White women wanna be everything except white .. YesJulz


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait……are these 2 the same chick.

Anyhoo…..to say that these rumors are a stain on your name….

Could’ve worded that differently.

Carry on……

Circa 2014 YJ was on top of the world, millions of twit followers, brand deals, rubbing elbows with all sorts of A, B, C-list celebs.....etc

Then she had scandal.after scandal, I don't even recall them all, (I know one involved her gossiping about Joe Budden and I think the other was her dogging black women or saying something interpreted as that....)

The money and status tumbled down, she launched an OF, fucked with her face and who knows what else......to try to get back to where she was.......alas, it's not happening. There's Whyte broads popping on the net every other fucking day now....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Circa 2014 YJ was on top of the world, millions of twit followers, brand deals, rubbing elbows with all sorts of A, B, C-list celebs.....etc

Then she had scandal.after scandal, I don't even recall them all, (I know one involved her gossiping about Joe Budden and I think the other was her dogging black women or saying something interpreted as that....)

The money and status tumbled down, she launched an OF, fucked with her face and who knows what else......to try to get back to where she was.......alas, it's not happening. There's Whyte broads popping on the net every other fucking day now....

and her ass look funny...and dented up.. brah


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
WRE: In 2015, you found your biological father. What made you want to reach out? How did it feel growing up not knowing your parents?

YZ: I always knew my birth mother because I was in her custody on and off between the ages of 1 to 9 years old, but what I knew wasn’t that great. I understand now that parents are humans with their own journey, but all I remember from those times was how badly I wanted her to get sober. Both of my early father figures were in jail the majority of my life. I had faint memories of my stepfather, who also wasn’t the best guy, and I never remembered my birth dad.

Growing up, it was always hard for me to answer the question “where are you from”. I never really knew what to say. I had never lived in a place longer than 10 months, and suddenly I had a family. I still wasn’t sure if living with them now meant I was from where they were too. Was I Colombian like my current family, whose traditions and culture were the one I felt most accustomed to? Or was I Puerto Rican and Italian like the blood in my veins? Even knowing what city to say I was from was a tough one. I was born in Miami, lived in nearly every city in south Florida, and yet the only home I really knew was Boston where I moved once I got adopted. But even in that case we didn’t stay there long.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of dudes like em when they think they have a chance but as soon as they don't them niggas turn Muslim stop eating pork and white women are off limits.
Gotta be the lamest, ugliest, most awkward nigga in the world to not be able to pull a cave bitch..
Easier than taking candy from a baby