Will Harvey Weinstein get the Cosby treatment? Decades of Alleged Sexual Assault and Harassment


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Was it? I only saw a bit of it during it's run. Mainly wanted to see the Iranian chick show some tv skin.
Nope. She was the freak. The black folk were uppity token negroes and bench wenches who never moved up. Her cheating husband was a racist liberal and his mother was a blatant racist.

And the main character was a white housewife that slept her way to the top.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Alec Baldwin on Harvey Weinstein allegations: 'You heard the rumor that he raped Rose McGowan'

McGowan fired back on social media: ‘Told you everyone knew’



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PBS NewsHour


.@AlecBaldwin on a culture of complicity in Hollywood after allegations of sexual harassment and assault by fmr movie mogul #HarveyWeinstein

7:10 PM - Nov 3, 2017
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Last month, McGowan alleged via Twitter that “HW raped me.” The former Hollywood mogul denied “any allegations of non-consensual sex” in a statement issued through his representative, Sallie Hofmeister.

Speaking to PBS News Hour, Baldwin noted the initial New York Times reportrevealed Weinstein had paid a settlement to McGowan after an alleged incident at the Sundance Film Festival in 1997.

“It was for Rose McGowan to prosecute that case,” Baldwin said. “I don’t think you and I are working at a job, and we vet everybody we work for in terms of, not just sexual crimes, racism. Do I sit there and say to myself, I want to have a forensic psychiatrist come and examine the entire board of Warner Bros., and I will never take another paycheck from Warner Bros. until everybody on that board of directors that runs that company have been vetted that they’re not racist, sexist, homophobic, you name it, I need to have a report on that?”

The actor questioned where to draw the line. “Where this thing with Harvey Weinstein and Rose McGowan came along was, I had no idea, until now, that she had settled the case,” he said.

Watch the full interview on PBS.

McGowan responded to Baldwin’s interview on Twitter by writing, “Told you everyone knew. No one cared. Men ran the show. Women toed the line. No more. #ROSEARMY.” She added in a response to another user, “It has been a truly lonely road.”



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Alec Baldwin Melts Down on Twitter After Weinstein Comments, Blocks Asia Argento
The award-winning actor came under fire for arguing that Rose McGowan “delayed justice” in receiving a settlement from her alleged abuser, Harvey Weinstein. Then he lashed out.
11.05.17 12:57 AM ET
Four years ago, the actor Alec Baldwin temporarily deleted his Twitter account after unleashing a homophobic rant against a Daily Mail writer, referring to him as a “toxic little queen.”

The writer had, based on scant evidence, accused Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria, of posting upbeat social media messages on her Twitter and Instagram accounts while she and her husband were attending his pal James Gandolfini’s funeral—a truly heinous charge, if unfounded.

Today, Baldwin has vowed once again to take a break from Twitter after a strange meltdown.

It all began yesterday, when the 30 Rock actor sat down for an interview with PBS Newshour to discuss the mounting sexual assault allegations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and Baldwin’s good pal, James Toback.

“You heard the rumor that [Weinstein] raped Rose McGowan. You heard that over and over, and nothing was done. We’ve heard that for decades and nothing was done,” said Baldwin. When the interviewer said “well nobody said anything,” Baldwin replied, “Well but what happened was Rose McGowan took a payment of $100,000 and settled her case with him. It was for Rose McGowan to prosecute that case.”

Asia Argento


Hey @AlecBaldwin you're either a complete moron or providing cover for your pals and saving your own rep. Maybe all three. https://twitter.com/newshour/status/926587391455977475 …

11:10 AM - Nov 4, 2017
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First, McGowan tweeted out a link to the video interview with the message, “Told you everyone knew. No one cared. Men ran the show. Women toed the line. No more. #ROSEARMY.” Then, Asia Argento, who also accused Weinstein of raping her, tweeted a link to the video with her own, more pointed message: “Hey @AlecBaldwin you’re either a complete moron or providing cover for your pals and saving your rep. Maybe all three.”



If you paint every man w the same brush, you’re gonna run out of paint or men.@AsiaArgento

3:00 PM - Nov 4, 2017



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
That mofo out here in Arizona attending"rehab".. he was seen eating at a restaurant in Scottsdale(on the outdoor patio) and someone in a car drove by and screamed "PERVERT!!!" at the top of his lungs


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Comedian Jo Brand has been lauded for delivering a sharp rebuke to an all-male panel on Have I Got News For You, after they appeared to downplay claims of sexual harassment in Westminster.

Responding to a headline about an MP taking his personal trainer to the cinema, journalist Ian Hislop said: “Some of this is not high-level crime, is it, compared to Putin or Trump.”

Ms Brand, who was guest host on the BBC show, responded: “If I can just say – as the only representative of the female gender here today – I know it’s not high-level, but it doesn’t have to be high-level for women to feel under siege in somewhere like the House of Commons.

Labour appoints independent expert to examine sexual abuse complaints
“Actually, women, if you’re constantly being harassed, even in a small way, that builds up and that wears you down."

She added: “Sorry, I thought I was on Question Time for a minute.”

Mr Hislop replied: “No, and as you point out with four blokes sitting around you we’re hardly in a position to say, ‘That’s rubbish’.”

At another point during the show, journalist Quentin Letts called broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer "a big strong girl".

Ms Brand responded: "She’s a woman, Quentin, she’s not a girl.”

Leader of the UK Women’s Equality Party, Sophie Walker, said in a Twitter post the programme "presents one woman explaining sexual harassment to four white men who still think it's bantz”.

The Times columnist Caitlin Moran said: “YES YES YES YES. Enjoy: faces of men learning something.”

Radio 4 announced in August it was launching a woman-led series created and presented by Have I Got News For You producer Jo Bunting.

Where's the F in News will host a predominantly female panel, who will use current affairs as a "starting point for a number of fresh and funny challenges".

A spreadsheet compiled by Tory aides featuring a wide range of allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour by Conservative MPs was leaked last Sunday. While some of the allegations are serious, a number of claims relate to consensual relationships.

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A number of other sexual harassment allegations have been levelled at politicians in recent days.

The Conservative Party said it had suspended the whip from the MP CharlieElphickeafter what it called serious allegations had been referred to the police. MrElphicke criticised his party on Twitter, saying it "tipped off the press before telling me of my suspension". He added: "I am notawareof what the alleged claims are anddeny wrongdoing".

It came after Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon resigned on Wednesday saying he had "fallen below the high standards" required of the armed forces. Downing Street was presented with details of an alleged sexual assault by hours before he resigned on Wednesday, The Times reported on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Labour has said it is investigating an official complaint that Clive Lewis MP groped a woman at the party conference in September. He denied the allegation.

The party has suspended its MP for Luton North, Kelvin Hopkins, after allegations of sexual misconduct were made against him. He also denied the accusations.

A QC has been hired by Labour to investigate claims by activist Bex Bailey that her rape allegations were not dealt with properly.

Labour and the Conservatives have both announced new policies to deal with sexual harassment.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Alec Baldwin Melts Down on Twitter After Weinstein Comments, Blocks Asia Argento
The award-winning actor came under fire for arguing that Rose McGowan “delayed justice” in receiving a settlement from her alleged abuser, Harvey Weinstein. Then he lashed out.
11.05.17 12:57 AM ET
Four years ago, the actor Alec Baldwin temporarily deleted his Twitter account after unleashing a homophobic rant against a Daily Mail writer, referring to him as a “toxic little queen.”

The writer had, based on scant evidence, accused Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria, of posting upbeat social media messages on her Twitter and Instagram accounts while she and her husband were attending his pal James Gandolfini’s funeral—a truly heinous charge, if unfounded.

Today, Baldwin has vowed once again to take a break from Twitter after a strange meltdown.

It all began yesterday, when the 30 Rock actor sat down for an interview with PBS Newshour to discuss the mounting sexual assault allegations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and Baldwin’s good pal, James Toback.

“You heard the rumor that [Weinstein] raped Rose McGowan. You heard that over and over, and nothing was done. We’ve heard that for decades and nothing was done,” said Baldwin. When the interviewer said “well nobody said anything,” Baldwin replied, “Well but what happened was Rose McGowan took a payment of $100,000 and settled her case with him. It was for Rose McGowan to prosecute that case.”

Asia Argento


Hey @AlecBaldwin you're either a complete moron or providing cover for your pals and saving your own rep. Maybe all three. https://twitter.com/newshour/status/926587391455977475 …

11:10 AM - Nov 4, 2017
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First, McGowan tweeted out a link to the video interview with the message, “Told you everyone knew. No one cared. Men ran the show. Women toed the line. No more. #ROSEARMY.” Then, Asia Argento, who also accused Weinstein of raping her, tweeted a link to the video with her own, more pointed message: “Hey @AlecBaldwin you’re either a complete moron or providing cover for your pals and saving your rep. Maybe all three.”



If you paint every man w the same brush, you’re gonna run out of paint or men.@AsiaArgento

3:00 PM - Nov 4, 2017

He got a point ... both of those ladies compromised principle for blood money
how come neither them thought about preventing the next woman or actress from getting raped?

Recently found out Rose McGowan didn't have an NDA ... those 2 ladies share more blame than any of the men that heard rumors


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
He got a point ... both of those ladies compromised principle for blood money
how come neither them thought about preventing the next woman or actress from getting raped?

Recently found out Rose McGowan didn't have an NDA ... those 2 ladies share more blame than any of the men that heard rumors

Wait ... WHAT?!?!?

Rose did NOT have a nondisclosure?

See that right there, along with Paltrow and Jolie?

Is royally f*cked up


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I absolutely can not wait for The Oscars next year.

That Dolby Theater is either going to look like Ghost Town,
Or it'll be full of nothing but self-congratulatory Mother Fuckers.

Probably will be the same deal with the Golden Globes..speaking of which they need to get Ricky Gervais to host again,he'll probably go in on Weinstein and Spacey(since he reportedly can't stand him)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's Hollywood. They'll let him back. It may be a number of years....but they'll let him back in.

Possibly but they sure tryin to teach that bitch a lesson now...

Somebody high up in the hollywood food chain probably caught feeling like for somebody he casted couch
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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
He got a point ... both of those ladies compromised principle for blood money
how come neither them thought about preventing the next woman or actress from getting raped?

Recently found out Rose McGowan didn't have an NDA ... those 2 ladies share more blame than any of the men that heard rumors

Yeah, you and I discusses that shit in this thread. He was accused of 'victim blaming' for calling people like Rose out on their bullshit. Italians rightfully called out the chick who had a relationship for 5 years after the 'alleged rape'. He actually took it easy on them.

Women who were victims after them should really be going on on these so-called heros.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Possibly but they sure tryin to teach that bitch a lesson now...

Somebody high up in the hollywood food chain probably caught feeling like for somebody he casted couch

This is why I don't believe that he got in trouble simply because he's a piece of shit. He was allowed to eat off of and violate people for way too long. Not just the people in Hollywood knew, the law knew.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is why I don't believe that he got in trouble simply because he's a piece of shit. He was allowed to eat off of and violate people for way too long. Not just the people in Hollywood knew, the law knew.

exactly its like everyone in the industry knew....

I think a new team has taken over and the cleanin house or some shit..

if you start to see more and more fag movies and fag promotion in hollywood, then you KNOW what it is..
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Haven't watched the news in years...

This looks really, really, messy...

Still, why now? It's never random. I am looking for the result and I just dont think the result is exposing sexyal abuse in Hollywood...the sh!t is synonymous with Tinsel Town

Maybe I am overthinking it...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Rose McGowan is a straight up Hollywood jumpoff. She started by fucking Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins then moved to Marilyn Manson and so on and so on. Hell, the song Starfuckers, Inc. by Marilyn Manson is about HER. This bitch ain't no saint and definitely has no room to claim victimhood with the way she has used men to come up. There are instances of real, more unknown actresses who got caught up by dude and others and not a word said because of their status. This broad should NOT be the face of retribution.
These Hollywood hoes have found out how to work in numbers to get their hustle on once their careers dry up. Feminism is ruining America and they are part of the proof. This shit WILL trickle down to the everyday man who doesn't have big shot lawyers and America will become even more of an unlivable cesspool.
That does not excuse scumbag Weinstein, though. He's still dirt but that's nothing new. Everybody already knew that about him like everybody already knew Kevin Spacey was gay. Another "no shit" moment.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Rose McGowan is a straight up Hollywood jumpoff. She started by fucking Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins then moved to Marilyn Manson and so on and so on. Hell, the song Starfuckers, Inc. by Marilyn Manson is about HER. This bitch ain't no saint and definitely has no room to claim victimhood with the way she has used men to come up. There are instances of real, more unknown actresses who got caught up by dude and others and not a word said because of their status. This broad should NOT be the face of retribution.
These Hollywood hoes have found out how to work in numbers to get their hustle on once their careers dry up. Feminism is ruining America and they are part of the proof. This shit WILL trickle down to the everyday man who doesn't have big shot lawyers and America will become even more of an unlivable cesspool.
That does not excuse scumbag Weinstein, though. He's still dirt but that's nothing new. Everybody already knew that about him like everybody already knew Kevin Spacey was gay. Another "no shit" moment.

The more this goes on, the more like shit she looks. Bitch didn't have an NDA, took the money, and shut up for years. Now all of a sudden she has a book coming out called .... :hmm:....:hmm::hmm::hmm: BRAVE. :eek:

Fuck Weintein, but you're correct that this bitch shouldn't be the face of this. Any calling her on her bullshit is 'victim blaming.' Brave?!?! Bullshit. Too bad Weinsteins real victims that happened well after Rose got famous aren't calling her out.