Who is this sister? She’s spitting some heat


BGOL Investor
waaaay too much logic for the typical braindead

die hard democrat.. they have to wait for instructions,

on how to respond, they simply cannot think for themselves,

all they can do, is attack the fact bringer, when the facts are too much

for thier non active brain to process..




Rising Star
It's funny how the Twitter/x post is written like it was fashioned by an illiterate. I wonder if that was intentionally done (pssssst...I know it wasn't :roflmao:, read it slowly)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
so grown men aren't supposed to actually research and address bullshit twitter post?

you wanted us to just co-sign some random twitter post from a known black trumper?
I’m talking about the aggression that niggas like you are showing
Calm the hell down


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you are saying you are a republican.

Nah I'm a real knigga..

Tired of the democrats only seeing straight bruhs

Come election time..

And I hate Billy's and this administration needs to pay for bullying

Americans into being lab rats...

You have zero idea how much I detest bullies..

Especially bullies who abuse their power ..

Slow painful death awaits them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Think we found Mrfreddygoodbud

Life was better before the civil rights act .

Check the True American Moorish aka American African ..

Business owner stats before civil rights...

Compared to NOW..

Civil rights was cacs latching on and stealing our

Dollars out of our circulation into theirs

Civil rights saved pale face society and

Uplifted the Becky and placed pale face faggot weirdos

Into positions. Of power..

Hence the child grooming

They must be stopped

Satan must be bound for 1000 years

Democrats trying to stop the inevitable



Rising Star
OG Investor
Nah I'm a real knigga..

Tired of the democrats only seeing straight bruhs

Come election time..

And I hate Billy's and this administration needs to pay for bullying

Americans into being lab rats...

You have zero idea how much I detest bullies..

Especially bullies who abuse their power ..

Slow painful death awaits them
So if Republicans were in office who's fault would it be?

And what the fuck is "a real knigga"?


BGOL Legend
It amazes me every 4 years, they pay these coons to blab shit to vulnerable voters to try and blame democrats for their problems but they can't look at straight facts and see who's really stabbing them in the back. Smh.

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
So grown men challenging a bullshit twitter post is a sign of aggression? How old are you?
How old are you ? You’re fagging out cause the OP said he didn’t mean for his thread to be the type of thread yawl turned it into.

Discus the topic and OP only. Not bring outside shit into this

Whataboutism is deflection


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Blaming everybody else but their illiterate parents who brought them into this world.

How about stop having kids that you can't take care of to make sure your child is doing their best in school to get the help they need. That's the parents job.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're mad emotional.

How old are you ? You’re fagging out cause the OP said he didn’t mean for his thread to be the type of thread yawl turned it into.

Discus the topic and OP only. Not bring outside shit into this

Whataboutism is deflection
I laughing at two homotional emotional "men" crying because a twitter post wasn't being liked. why don't y'all give it each other a hug?


We called out the issue with the post and neither one of y'all could come up with valid response other than y'all feelings were hurt.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So if Republicans were in office who's fault would it be?

And what the fuck is "a real knigga"?

Whose fault would it be

if fuckin child grooming


that love to give away our tax dollars while

the country fall apart, were in office?

You ask the wrong questions?

Real Knigga=God on Earth Having a Human Experience

Next question muthafucka....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Life was better before the civil rights act .

Check the True American Moorish aka American African ..

Business owner stats before civil rights...

Compared to NOW..

Civil rights was cacs latching on and stealing our

Dollars out of our circulation into theirs

Civil rights saved pale face society and

Uplifted the Becky and placed pale face faggot weirdos

Into positions. Of power..

Hence the child grooming

They must be stopped

Satan must be bound for 1000 years

Democrats trying to stop the inevitable


That's ONE aspect of life......

Overall, life as a whole was not better. Black boys/ men were still being pulled out of homes for baseless accusations of crimes, the KKK was still traveling around burning crosses on yards and threatening to rape women and lynch men.....

Mfkrs were told to sit on the back of the bus and blatantly treated like 3rd class citizens.......

Yes we prospered as a collective, but hell the cacs even burned down Tulsa, Rosewood and flooded "our" city to create Lake Lanier.....

Just because the left hand was doing well, it doesn't outweigh the experience of the rest of the body.......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's ONE aspect of life......

Overall, life as a whole was not better. Black boys/ men were still being pulled out of homes for baseless accusations of crimes, the KKK was still traveling around burning crosses on yards and threatening to rape women and lynch men.....

Mfkrs were told to sit on the back of the bus and blatantly treated like 3rd class citizens.......

Yes we prospered as a collective, but hell the cacs even burned down Tulsa, Rosewood and flooded "our" city to create Lake Lanier.....

Just because the left hand was doing well, it doesn't outweigh the experience of the rest of the body.......
Add you better walk in the street if a white person is coming up next to you on the side walk and don't even think about looking a white person in the eye.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's ONE aspect of life......

Overall, life as a whole was not better. Black boys/ men were still being pulled out of homes for baseless accusations of crimes, the KKK was still traveling around burning crosses on yards and threatening to rape women and lynch men.....

Mfkrs were told to sit on the back of the bus and blatantly treated like 3rd class citizens.......

Yes we prospered as a collective, but hell the cacs even burned down Tulsa, Rosewood and flooded "our" city to create Lake Lanier.....

Just because the left hand was doing well, it doesn't outweigh the experience of the rest of the body.......

yes but we were also not so spread out as we are now ANTE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT

we were much more of a solid community so we were better able to protect each other..

the problem was ECONOMIC rights, fighting for civil rights is foolish and a waste of time,


bruh its 2024 and they STILL hunting bruhs in Mississippi and leaving them decapitated,

there was one bruh being chased but he was able to get to his phone, and bruh THE WHOLE

AND SAVED HIM thats a MOVIE WE NEED TO MAKE RIGHT THERE, get the rights to that story quick..

but I digress.. its 2024 and its STILL HAPPENING...

good news is we are slowly awakining from our spell.. some faster than others,

you can tell the ones still sleeping, they wear masks, and think kamal harris should be

more than president of the girl scouts...which is the perfect job for her