Will Smith just slapped the fuck out of Chris Rock (update) Will banned for 10 years from Oscars

Who's more at fault?

  • Will - He took it way too far by engaging in public assault.

    Votes: 278 75.5%
  • Chris - But only if he was aware of her medical condition.

    Votes: 41 11.1%
  • Other (i.e. August Alsina, continued Tupac lust, etc.)

    Votes: 49 13.3%

  • Total voters


Transnational Member
It is ironic that he had this emotional breakdown after making this movie about Venus and Serena, tennis, golf, basketball, football (quarterbacks) that are skilled highly precise sports; where somebody black exceled has elicited this violent effeminate response. I remarked on how Steve McNair inches from winning a Superbowl died a couple of years later. Serena almost died in a suspicious car accident. Simone Biles was sexually abused masked by having other victims involved.

Back in the day this was more overt such as Jack Johnson victory that caused race riots leading to 30 people dying, Tulsa, OK is another example.

I have seen them go on a shooting rampage that was covered up, making it virutally impossible to accomplish anything without the emotional breakdown. Whether through violence or using surveillance to undermine my activity. It is good that they are seeing a reflection of themselves.


Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I mentioned previously that it didn't start on Facebook but you had no response for that.

I think it just goes to show, when it comes to jokes and jokes that go hard on loved ones, nobody has a definitive answer as to how to react.

Bottom line I didn't respond because your comparing nigga shit on Facebook or some bullshit 1997 beef to men in Tom Ford suits on a international television show who are worth millions of dollars.

It was a GI Jane joke he didn't go hard or talk about their kids bro.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bottom line I didn't respond because your comparing nigga shit on Facebook or some bullshit 1997 beef to men in Tom Ford suits on a international television show who are worth millions of dollars.

I wasn't comparing nigga shit to two millionaires.

The issue I was bringing up was to show that when it comes to what's fair in the whelm of comedy or roasting, nobody has a definitive answer.

Some will say it's all fair, others will there are limits. Look at this thread, there is no clear opinion.

but nevermind.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One of the white video game YouTubers that I follow tried to get on that Will Smith bullshit, once he saw how it divided his audience, he quickly deleted that live stream and went back to bitching about Tommy Tellerico and Elden Ring.

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I wasn't comparing nigga shit to two millionaires.

The issue I was bringing up was to show that when it comes to what's fair in the whelm of comedy or roasting, nobody has a definitive answer.

Some will say it's all fair, others will there are limits. Look at this thread, there is no clear opinion.

but nevermind.

There is a clear limits and people will learn the hard way. Again I can't compare whatever situation your talking about to what happend on a international television broadcast. 1997 or Facebook or whatever took place amoung people that aren't professional comedians.

It doesn't matter what people say it's a fact Will Smith broke the law on live television and of all people he assaulted another black man.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If posted already, I'll delete...

I'm hoping someone releases a clip of the interaction between Will and Jada following his initially laughing at the joke.

The live feed cut back to Chris but that camera probably stayed on Will the entire time up to him walking on stage.

She's laughing in this clip after the slap and I suspect she put a battery in his back to do that dumb shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think the Academy is going to make an example of Will. Unfortunately all this extra virtue signaling and language about "trauma" "triggering" is helping to pump up this story into something bigger than it is; A brief physical encounter between 2 men that have known each other for 30 years in an unexpected forum. Folks acting like Will knocked Rock out or blew his head off

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm hoping someone releases a clip of the interaction between Will and Jada following his initially laughing at the joke.

The live feed cut back to Chris but that camera probably stayed on Will the entire time up to him walking on stage.

She's laughing in this clip after the slap and I suspect she put a battery in his back to do that dumb shit.

It’s an interesting reaction. It’s the same reaction as the crowds. She laughed on cue with everyone, and then her body language changed when WiLLLLL raised his voice.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s an interesting reaction. It’s the same reaction as the crowds. She laughed on cue with everyone, and then her body language changed when WiLLLLL raised his voice.

Nah, she seemed to laugh towards the end after Will yelled a second time and Chris awkwardly cracked a joke.

IMO her and Will are equally fucked up for this (Will without doubt.)

It's just speculation but I feel either her reaction or her saying something prompted him.

I definitely feel the shit she's said and disclosed publicly about Will has left him feeling embarrassed and emasculated him.

They're also fucked up for issuing their weak statements and empty apologies (Will) while Chris' reputation is being attacked and he's being held responsible for what happened by a significant number of people.

And to make it worse they're going to further benefit from it by him speaking exclusively on her bullshit show where they both control the narrative :smh:

Last Dayz

Soul Thief
Certified Pussy Poster
Will Smith chose this ridiculous bullshit. His daughter is a freak, who as a teem was surrounded and sexualized by grown ass men on his watch. His son is a anorexic non binary that wears dresses. He sat in the house while his son's friend fucked his so called wife.

This used to be called white people shit. Black folks get money and adopt the fetishism of white elites.

This family is the worst example for Blacl excellence. I wish they would just go away. They are a terrible example.

Word, from the looks of things the last decade it looks like White is the New Black.:smh:

Black people were so much more dope in the 70s, 80s & 90s.:sad:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Will is probably praying something happens to take the attention away from him. People are tired of the Russian war. And this is right in America's lane. Celebrity drama. So until something else more dramatic takes people's attention away, "The Slap" is going to continue to be water cooler talk.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Will is probably praying something happens to take the attention away from him. People are tired of the Russian war. And this is right in America's lane. Celebrity drama. So until something else more dramatic takes people's attention away, "The Slap" is going to continue to be water cooler talk.

It doesn't matter if something takes attention off of him now.

No matter what he does he'll have forever ruined the most important moment of his acting career which otherwise has been pretty remarkable.

To go from rapper to The Fresh Prince to then become one the biggest box office draws in the history of the business and finish it off with an Oscar (one of only 5 brothers in history) which is the crowning achievement on an already impressive resume.

His win was a once in a lifetime moment and would have been talked about for years due to his resume.

Yet instead he fucked it up with that ignorance and forever tainted his own legacy.

Dude basically pulled a Scott Norwood, wide right move on himself.


International Member
ah, so basically you were a lazy dumbass...

You were doing well with what I have quoted above, but what I have quoted below is the bitch in you coming out!

... that believed the first thing you saw. no problem. i don't hold any ill will to people with mental retardation.

A bit like how sounded in your original comment, said with it's mocking, sarcastic and facetious undertones!

You do know sarcasm is the lowest form of Wit?

But again that is just the bitch in you!

@xxxbishopxxx @robfmnola @trappstarr82 <<<just calling your names so your up to date with it all, so in reverse order...

@lazarus I couldn't be bothered to go back and look for photos to compare from earlier during the show. I just figured let me post this and one of my bitches on BGOL will jump through hoops to proove me wrong.

And there you, are as if by magic, almost like I got you on remote control like my SONY 55"!


@playahaitian thanks for the research and links, nice bit of work son. 1

A viral image of the altercation between Chris Rock and Will Smith has been digitally altered, fact-checkers report

A digitally altered image of Chris Rock at the 2022 Academy Awards circulated on social media following the show, fact-checkers report. The altered image makes it falsely appear as though Chris Rock was wearing a cheek pad when actor Will Smith approached him on stage and slapped him, Reuters says. Fabricated statements attributed to Chris Rock were shared on social media after the ceremony, per Reuters. According to AFP, a photo collage showing celebrities' reactions is from 2017, when the wrong film was announced as Best Picture winner.

"What’s the most likely explanation for why that viral image looks like there’s something on Chris Rock’s left cheek? There are two likely possibilities. The first is that someone deliberately photoshopped the image to make it look like there’s a prosthetic on Rock’s face. And that’s entirely possible. People are making fake images all the time, sometimes as jokes that get stripped of context when they’re passed around online, other times to intentionally deceive." — Gizmodo

"The other, and perhaps more likely, possibility is that someone used an 'artificial intelligence' app in a naive attempt to get a better image. Apps like Remini are available for iPhone that allow people to 'scale up' an image, but unsophisticated internet sleuths can easily misunderstand how they work." — Gizmodo

bro, you can't tell photoshop? lmao.


Once again, shout out to @playahaitian for doing the heavy lifting.

Bored of laughing my arse off now, but you are a funny type of bitch @lazarus


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Couple things, Corey Holcombe needs to stfu!! All that barking and woofing he do but no smoke when he seen Stephen A. He better remember Will may not run up on him but Charlie Mack and some of them Philly niggas will address his bullshit on Will behalf.

2. Most don't want Chris to address this with comedic intelligence, they want a bunch of ur old lady a ho vitriol they can repeat for social media purposes. For this to be done right he has to point out the right and wrong on both parts and make it funny. Ho jokes escalates the situation. Then they'll say we'll these his true feelings Will should've slapped him. It's not CR comedy style.

3. If Rock didn't write that joke and even considers Will a in passing friend, he has to think, Well damn my dude been going thru some shit in his relationship maybe slick talking at his wife ain't the move. I mean why pile on?? U gotta know that's a sensitive subject and whoever thought the joke was a good idea should be taken to task.

Last if they suspended or ban Will better not be any jokes pertaining to what happened at next year's event. You can't ban someone then make light of the situation you considered a bannable offense.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is a bad example. They really thought they were doing the President's bidding, as dumb as that sounds
This isn't about; "whom said what to whom".
The point of my post was to illustrate that; in an emotionally charged situation, and in the heat of the moment, many, many people violently act out with no regards to the law. :dunno:


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Bitch...need to go meet her dad's Richards... bastard children he left behind...for her manly looking Bedwenchin sister and her...Coon asses... brah
