Wife was diagnosed with Colon cancer today


Talking shit and looking at pussy with the fellas
BGOL Investor
Shit been hitting the family like crazy. She lost 2 first cousins, two aunts in the last 10 months and her father to pancreatic cancer last Friday. Just found out her Brother had a heart attack yesterday they put him in an induced coma and is scheduled for open heart surgery Monday. Fam!! don't hold on to bullshit. LOVE ON YOUR PEOPLE. Throw all that pride away. Let old shit go. Call a loved one Right now and tell them you love them.
Prayers to your family, brother.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I brought her to the emergency room Friday due to pain in her side and lower back. They diagnosed it as colitis and started giving her antibiotics. The pain kept getting worse so I did what's called a rapid response and the hospital sent a doctor, her floor nurse, the charge nurse and a case worker to the room. Of course the doctor eloquently spew out some superfluous bullshit. I called him on it and asked them to explore other possibilities. This was yesterday. An hour later they ordered a colonoscopy and brought in Golightly. She drank it and shit her guts out. When they did the colonoscopy today the mass was so big they couldn't get the scope past it. She is scheduled for surgery next week to remove it.
Your wife is lucky to have an advocate and caretaker like you by her side. Most would have listened to that doctors bullshit, took the meds and hoped for the best while that cancer continued to kill them slowly. Respect and props to you brother. Prayers up for your strength and your wifes health.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
If interested, research Apricot Kernels which is Vitamin B17, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. They all kill cancer cells off. I know others personally who've used them and worked.

Wishing for the best for the misses.
I'm about to grab a few of those right now

That said, I hope OP's wife pulls through this. We are all brothers from other mothers on this site. Even though I don't know a lot of y'all personally, I know y'all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well fortunes to you and the fam.

Was there a biopsy or not until they remove it.

Also when you feel up to it, was there a family history was there normal colonoscopy’s done.

I’m due for my colonoscopy so I’m v interest`ed here.

Brother passed from colon in When they did the colonoscopy they took tissue samples that will be sent to the lab.

Stay strong bro.
Lost one of my uncle's last night.
thanks. sorry to hear about your uncle


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sorry to here that bruh.. is it early enough to knock it out....

whats your wives diet like?? does she eat pork, is she regular, thats the main thing

for her to try to move her bowels at least ONCE a day..

I been preachin off the mountain top with the hard heads in my family about being regular,

getting that daily fiber in, eating them leafy greens and certain seeds and nuts.. that shit will have you

feeling GOOD after a good one..

I hope they caught it in time, and she is able to make food her medicine and eat to live and not live to eat...

Long live you and yo wife bruh!!!!

I hope if she eating pork she ends that shit immediately.. shit is NOT fo US at all bruh... like dairy products..
we hope so wont know until the surgeon gets inside. if it has hit the lymph nodes then it would be stage 3 or 4 not good. bad diet. has had bloody stools a couple times in the past. she is on a liquid diet now. and plans on eating right if she gets the chance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well fortunes to you and the fam.

Was there a biopsy or not until they remove it.

Also when you feel up to it, was there a family history was there normal colonoscopy’s done.

I’m due for my colonoscopy so I’m v interest`ed here.

Brother passed from colon in 21


Carry on…….
they did a colonoscopy found the mass took samples(biopsy) waiting on the results. a few professionals are 90 % sure it is cancer. cancer runs in her family.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Bro take care of yourself also, because when a loved one that close to you is fighting for their lives against cancer, it's hard to keep up with your needs and this can affect your health both physically and mentally. Keep in mind your wife needs you at your best, and the only way you can be at your best is by properly sleeping, eating, and taking care of yourself. Trust me, I know it's easy to say when you're not going through it, but this is wise advice from a guy who went through it with my daughter and only child.


Rising Star
they did a colonoscopy found the mass took samples(biopsy) waiting on the results. a few professionals are 90 % sure it is cancer. cancer runs in her family.

Bruh, I know ur going thru a lot but two things you don’t have are confirmation and status of metastases.

I won’t say much else but masses despite size can also be benign.

Professional’s are wrong more times than you’ll ever know.

That’s all and well wishes

Carry on………


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Update Day 14: Yesterday, my wife underwent robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery, which lasted about 4 hours. I'm thrilled to share that the procedure went exceptionally well. The surgeons successfully removed the tumor and reattached her colon. She has a small incision along with five tiny marks around her abdomen. She's already had two bowel movements and is slowly walking around the room. The doctor didn't see any signs of cancer spreading, but we're awaiting the pathology report, which should take about 5 days to confirm. Although our medical professionals, including colon cancer specialists in our family, initially believed it was cancer, the colonoscopy pathology report came back non-cancerous. Despite this, they still expect the tumor might be cancerous. We firmly believe in the power of prayer, and I know God’s hand is in this. She might be released as soon as tomorrow.

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." (Psalm 23:1-3)

We trust in God's unwavering love and power as He guides and protects us through this journey.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Update Day 14: Yesterday, my wife underwent robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery, which lasted about 4 hours. I'm thrilled to share that the procedure went exceptionally well. The surgeons successfully removed the tumor and reattached her colon. She has a small incision along with five tiny marks around her abdomen. She's already had two bowel movements and is slowly walking around the room. The doctor didn't see any signs of cancer spreading, but we're awaiting the pathology report, which should take about 5 days to confirm. Although our medical professionals, including colon cancer specialists in our family, initially believed it was cancer, the colonoscopy pathology report came back non-cancerous. Despite this, they still expect the tumor might be cancerous. We firmly believe in the power of prayer, and I know God’s hand is in this. She might be released as soon as tomorrow.

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." (Psalm 23:1-3)

We trust in God's unwavering love and power as He guides and protects us through this journey.
I don’t even know you but fam this made my day. On some real shit. Glad yall got some positive news. God bless you and your fam.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Update Day 14: Yesterday, my wife underwent robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery, which lasted about 4 hours. I'm thrilled to share that the procedure went exceptionally well. The surgeons successfully removed the tumor and reattached her colon. She has a small incision along with five tiny marks around her abdomen. She's already had two bowel movements and is slowly walking around the room. The doctor didn't see any signs of cancer spreading, but we're awaiting the pathology report, which should take about 5 days to confirm. Although our medical professionals, including colon cancer specialists in our family, initially believed it was cancer, the colonoscopy pathology report came back non-cancerous. Despite this, they still expect the tumor might be cancerous. We firmly believe in the power of prayer, and I know God’s hand is in this. She might be released as soon as tomorrow.

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." (Psalm 23:1-3)

We trust in God's unwavering love and power as He guides and protects us through this journey.

This is great news brother, I'm glad to hear such a positive outcome. I can only imagine the relief.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Update Day 14: Yesterday, my wife underwent robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery, which lasted about 4 hours. I'm thrilled to share that the procedure went exceptionally well. The surgeons successfully removed the tumor and reattached her colon. She has a small incision along with five tiny marks around her abdomen. She's already had two bowel movements and is slowly walking around the room. The doctor didn't see any signs of cancer spreading, but we're awaiting the pathology report, which should take about 5 days to confirm. Although our medical professionals, including colon cancer specialists in our family, initially believed it was cancer, the colonoscopy pathology report came back non-cancerous. Despite this, they still expect the tumor might be cancerous. We firmly believe in the power of prayer, and I know God’s hand is in this. She might be released as soon as tomorrow.

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." (Psalm 23:1-3)

We trust in God's unwavering love and power as He guides and protects us through this journey.

This really made my damn day
Thank you for sharing

We will continue to pray for you both... health happiness and wealth.

May the Lord continue to bless your entire family


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My wife was released from the hospital today and was able to walk upstairs to the bed room. As she was signing her release documents she got a call her brother just died of a heart attack. Her Fam is getting blasted. 2 1st cousins 2 aunts her dad and now her brother all in 10 months.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
My wife was released from the hospital today and was able to walk upstairs to the bed room. As she was signing her release documents she got a call her brother just died of a heart attack. Her Fam is getting blasted. 2 1st cousins 2 aunts her dad and now her brother all in 10 months.

My condolences on another loss but I'm happy that your wife is now home and not one of them.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
My wife was released from the hospital today and was able to walk upstairs to the bed room. As she was signing her release documents she got a call her brother just died of a heart attack. Her Fam is getting blasted. 2 1st cousins 2 aunts her dad and now her brother all in 10 months.
Damn! I hope she makes a full recovery. Sorry to hear about her family. I know you and her are going through it. We got you, fam.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
OP check this threadreader about what I mentioned earlier in the thread

Also something to look into is a grounding mat to sleep on. Grounding/earthing, has many benefits to the body along the lines of reducing inflammation and numerous other benefits.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
