What's Your Fantasy??? (Wonder Woman Edition)


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‘Wonder Woman,’ Women of Color, and Building a Diverse Themiscyra
Posted on Wednesday, May 31st, 2017 by Monique Jones

Wonder Woman is the hero all women can look up to. Or so she’s supposed to be. Wonder Woman was created during a time when not all women were perceived as equal, or even as women. Wonder Woman, historically, has been a hero for white women exclusively.

Wonder Woman’s fellow ‘40s feminist icon-in-arms, Rosie the Riveter, has also been created by white America for white America, despite the fact that women of all races helped with the war effort. Nowadays, Rosie the Riveter’s iconography has been updated to include women from all races and backgrounds. If we compare Wonder Woman to Rosie, has the Themysciran Justice Leaguer been updated in a similar way? Has Wonder Woman’s brand been extended to include women of color, and if so, how well have women of color been represented?

Nubia: Wonder Woman’s Sister and the Strong Black Woman Trope
The creation of Nubia in 1973 was in direct response to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. In fact, many DC characters, including Apache Chief, Samurai and Black Lightning, among others, were created as part of the comic book industry’s recognition of the effects of the civil rights movement. However, like many attempts to create diversity by nearly or all-white comic book writers and illustrators, Nubia was well-intentioned, but still laced with stereotypes, starting with her name.

Nubia and the DC characters aforementioned all have one thing in common — their names denote their ethnicity, which only reinforces their “exotic” position in an all-white superhero pantheon. Instead of being named something in relation to their powers (i.e. Wonder Woman, Superman) or an idea (Batman, who uses the iconography of bats to evoke the human fear of darkness), these characters are named something that directly ties to their skin color. Did Nubia have to be named “Nubia” in order for comic book readers to realize she’s black? Certainly not. But her name continues the idea that whiteness is “default” and acceptable, whereas anyone else has to be explained away.

Secondly, Nubia’s backstory is both tragic and laced with the “strong black woman” trope. Nubia, who is Diana’s sister, was kidnapped by Ares to be raised in the ways of war on Slaughter Island. Nubia is stripped from the loving environment Diana grew up in on Themiscyra and when she returns, she is showcased in a way that speaks to the stereotypes about black women — she is loud, brash, and demanding thanks to her childhood of war training. She views Diana as a threat to her title as Wonder Woman, and even though Nubia is supposed to be seen in a sympathetic light, her characterization and her storylines often put her in the odd position of being Wonder Woman’s adversary. All of this speaks to a severe lack of knowledge about how to write black women, much less characters of color as a whole, to where they act and speak as real people, not cobbled-together stereotypes.

One of the final times we see Nubia in her original form is in SuperFriends #25 in 1979. She has become the leader of an African nation whose women are treated as second class citizens. Wonder Woman comes to liberate them, but Nubia appears, reasserting that she is the Wonder Woman for these women.

The storyline is a textbook case of “white savior.” If Nubia is the Wonder Woman for this nation, why does Diana feel the need to step on her sister’s territory? Why didn’t she already know her sister’s whereabouts? To be more pointed, why did the writers feel that only Diana could save a nation of African women? While Nubia may be their Wonder Woman, the writers have undercut Nubia’s own power by suggesting that she’s not strong enough to rid this nation of Man’s stronghold of her women.

Nubia has been later altered over the years as a subject of Hippolyta’s sister Antiope, and eventually as an alternate Earth’s Wonder Woman. But Nubia (whose name had been hilariously revamped during her Antiope days as “Nu’Bia”, as if that makes her name less problematic) still remains a character with largely untapped potential.

Phillippus: Wonder Woman’s Mentor and the Caregiver Trope
Philippus, who was created in 1987, is Hippolyta’s Captain of the Guard, loyal devotee, and eventually, Philippus became Hippolyta’s lover. She was also young Diana’s mentor.

Philippus as Diana’s mentor is something that should make Philippus more well-rounded. But the idea of having Philippus as Diana’s mentor also something that could be seen as reinforcing her status as “second best”; her role as mentor is still reminiscent of other black characters in film, television, and comics that stay within a “caregiver” or even a “Mammy” framework. This framework is part of America’s fascination and hatred of black America, particularly black women. While black women are thought of as being white femininity’s rival (aka Nubia pitting herself against Diana), black women are also expected to rear and comfort whiteness, from the slave caretakers of white children, to the maids and nannies who have worked in white homes, to the Mammy figure that serves as inspiration for Aunt Jemima syrup, to Philippus, a character who isn’t typically seen as a character within this trope, but is still written as a caretaker for Diana.

Since Philippus was created in the ‘80s and continued to be a part of the Wonder Woman storyline, it’s clear that she was developed to better showcase black characters, and to be fair, a lot has been done with her character in order to further diversity in a more conscious time. But regardless of how well-intentioned her story has been, there was — as there always is with any character — a way for unconscious biases to seep through the cracks.

‘Wonder Woman,’ Women of Color, and Building a Diverse Themiscyra
Posted on Wednesday, May 31st, 2017 by Monique Jones

How Wonder Woman Could Advance Themyscira
Fast forward to today. Wonder Woman’s full-length live-action film is about to open in theaters and once again, there’s been concern about how Themyscira would be portrayed, particularly where women of color are concerned.

In 2016, the first look from Wonder Woman was released, featuring Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman as well as Connie Nielsen as Hippolyta, Robin Wright as Antiope, and Lisa Love Kongsli as Menalippe. Upon viewing the picture, many fans, particularly women of color and allies, used Twitter to voice their frustration with the image and to ask the question — would there be any women of color in this movie?

Director Patty Jenkins has used her platform on Twitter to say that there will be a diverse showcase of women in Wonder Woman and, to her credit, the IMDB page for the film does have several women of color in featured roles.

For instance, the one that might be the most prominent is Senator Acantha, played by Captain America: Civil Waractress Florence Kasumba. Whether her role in the film seems more prominent just because of the Civil War bump or because her role is actually big remains to be seen. But seeing how there’s not much out about the character in the comics or even in relation to the film, the worry that Acantha will just be a bit part is tantamount.

Some of the other women of color in the film include Into the Badlands’ Eleanor Matsuura as Epione, Samantha Jo as Amazonian healer Euboea, Mayling Ng as Orana (an Amazon who challenged Diana for the title of Wonder Woman and won before being killed as she and Diana battled the villain Warhead), Rekha Luther as an Amazonian warrior, and Jacqui-Lee Pryce as Amazon priestess Niobe.

Going by the lore of the comics, the only Amazon character who could have the most to work with in the Wonder Womanmovie, apart from Senator Acantha, is Orana, seeing how she bested Diana for the title. Niobe and Euboea could also have a lot to do in the film, since they are skills that are needed by the Amazons every day. But again, with the lack of characterization for characters like Euboea and Niobe, coupled with the original promo image featuring an all-white Amazonian cast, it’s extremely unclear if the women of color in Wonder Woman will just act as set dressing that talks.

Also keep in mind that while Euboea seems to have been drawn in the comics as Asian, Wonder Woman has seemed to erase mention of Nubia or Philippus, at least as far as the casting goes. It seems like missed opportunities, especially since this is Diana’s origin film. It’ll be interesting to see if there will be any canonical mention of either character within the DC Cinematic Universe.

The Continuing Evolution of Wonder Woman
As of writing this article, the reviews for Wonder Woman have been largely positive. Many are saying it’s the best DC Cinematic Universe film yet. For me, it’ll be even better if the film gives a large platform for women of color and their canonical place in Themyscira.

With all of this said, let’s go back to the Rosie the Riveter/Wonder Woman scenario. Has the Wonder Woman brand done enough to advance the character and her meaning to include all women? I’d say both yes and no. Like with new renderings of Rosie to include a broader range of women, Wonder Woman’s iconic outfit and lasso have been drawn on women of all races as well as women with disabilities.

However, Wonder Woman the character, like Rosie, is still working to shed its white-centric point of view. It’ll be hard for Wonder Woman to get rid of that point of view completely, seeing how the comic book industry is still largely white and largely male. Marvel’s senior vice president of print, sales, and marketing David Gabriel recently created a firestorm with comments to iCv2 suggesting that Marvel’s diversity is what was causing a lag in comic book sales. He later clarified his statement, but the fact remains that it’s this type of thinking that is embedded within the comic book industry by others who do believe this ideology to be true.

Wonder Woman is, on the whole, a fantastic character. She’s a character that not only upholds the ideals of feminism, but she’s also a character that acts as a beacon of hope for LGBTQ readers since she herself is canonically bisexual. There are women all of the world who idolize Wonder Woman for her sense of justice. But Wonder Woman, her comic books and her movie, are only as good as the writers. The biases, both conscious and unconscious, have still found their way into her story. Even the opinions of Gadot have made their way into Wonder Woman’s narrative; her 2014 Facebook status about the war between Israel and Palestine, which included the hashtag #weareright, made some uncomfortable as to where she, an Israeli military veteran, might stand. To quote Keith Chow of The Nerds of Color:

That hashtag is buttressed by other, more palatable ones like #freegazafromhamas and #coexistance (sp), but it still oozes with the kind of nationalism that leads to the kind of escalation that will ultimately make everything worse for both sides.

Here’s the thing. When you have hundreds of people — most of whom are women and children — dead and hospitals and schools destroyed, no one is right. The fact that Gadot will be the real life embodiment of Wonder Woman for generations to come is what makes this all so ironic. Wonder Woman is supposed to be an ambassador of peace – Diana of Themyscira only goes to war for those who cannot fight for themselves.

Is it possible that, were Wonder Woman real, her view of the conflict in Gaza would be filled with more compassion for the oppressed? Isn’t that the kind of justice that a character like Wonder Woman is supposed to inspire?

At the end of the day, Wonder Woman is meant to be a vessel of our highest ideals as a nation and, some might say, as a world. But Diana of Themyscira has imperfect, biased mortals telling her story, so there will always be room for improvement.


Rising Star
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Wonder Woman’s Bracelets: 15 Things You Need to Know
03.25.2017by Nigel Mitchellin ListsComment

For as long as there’s been a Wonder Woman, she’s had her magic bracelets. First appearing in 1941’s “All Star Comics” #8, she’s known for three tools in her fight against injustice: her invisible plane, her magic lasso and her bulletproof bracelets. We’ll be talking about the bracelets today.

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Wonder Woman’s bracelets have been a source of strength and weakness, given her power and kept her power in check. They’ve been her shield and literally her sword, and they’re part of what makes Wonder Woman so… well, wonderful. As we’ve seen from the trailers and her cameo in “Batman v Superman,” 2017’s solo “Wonder Woman” movie will be showing a lot of those bracelets, so let’s find out more about them. Here are 15 things you probably didn’t know.


Wonder Woman’s bracelets have been kind of like Captain America’s shield or Wolverine’s claws; they’re known more for who’s using them than the objects themselves. You probably wouldn’t expect to find out Wolverine’s claws are named Larry, Moe and Curly or that Captain America’s shield is named Hubert (they’re not, by the way). In the same way, the mystical bracelets Wonder Woman wears have been almost universally called “Wonder Woman’s bracelets” among both hardcore and passing fans alike, but there’s actually a real name for them.

From the beginning, the bracelets were known as the Bracelets of Submission, and the capitals need to be in there. The name comes from how the bracelets affect Wonder Woman and the other Amazons, which we’ll get to in a moment. Even in the comics, though, the bracelets are usually just called “bracelets.” That’s why we’ll just be calling them Wonder Woman’s bracelets for most of this article.“Wonder Woman” #307 (written by Dan Mishkin and pencilled by Don Heck), Wonder Woman fought Niko Aegeus, a Greek terrorist who got hold of weapons of the gods including the daggers of Vulcan, which are invulnerable and were able to cut her magic lasso and shatter one of her bracelets. That makes them more than a match for any conventional weapon.“Sensation Comics” #4 (William Moulton Marston, Harry G. Peter), it was revealed that when Aphrodite cast her spell on the bracelets, she also added a curse that Amazons would lose their strength if their wrists were chained by a man. Later on, this changed so that any binding of Wonder Woman’s wrists by a man would weaken her.

This led to a lot of pages of Wonder Woman being tied up in the early comics, which caused plenty of snickering about the idea of showing a scantily-clad woman in bondage, all of which are entirely justified (Marston was openly into BDSM), but that weakness was removed in the post-Crisis era. In the modern age, trying to tie up Wonder Woman just gets you some broken chains and a punch in the face.“The Brave and the Bold” #60, created by Robert Kanigher. Her origin has evolved over the years from being an orphan child, rescued and taken to Paradise Island by Wonder Woman, to Troy’s origin as a mystic twin of Wonder Woman created by an evil sorceress. She wore her own less powerful version of the bracelets.

In 1996’s “Wonder Woman” #105 by John Byrne, Cassie Sandmark was introduced as a new Wonder Girl, the daughter of an archaeologist and daughter of Zeus. She wore the Gauntlet of Atlas, which gave her super-strength. Sandmark was later reintroduced in the New 52 reboot as a thief with enchanted armor that gives her superhuman strength and durability, and includes her own bracelets. There’s also Wonder Woman’s mother, Hippolyta, who was retconned as the Wonder Woman of World War II with her own set of bracelets to fight evil. Still, none of them were as powerful as Diana’s.

Wonder Woman’s first appearance explained a lot about her tools, including her magic lasso that forced people to tell the truth and her Bracelets of Submission, but one thing “All Star Comics” #8 didn’t explain was what the bracelets were made of. That didn’t change until “Wonder Woman” #52 (by Robert Kanigher and Harry G. Peter) in 1952, where it was explained the bracelets were made of “amazonium,” an indestructible metal from her home island blessed by a spell from the goddess Aphrodite. To reflect bullets, Wonder Woman had to use incredible speed and agility.

After the events of 1985’s “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” the origin of Wonder Woman’s bracelets changed. The bracelets were now forged from the Aegis, a legendary and unbreakable shield of Zeus made from the hide of the Olympian she-goat Amalthea. Instead of just bouncing bullets off the bracelets, the bracelets now generated a force field in front of her that would reflect any attacks. The force field was retconned, but the origin remained.


In 1976, the live-action TV show introduced a new source for the bracelets, forged from a metal called feminum that could only be found on Paradise Island. With a story by Barbara Avedon and Barbara Corday, a teleplay by Jimmy Sangster, and directed by Herb Wallerstein, the two-part episode “The Feminum Mystique” involved Wonder Girl, the bracelets and Nazis, so it’s worth getting into more detail.

In the episode, Wonder Woman’s sister Drusilla was sent to get Wonder Woman to return to Paradise Island, but ends up captured by Nazis. She transforms into Wonder Girl, and the Nazis analyzed her bracelets to discover they were made of an alien ore called “feminum.” Wonder Girl accidentally revealed the location of Paradise Island, and the Nazis tried to capture the Amazons and mine the feminum, but Wonder Woman saved the day. Feminum never appeared again in the comics or any other media, so it was kind of a one-hit wonder.


Speaking of the 1970s TV show, we should talk about it here, because the Bracelets of Submission were a big part of it. Lynda Carter played the Amazonian princess on that series, and almost never missed an episode without someone shooting at her and bouncing bullets off her bracelets. Like all other versions of Wonder Woman, the bulletproof bracelets were a big part of her epic character, but they had to use some fancy (for the time) special effects to do it.

On the TV show, the impact of the bullets was made by putting tiny explosive charges (called squibs) on her bracelets before the take. They gave a remote to Carter, who would trigger the charges with a push of a button, so it would look like the explosions were caused by gunshot impacts. The sparks and flashes that followed always looked great, and were a whole lot safer than actual bullets.


2010’s “Wonder Woman” #600 (by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins) introduced a new version of the superhero where her history was mysteriously changed. Wonder Woman lost her memory, Paradise Island was destroyed and she was redesigned with a new costume and new abilities. Her star-spangled bikini was replaced with long black leggings and a red corset, her bracelets became true gauntlets, and her top changed to include a jacket. Her bracelets also gained a new power, which was to brand her enemies.

In the new design, her bracelet had a “W” stamped on them. When she hit someone with her bracelets, it would leave the mark of a “W” on their skin, sort of like branding them. Unfortunately, fans didn’t take to the idea of her new costume, and they especially didn’t like the idea of Wonder Woman branding people with wrist-punches, so that went away along with her long pants.


Now that we’ve talked about the past, let’s talk more about the present-day Wonder Woman whose bracelets have more power than ever before. One of the biggest changes to her recent history has been the revelation that she’s a demi-goddess, and has powers from her father Zeus. In 2009’s “Wonder Woman” #34 by Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti, she learned that by clashing her bracelets together, she can summon lightning bolts straight from Olympus at her enemies.

Another cool trick she’s gained from her bracelets is the ability to create shockwaves by smashing them together. In 2005’s “Wonder Woman” #219 (Greg Rucka, Tom Derenick, Georges Jeanty, Karl Kerschl, David Lopez and Rags Morales), Maxwell Lord used his mind control powers to make Superman fight Wonder Woman, thinking she was his enemy Doomsday. During their fight, Wonder Woman slammed her bracelets together on his head, and the shockwaves were strong enough to burst Superman’s eardrums.


There’s one more power her bracelets have gotten in recent years, which some fans hope will be in the new “Wonder Woman” movie. Some of the people who saw 2016’s “Batman v Superman” might have been surprised to see Wonder Woman with a sword and shield, but those weapons have been around for years in the comics, one of many changes to the classic character. In recent years, she can call her sword straight out of her bracelets.

In “Wonder Woman” #15, Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang, Hephaestus altered the bracelets so she could magically create swords from them right into her hands. Her Wolverine-like power gets better, because the bracelets can make any weapon she wants (including arrows, bows and spears) from thin air. When she’s done with the weapons, they disappear in a flash back into her bracelets, ready for next time. That sure beats keeping her swords on her belt or in her forearms.

What do you think of Wonder Woman’s bracelets? Let us know in the comments!


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