Which two of you rotten ass niggas killed Young Dolph?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
How does this shit get solved??

How do we make it rare for a Black man to kill another Black man in Amerikkka??

What a question.

Part of the solution lies in addressing the self-hatred we may not even realize we possess. One thing I've learned as a black man in this country is that there is so much ingrained societally that sends the message that being black means "less than". We have to actively unlearn these things and maintain a state of awareness so we can recognize when such programming is being pushed......and yes this includes our music also.

Once we recognize how powerful we are, understand what has been done historically to disable us, and learn our history, I think the view of ourselves and others like us will shift.


Rising Star
In should be common since that most people are killed by people they know. It’s also strange to compare rappers and actors. Actors don’t portray themselves to be the characters they playing while rappers (often actors) present their music as a representation of their real lives.
I’ve always been a straight laced dude but like everyone from the hood I’ve known plenty of people who were killed. I was saddened by all of them but only surprised by one of them. That’s the sad truth.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Folks get all shocked/upset...when another dumb mf'er who has literately nothin to talk bout except..drugs, sex, money and killin gets it.?



Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
In should be common since that most people are killed by people they know. It’s also strange to compare rappers and actors. Actors don’t portray themselves to be the characters they playing while rappers (often actors) present their music as a representation of their real lives.
I’ve always been a straight laced dude but like everyone from the hood I’ve known plenty of people who were killed. I was saddened by all of them but only surprised by one of them. That’s the sad truth.
You can’t be serious


Rising Star
If they targeting Blac Youngsta and Yo Gotti llike the updates say its gonna be bodies everywhere


Rising Star
Just heard they shot up yo gottis mothers restaurant and black youngstas grand moms house.. they are sayin his grandma got killed
I sometimes wish there was no internet cause this is the type of shit no one needs to hear cause it causes all types of shit to go wrong for people that may not have nothing to do with nothing.
Someone on here has to be from Memphis who can confirm or deny some of this shit or before in the morning half of Beal street will be dead listening to shit from the internet