lies and misinformation
I don't give a fuck what you do, fool. I don't know you. Your momma may care about you, but I don't.So what do you recommend we do during a global pandemic to establish “long term data”? Maybe wait a few decades? about we wait a few years and let’s see what happens to the fools who took it first? Yeah, that’s some good old fashioned critical thinking
Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions
Severe allergy-like reactions in at least eight people who received the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech over the past 2 weeks may be due to a compound in the packaging of the messenger RNA (mRNA) that forms the vaccine’s main ingredient, scientists say. A similar mRNA vaccine developed by Moderna, which was authorized for emergency use in the United States on Friday, also contains the compound, polyethylene glycol (PEG).
PEG has never been used before in an approved vaccine, but it is found in many drugs that have occasionally triggered anaphylaxis—a potentially life-threatening reaction that can cause rashes, a plummeting blood pressure, shortness of breath, and a fast heartbeat. Some allergists and immunologists believe a small number of people previously exposed to PEG may have high levels of antibodies against PEG, putting them at risk of an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine.
Full article:
Science | AAAS
1st page of the thread I posted how Gates was paying for birth control where they inject the female and can turn on and off your sterility wirelessly. But that's "not relevant".whaaaaa nano particles in vaccines.. nooo fucking waaay....
fuckin nazis all in the WHO and big pharma like pfizer....
its all gonna come out....hiding behind corporations are over..
names and the faces to them are going to be put on front street.
if they arent publically flogged in the street first...
Keep posting them facts mixed... these BOTS need a lot
to awaken them out their slumber..
even though half of these naysayers are in the health care business and they are protecting their industry like a mother goose protects her eggs....
I promise you this
That was a reasonable explanation ????..
Come on son..
When asked about the people not taking it right away and choosing to wait...
He was like..I wish they had the luxury..blah blah blah..
Then when asked about him taking it
I just heard a crock of shit..
Talkin bout he ain't a frontline worker whoppty blah blah blah..
As if ceo's of notorious gluttonois
Corporations ever gave a fuck about a front line worker..
His answer for not taking it was bullshit..
And he sounds like his mother father dog and pet fish
We're Nazis that worked directly for Hitler...
That answer was like a river of bullshit drippin out his mouth..
After hearing that crock of shit..
I ain't taking nothing
From a gatdam Pfizer..
Fuck is a Pfizer anyway?
So far millions of people around the world have taken the vaccine including scientists & doctors directly involved in the research.... what great difference does it make if one CEO who is not a doctor or scientist immediately take the vaccine or not... I would gain more confidence in seeing the scientists and doctors who have directly work on the vaccine take it and so far that's happened.
Here's my question to you... with over 3,000 people a day dying from this virus in the USA and over 8, 000 worldwide what's your immediate solution to try and end the suffering and deaths?
1st page of the thread I posted how Gates was paying for birth control where they inject the female and can turn on and off your sterility wirelessly. But that's "not relevant".
This is false and misinformation
This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Turn off your sterility wirelessly smh1st page of the thread I posted how Gates was paying for birth control where they inject the female and can turn on and off your sterility wirelessly. But that's "not relevant".
Damn you stupid ass shitFolk ignoring profound information like that..
and asking me the same dang question over and over and over..
yea some folks are just meant to take it...
I promise you, gates never had his children vaccinated I dont give a fuck what he says...
You telling folks directly what he is going to do on the first page..
and folks still talkin about gatdam microchips when they
are working on fuckin NANO PARTICLES as you and the OP pointed out..
the vaccine junkies are ignoring that shit.
some folks just like to be misled I guess..
You didn’t answer the questionUh for the thousandth time... and Im not yelling at you..
Im yelling at all the sleepy heads.... so dont take it personal..
if you are
during this PLANDEMIC....aka biological warfare against the populous..
you better be
man I wrote so much shit on this, go research my postings..
so many people have cured themselves its not even funny...
bruh just drinkin lemon water first thing in the morning
will help your body fight off this biological weapon
we calling covid nineteen.
do you have any idea how many times I answered this question in this friggen thread alone..
Here's the link:This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Turn off your sterility wirelessly smh
You didn’t answer the question
Damn you stupid ass shit
This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Turn off your sterility wirelessly smh
And just know that when you’re in the hospital hooked up to a ventilator, I won’t lose a minute of sleep.
What makes you so educated in the topic of vaccines? Seriously...what makes you feel as if you’re so well versed in the science of vaccines?
Do you deny that covid is real? Do you deny that there is a GLOBAL PANDEMIC?
if you agree about those two questions then you must know that it’s in the WORLDS best interest to get a vaccine. THIS IS NOT A USA ISSUE, ITS A WORLD ISSUE!
It’s exhausting talking to armchair scientists who has no clue what he’s talking about.
So your game plan is what exactly? Wait till all of the politicians, medical professionals, cops, firemen and teachers die, then you’ll be saying “I told you so” in a world that will end anyway since there will be no doctors left? Brilliant game plan!Jackass! Its called doing the research. Please, I hope you don't lose sleep over me if I get sick, just like I won't lose sleep when a few years from now you come down with some weird shit connected to these vaccines and you find out you can't sue because they've protected themselves. I don't deny that Covid-19 is real, it's VERY REAL, but understand, it was developed in a lab to do exactly what's its doing. No one is denial of that. The Chinese government has already killed off or silenced those who were educating the world to this threat. Vaccines aren't drugs and they're not cures, all they do it jumpstart your immune system to take care of the body, that's all. There's a reason why all other vaccines take YEARS to get approved by the FDA. I'm no more an expert on this than Bill and Melinda Gates, the only difference is he owns the companies distributing one of the vaccines. Take you head out your ass and do the research yourself and tell me where I was wrong... I'll wait!
So your game plan is what exactly? Wait till all of the politicians, medical professionals, cops, firemen and teachers die, then you’ll be saying “I told you so” in a world that will end anyway since there will be no doctors left? Brilliant game plan!
By next year when they say 80% Latinos, 90% whites and 90% Asians in the USA have been vaccinated and their infection rates are almost non existent, BUT ONLY 20% blacks have been vaccinated and are dying at a record pace, niggas will be crying racism and how they bypassed the hood for vaccinations and all of this dumb shit
Our main problem in the world is that we have so many dumb and misinformed idiots who constantly poison the minds of fellow blacks people. You dumb niggas aren’t helping us. I propose that blacks start taking a page from cacs and gooks. Stop listening to all of these dumb fucks. Anyone ever wonder why we are always suffering more than every other group at EVERYTHING? We are lower than third world immigrants when it comes to everything, including Heath... wonder why? Once again, It’s because we have too many dumb ass niggas spreading misinformation and bullshit to our people and we are dying because of it!
With that logic don’t ever take any antibiotics again! Don’t take any medicine for pain, don’t vaccinate your kids for polio, mumps, etc.... just sit in a mud hut like some aboriginal and eat bark from a tree to heal yourself.
Typical response from an idiot.
Go ahead and get vaccinated, don't worry about those that don't. Keep it moving.
With that logic don’t ever take any antibiotics again! Don’t take any medicine for pain, don’t vaccinate your kids for polio, mumps, etc.... just sit in a mud hut like some aboriginal and eat bark from a tree to heal yourself.
NEWS FLASH IDIOT!!! Most of the medicine we use comes from the west. We have black scientist in this country moron. Are you so dense that you didn’t know that? It’s more comforting for you to just believe that all scientist are a cabal of nazi scientist who’s sole agenda is to infect the world with covid so that they can release a world wide vaccine that will solely kill blacks? Meanwhile, the black, Asian, Latino, and non-racist white scientists are all in on this conspiracy? FOH.
operated by the patient to deliver medication on demand or on a pre-determined schedule that can be activated or deactivated wirelessly, as required.
Typical response from a dumb sambo. When someone makes a valid, intelligent argument, dumb ass niggas assume he’s white.