Will Smith just slapped the fuck out of Chris Rock (update) Will banned for 10 years from Oscars

Who's more at fault?

  • Will - He took it way too far by engaging in public assault.

    Votes: 278 75.5%
  • Chris - But only if he was aware of her medical condition.

    Votes: 41 11.1%
  • Other (i.e. August Alsina, continued Tupac lust, etc.)

    Votes: 49 13.3%

  • Total voters


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
That’s like slapping shadyvillethug, that’s light work. He’s been clowned by numerous niggas and didn’t do anything. I’m disappointed in him for this shit. Chris didn’t even stumble he just said wow I got slapped and continued
Bitch eat a smoked dick

you and yo weak ass pie face wife is light work

u extra sweet round these pawts

I pray to god everyday that he will allow me to break my hands on your face.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People talk about all the shit people say bout Will, his wife, kids etc but how much of that been in his face?? U can talk all the shit u want BUT say that off brand shit about a man's wife and mother of his kids WHILE HE'S THERE you campaigning for an asswhooping and just got elected!


International Member
You mean he showed an absolute awareness of his inability to do shit about it?
He went out like a bitch. And if it were staged what men is getting bitch slapped for a laugh? Chris can’t step on stage anywhere without explaining this shit and even then I’ve lost mad respect for him. You don’t let men slap you. Lose a fair one, sure. Slapped like he hit you with wet meat? :smh: You gotta ball them gnarled up fists up and work. I ain’t mad at Will. This is on *Katt Williams in a headlock by a toddler* level shameful. This all comes down to Chris ain’t do shit. All the shit he talked on stage all these years?:smh: He just stood there with his mouth open like when white girls receive bad news.

I respect your point of view but I disagree
I think he displayed self awareness and understood quickly that whatever he did as far as retribution would be a terrible look, for himself, his position in Hollywood, the Oscars and all black men in the States (cacs would have love to see two black men fighting)
... and more so, I think he was too surprised and shell shook to think about putting his hands on Will

anyway... rich people's problems


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the first rapper to win an acting oscar would do something violent on the stage huh :lol: :lol: :lol: ...meanwhile suge knight is sitting in jail thinking I never did shit like that at an award show and they called me a thug...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not a good look Will.. :smh: ...That was a bitch move what he did!!..Damn Chris Rock kept it professional as fuck cause ain't no way a man would let another man slapped him like that(eps on live TV)..:smh:...Will won't do that to a white comedian...

That was fucked up what Will did!!..