Why do yolked women have gigantic clits?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Why do female bodybuilders have such big clits?

Damien Kempster, Avid bodybuilder
Answered January 10

By taking steroids that are androgenic in nature, which means it has a masculinising effect.

Most fem bodybuilders would want to opt for a steroid that is more anabolic and less androgenic, meaning it has more muscle building properties and less masculinising properties.

Testosterone, being the male sex hormone is equally as anabolic as it is androgenic, with a rating of 100 for each, when a female bodybuilding wants to use steroids she should consider the anabolic-androgenic ratings of whichever steroid she may consider using. Testosterone is always the best to compare to because we know what that does to the male body during puberty so we can make a fair assumption on what it would do if a female uses it.

Anavar is commonly used as it has an anabolic rating of 322–630 and an androgenic rating of just 24, keeping in mind the anabolic rating is so high due to it being an oral steroid, so the extra risks associated with oral use would need to be considered. A suitable injectable compound could be Nandrolone, with an anabolic rating of 125 and an androgenic rating of 37.

What should also be considered is that exposure to androgens has a cumulative effect on the body, meaning that effects can still build up over time and isn’t just in relation to the individual cycle at the time.

Do female bodybuilders find it difficult to date men?

Charissa Enget, Mechanical and Energy Engineer. Lived in rural Thailand.
Answered July 23, 2019 · Upvoted by Kiran Kelkar, 12 years of strength training, 8 years of powerlifting

It's actually much, much easier.

I was in the bodybuilding community throughout college. I could deadlift 325 pounds and squat 275. I spent 6 days out of the week in the gym.

Now, most of the time, I had a good layer of fat over those muscles. You could tell I was somewhat fit if you looked closely, but my muscles didn't pop out.

However, a few times I decided to get down to competition weight. I succeeded twice in getting my body fat down to 15%. Professionals can get it down to 8-12% but I was just an amateur.

At 15%, you could see every muscle on my body. And let me tell you, it attracted men like flies.

I was a waitress and almost every night I'd have a man stop and ask me, “Are you an athlete or something?” If I went out in public anywhere, men would run up to me asking what I did. I was visibly incredibly strong and fit. Any athletic man in the vicinity would suddenly be interested in me.

I honestly think it was just a conversation starter. Athletic men automatically knew they could talk to me about something both I and they were interested in.

I got asked out a lot. I got approached all the time.

But, as soon as I got to a more normal body fat percentage, the attention went back down. My fitness level wasn’t as noticeable so people never struck up conversations with me.

So, if you see a female figure competitor, know that they probably have tons of game.

Are female bodybuilders hornier than normal females?

Marla Cseski, Technician
Answered March 6, 2020

I am going to speak just based on my own experience. I think yes. I think it is mostly for those who use steroids and male hormones. I remember a girl who started going to the gym I attend. She began to do heavier and heavier lifting routines. Initially she looked just fit. Over several months, I noticed several things. She was clearly gaining a lot of muscle. She was also grunting more loudly and deeply. Her behavior became more “manly” from her stance to the way she walked. Her face began to change subtly, a bit of a receding hairline maybe, and more squarish and sharp. At the same time, she went from long sleeve outfits, to basically lifting in a sports bra and shorts. The guys would hit on her and she seemed way too receptive. She used to come and go alone but now would often leave with one of several of the strong dudes at the end of a workout. Interestingly, she also began to shower at the gym, and in the ladies’ locker, she would walk naked around the place. She even began hitting on the women. One day we coincided at the shower and she clearly was very horny. She was outgoing and we would talk, but this time she groped my breasts.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Them chicks messing with steroids. Men and women have both testosterone and estrogen, its just that men bave more testosterone than women and vice versa. Overweight or obese males tend to produce more esteogen. Working out and weight lifting produces more testosterone in the body. When stdroids is thrown in the mix a mans oenis shrinks and women clitoris enlarges.

Naw...penis don't shrink...your testicles do...brah


Rising Star
Famous porn star Vanessa deal ripo started body building and grew a dick. Chyna the wrestler also had an enormous clot like a dick. Is it the steroids, testosterone shots probably triggering the clitoris to finish metamorphosis into a penis like it was intended from birth. Shit is horrible think I’m wrong go watch some late Vanessa del rip films or body building porn.
Medical school.....really?

Vanessa ALWAYS had a big clit....

Testosterone causes the clit to enlarge

You must have a PHD.....

No way you're an MD


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I fucked a couple of chics in the fitness for a living industry (fitness models, women that compete up on stages, etc) and they shit was about as normal as could be...

Pussy was SUPER tight though... both of them


what's crazy is now both chics go to the same gym and train with with same coach way out in the Clear Lake area... and they know each other... and know I fucked them both... fun times :yes: