilize yourself more and works on balance and strength. Work on both ways so you can eventually get the free standing HSPU.

Since you got a pull up bar somewhere I’d suggest hanging leg raises. STRICT. there should be no swinging and a pause at the top and bottom. I been doin em for a while and can’t get past a set of 10. It don’t matter though. Best ab workout ever.
I’m gone add squats this week
My legs be going thru it after the run and the hanging leg raises are the only ones I do
And def no swinging


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Loving the prison style workouts. I hate to call it that but jail is where calisthenics remains the purest form of exercise. Unless you a gymnast. I have access to gym as I’m a service member but the bulk of my workouts are still body weight focused. Weights are only used to enhance the workouts.

Have you considered adding squats? Body weight squats are fantastic. If you do them slowly and I’m incorporate a 1 second pause at the bottom you can make your legs pop. Bring your heels together to target the quads. I like to start wide and do ten and then bring my feet in a few inches. Sets of ten. By the time you are on your 5th set you should be in the heels together position. Reverse the position and you’ll finish at 100 reps returning to the wide stance. Eventually you should consider one legged squats or pistols as they are known. I think the pistol is the best leg exercise ever but that’s just me.

What about your shoulders? Pushups are of course a staple but have you considered handstand pushups? Find a wall and treat them just like regular pushups. Altered hand placement will target your entire upper body. I do mine in sets of 10-12. In order to work on more stability and strength, instead of kicking up with the heels flat on the wall I reverse it to where my stomach is facing the wall. This forces you to stabilize yourself more and works on balance and strength. Work on both ways so you can eventually get the free standing HSPU.

Since you got a pull up bar somewhere I’d suggest hanging leg raises. STRICT. there should be no swinging and a pause at the top and bottom. I been doin em for a while and can’t get past a

If the gym is really reliable in your area, definitely fuck with it, or those gyms.

Always good to have home equipment to stay focused too. Even just the little stuff like dumbbells & kettlebells. Nothing fancy.
Got kettlebell and weighted vest and 100lb heavy bag plus a farmer’s tie and sledge hammer at home can’t wait


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My regimen is similar to yours except I do jump rope instead of running. May take a page from your book though.

If you have access to a pull-up bar hanging leg raises, knee raises, and oblique twist are a game changer. Keeps the core tight and firm. Controlling the body and doing slow helped me get my form way better.

For push-ups I like to mix it up with regular, innies, diamonds, shorties and elevated push-ups . Pike push-ups and Mike Tyson push-ups are good too.

We you get a chance cop some Monkey Feet they are perfect for legs and pull-up bar exercises where legs are incorporated.

For legs I’m in love with lateral lunges. w/ or w/o weight that exercise is tough

Keep going brother


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My regimen is similar to yours except I do jump rope instead of running. May take a page from your book though.

If you have access to a pull-up bar hanging leg raises, knee raises, and oblique twist are a game changer. Keeps the core tight and firm. Controlling the body and doing slow helped me get my form way better.

For push-ups I like to mix it up with regular, innies, diamonds, shorties and elevated push-ups . Pike push-ups and Mike Tyson push-ups are good too.

We you get a chance cop some Monkey Feet they are perfect for legs and pull-up bar exercises where legs are incorporated.

For legs I’m in love with lateral lunges. w/ or w/o weight that exercise is tough

Keep going brother
I also like rocking chair

I hold my feet longer than he does I do a3 second count
I gotta buy a9ft jump rope as well


Rising Star
OG Investor
Ran an mile
250 push ups
100 dips
100 pull ups
250 core exercises (full body crunches, toe touches, Russian twist with a10lb ball, flutter kicks, weighted leg raises)
That’s usual workout
Today I decided to switch it up
Might go again tonight but don’t know how long the run gone be
Okay Capitan America! Good ass work.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Look around at your local gyms they normally have a one day, week or month free program. Just remember to cancel it.

Throw in some HIIT in your runs so you don't get bored. Sprint the straights jog the curves.

Keep it up I have been lazy to busy working I need to get back to it.