Woman stops to check on toddler left on side of road,then vanishes


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
its fucked up because stories like this make people paranoid about

stopping to help when they see shit like this...

so many drivers out there that wont stop to help nobody in need,

then when they in need feel some type of way about nobody stoppin to help them,

thats why guns should be fully legal..

this way.... you wont have to worry about somebody taking advantage of your kindness,

with roadside shananigans.... damn shame they played on that womans kind heart like that..


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
America has normalized this shit! Prayers to a good outcome but if those prayers can't save her they need to find the sickos who lured her if that's the case, the hills have eyes but the side of the road is where they get you.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
its fucked up because stories like this make people paranoid about

stopping to help when they see shit like this...

so many drivers out there that wont stop to help nobody in need,

then when they in need feel some type of way about nobody stoppin to help them,

thats why guns should be fully legal..

this way.... you wont have to worry about somebody taking advantage of your kindness,

with roadside shananigans.... damn shame they played on that womans kind heart like that..

Where at in the U.S. can you not carry a gun? I'm down south, so I'm used to it. Although I know some states have stricter laws. But if you have a legal permit. Whats preventing you from carrying?


PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
its fucked up because stories like this make people paranoid about

stopping to help when they see shit like this...

so many drivers out there that wont stop to help nobody in need,

then when they in need feel some type of way about nobody stoppin to help them,

thats why guns should be fully legal..

this way.... you wont have to worry about somebody taking advantage of your kindness,

with roadside shananigans.... damn shame they played on that womans kind heart like that..
Even with a gun she probably gets got. Unless she gets out the car gun in hand pointed at the kid. Which I don't see. You just gotta trust your gut


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Where at in the U.S. can you not carry a gun? I'm down south, so I'm used to it. Although I know some states have stricter laws. But if you have a legal permit. Whats preventing you from carrying?
I can think of several like;.. accidentally shooting yourself, your loved ones or an innocent, running into a race soldier cop who decides to yell "gun!" before you can explain, leaving your house with a sense of confidence and purpose instead of leaving thinking you need your gun because the world is full of danger or you just scared of a good ass whooping...ect...on and on :dunno:


...do what you have to do to survive, I just hope shooting someone to do it is the very last option.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can think of several like;.. accidentally shooting yourself, your loved ones or an innocent, running into a race soldier cop who decides to yell "gun!" before you can explain, leaving your house with a sense of confidence and purpose instead of leaving thinking you need your gun because the world is full of danger or you just scared of a good ass whooping...ect...on and on :dunno:


...do what you have to do to survive, I just hope shooting someone to do it is the very last option.

Dude said guns should be fully legal. My question was where at in the U.S. can you not legally carry gun? I actually think there a too many guns on the street and laws should prob be a little stiffer.


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
It's so dark and the glare of headlights, it's hard to tell if she exited her car.

That's wild as hell! You mean in those few seconds she just disappeared????
, I don't think a minute or two went by before the cops lights came on. There is almost no visible trace of someone getting out of that car....they need to upgrade all traffic cams to high resolution and night vision.

I need to read thru this news story maybe I'm missing something...


PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
My questions from looking at that video:

Does anyone see anything that could have been the toddler she saw?

Those flashers came on a lil ways b4 she actually stopped. Could she have actually seen something in the dark that far ahead?

And it was a handful of vehicles on that road. Nobody else saw the toddler and made a call about it?


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
IDK but it smells like a race shit Cracka killer, IDK but maybe opportunity killing, road rage or did not want the child reported to the authorities so many horrible possibilities even ones that may not be popular.

, IDK if the witness saw an actual white man or someone who was just light skinned or other, but all I know is if they identify a white man :smh: :angry: :smh: :angry::mad: it's bad who ever but I think you know what I mean.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What I can't figure out is where could she have gone? Everything is right there on camera. You never see another vehicle pullover next to her. I could only make out one figure opening a door. Her car never moves again and plus the cops pull up shortly after. It's like she vanished into then air.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
This is something else that's been going on. It's fake $100 bills placed on your wiper blade, usually laced with fentanyl.

And all these types of kidnappings, they want young girls, early 20's usually or younger. So if you have fam or daughters, warn them of all this. They don't want dudes or your old lady.



BGOL Investor
This is something else that's been going on. It's fake $100 bills placed on your wiper blade, usually laced with fentanyl.

And all these types of kidnappings, they want young girls, early 20's usually or younger. So if you have fam or daughters, warn them of all this. They don't want dudes or your old lady.

I need to brush up on the law cuz what if I shoot the mf dead in my front seat after trying to steal my car. Is that a charge? Cuz if not, I might hop out my car on purpose just to off an idiot playing stupid games like that


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even with a gun she probably gets got. Unless she gets out the car gun in hand pointed at the kid. Which I don't see. You just gotta trust your gut

the mistake folks trying to defend themselves with a knife or gun is to let the opp KNOW they have

a weapon right away... be lowkey about it, and strike when they least expect you to... I know in

this situation a kind warm hearted person is not going to be thinkin about any type of violence

with a child, so I get your point...

you gotta be a real drip of rancid scum, to use a child to take advantage of someones kindness

like that. I wish she wouldve at least took a picture of the child and sent it in case the child was missing

so the child couldve been properly identified.

and that wouldve definitely led to some leads....only a pure evil soulless person

would commit a crime like this...

I remember back in the day folks had to be concerned with hitch hikers,

and then they would use chicks to get cars to stop and get robbed,

now they using CHILDREN... thats a new level of low for the world of grimey people..

I really hope she is ok and if she was violated they catch them demons quickly...


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I need to brush up on the law cuz what if I shoot the mf dead in my front seat after trying to steal my car. Is that a charge? Cuz if not, I might hop out my car on purpose just to off an idiot playing stupid games like that
Did they use deadly force to steal your car or you already found them in it? Too many variables.

If you're in a restaurant and dudes run in with guns to rob the place, then it's open season. But if someone was in your car trying to start it, that I'm not 100% certain about. Cause it's no deadly threat to you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This doesn’t add up. Wonder if she’s faking it. She literally disappears. How?

Yea it odd in this day and time that she would not vlog this on social media.....

this selfie generation vlogs everything.....

especially the child to see if anyone recognizes the lil one,

yea this shit very odd indeedy!!!