Why Can’t Jamaicans Access Their Own Beaches?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jamaica gives weird vibes. like when you go there on tours you can literally see the gates on the beaches to keep locals out. They say its for "Safety", but its still so strange to see.

I guess its the only caribbean island with a high-ish crime rate that cruises visit now that Trinidad has been scrapped off as a destination spot.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So they built a Haitian wall and the people to keep them in like the Dominicans did to the Haitians. Who’s doing this. Is it china ?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Jamaica gives weird vibes. like when you go there on tours you can literally see the gates on the beaches to keep locals out. They say its for "Safety", but its still so strange to see.

I guess its the only caribbean island with a high-ish crime rate that cruises visit now that Trinidad has been scrapped off as a destination spot.

When and why was Trinidad taken off the travel spots?


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
So they built a Haitian wall and the people to keep them in like the Dominicans did to the Haitians. Who’s doing this. Is it china ?
Locals can enter but they have to pay. Who is up keeping the free beaches because they are nowhere as nice as the paid ones.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
When and why was Trinidad taken off the travel spots?
Trinidad is not tourist friendly, their beaches are meh, and if you don't have family or loved ones, or going to the once-a-year carnival there isn't much to do. Tobago on the other hand is tourist friendly, with beaches, resorts and goes out of its way to cater to the vacationing tourists.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They can't access their own beach and they don't own their airport Trinidad does.

I'm not from JA,have no ties to JA at all but as long as they don't talk crazy it's all good,I don't want to hear about back home,things being better over there,we don't do that and we don't do this....no one wants to hear that bullshit in 2023,waring with each other over crumbs while colonialism is destroying you;Them Rasta talking about going back to Africa,peace of mind,love & peace need to absorb some of that Dutty Boukman spirit.


Rising Star
There are a few pale faces that dominate Jamaica. You have the whites, Asians, and Indians. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some Spaniards hanging around getting their piece of power.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trinidad is not tourist friendly, their beaches are meh, and if you don't have family or loved ones, or going to the once-a-year carnival there isn't much to do. Tobago on the other hand is tourist friendly, with beaches, resorts and goes out of its way to cater to the vacationing tourists.
Not only is it not tourist friendly, but most hotels will actively lock you in at night to stop you from going out. Last time I went before Covid some dudes thought they were going to find some nice women to enjoy when it got dark....no sir. They made it known you are playing with your life if you leave after sunset, and the loud sounds we heard was enough to scare people into acting right in the hotel. I got back to the hotel 2 pm Every day after that:lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are a few pale faces that dominate Jamaica. You have the whites, Asians, and Indians. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some Spaniards hanging around getting their piece of power.
Lebanese too.

Arabs have mad property down there.


Rising Star
Lebanese too.

Arabs have mad property down there.
Got damn the Arabs too. You got all of Asia in that bitch between the Chinese, Indians, and now Arabs. Every you go where there are black people there are pale faces controlling our shit. Except for one place where pale faces do not enter. If they do enter they will be killed on sight. They are so locked into their own culture and ways I don't know if they would fuck with outside black folks like the rest of us.



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Not only is it not tourist friendly, but most hotels will actively lock you in at night to stop you from going out. Last time I went before Covid some dudes thought they were going to find some nice women to enjoy when it got dark....no sir. They made it known you are playing with your life if you leave after sunset, and the loud sounds we heard was enough to scare people into acting right in the hotel. I got back to the hotel 2 pm Every day after that:lol::lol::lol:
Facts, I had the same experience at this resort we went to at Mayaro when at night they literally locked up the door going towards the beach because it wasn't safe at night with the bandits. Meanwhile, in Tobago, you can walk around dolo all-day and night, buy weed from the Rastas, and still be safe, well at least I was.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Got damn the Arabs too. You got all of Asia in that bitch between the Chinese, Indians, and now Arabs. Every you go where there are black people there are pale faces controlling our shit. Except for one place where pale faces do not enter. If they do enter they will be killed on sight. They are so locked into their own culture and ways I don't know if they would fuck with outside black folks like the rest of us.


Those Andaman Island people could easily be wiped out. Hell, you could sneeze on one of them and let them take the virus back to their tribe and that would be it.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Its too dangerous. Even the US government tells Citizens not to go now. https://travel.state.gov/content/tr...ries/trinidad-and-tobago-travel-advisory.html

Facts, I had the same experience at this resort we went to at Mayaro when at night they literally locked up the door going towards the beach because it wasn't safe at night with the bandits. Meanwhile, in Tobago, you can walk around dolo all-day and night, buy weed from the Rastas, and still be safe, well at least I was.

So what's so different about Tobago vis-a-vis Trinidad? Richer or less wealth inequality or just better managed or what?


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
Not only Jamaica if u travel a lot ...

DR is like tht too ... locals cant get on the resort beaches ...

n i`m pretty way more countries do that also ....

n it is a safety issue ...

y`all keep thinking shit sweet out there ....

big enos burrnet

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
been there 4 times

i ain't never gots to go back

the place is trash and they have the worst... dirtiest beaches I've ever been too

the weed is trash too..
for real..got tired of m-f's on tha beach lurking all in the back ground,,was hard to enjoy myself constantly looking over my shoulder...
and that boo boo ass weed looks like the dead grass back out in the alley..smoked a blunt of that shit and i didnt get high till 30-mins
later...delayed ass high... :smh:


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
So what's so different about Tobago vis-a-vis Trinidad? Richer or less wealth inequality or just better managed or what?
Tobago beaches are way better making it more of a tourist destination than Trinidad. Trinidad is much larger, has an economy that steams from the offs-sea oil reserves and has more Indians and mixed dogla people. Keep in mind Tobago used to be owned by Grenada so the people there and their culture are closer to that of Grenada, the crime is also way less in Grenada, this makes sense being that their bread and butter is tourism. But at the end of the day, it's TnT or Trinbago as some like to call it so while they may be a half-hour plane flight or a few hours by a fairy, they are one country separated by the ocean.

Bawse Nigguh

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see this as I’m on a plane to Jamaica right now… I’ll definitely give my money to the vendors.. that will rid me of some of my guilt

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Every black person is weak in their "own" countries.
Do YOU feel strong in the country you are in?
I don't see cacs/chinks whipping niggas with sticks here like I've seen in these African countries. Sure a cac cop might shoot a brotha? But that's the extent of it. And they're are 99% of the county.

Black American men are the last bastion of pure masculinity for the African race.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't see cacs/chinks whipping niggas with sticks here like I've seen in these African countries. Sure a cac cop might shoot a brotha? But that's the extent of it. And they're are 99% of the county.

Black American men are the last bastion of pure masculinity for the African race.

You sound crazy. But carry on.




eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
all these carribbean islands are commomwealth countries:
Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and the british vigin islands.

they have symbolic independence but britian still controls their economies including the resorts.


Rising Star
Those Andaman Island people could easily be wiped out. Hell, you could sneeze on one of them and let them take the virus back to their tribe and that would be it.
True but they are the best example of Independence. I love when they kill whitey for coming onto their land.