Woman stops to check on toddler left on side of road,then vanishes


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
In her pictures the family released, she has on a smart watch, possibly an apple watch.

Police can use that to try an pinpoint her location.

Provided that device hasn't been compromised.
Her watch was in the car, with her phone I think is what comments said.

She called her fam then called 911, she was on the phone with the sister in law. They heard her talk to the child then she screamed and that was all.

People viewing the vid says that they can see two people, one at the front of the car and one opening her door.

Scroll the comments



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I saw this yesterday. It breaks my fucking heart. Trafficking in person is still the most profitable illegal business. It's fucked up that if she doesn't die she will either be used as a sex slave or marketed for parts like a butcher shop

Damn shame. Just because she's a nice person the last days or weeks or hours of her life will be hell

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Where at in the U.S. can you not carry a gun? I'm down south, so I'm used to it. Although I know some states have stricter laws. But if you have a legal permit. Whats preventing you from carrying?
Can't carry in New York and Jersey gives you hell if your not in law enforcement. Pennsylvania you can carry though much much easier.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Her watch was in the car, with her phone I think is what comments said.

She called her fam then called 911, she was on the phone with the sister in law. They heard her talk to the child then she screamed and that was all.

People viewing the vid says that they can see two people, one at the front of the car and one opening her door.

Scroll the comments

51 second mark I see the driver door open. The car on the interstate even swerve a little to the left to avoid whoever opened the driver door. I see a passenger door open not long afterward.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
51 second mark I see the driver door open. The car on the interstate even swerve a little to the left to avoid whoever opened the driver door. I see a passenger door open not long afterward.
Someone zoomed in and commented in that Reddit link with this photo. I can't see chit on my cell



Rising Star
Platinum Member
its fucked up because stories like this make people paranoid about

stopping to help when they see shit like this...

so many drivers out there that wont stop to help nobody in need,

then when they in need feel some type of way about nobody stoppin to help them,

thats why guns should be fully legal..

this way.... you wont have to worry about somebody taking advantage of your kindness,

with roadside shananigans.... damn shame they played on that womans kind heart like that..

they want to ban guns...but I will always have one on me... even when I die...it will be a .454 on my person.. brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
they want to ban guns...but I will always have one on me... even when I die...it will be a .454 on my person.. brah


they want take our guns and make the men a nation of faggots, so foreign countries could

try and take over....

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT SHIT... you lucky in in the mighty Mississippi gun laws are laxed out there....

I think riiight??? I know in NYC they act like if you walk around with a gun, you have a bomb strapped to you..

bruh the supreme court said NYC gun laws are unconstituional... bruh the nyc govt rushed back, and passed a law, Im talkin in fuckin DAAAYS..

to Ban guns from public spaces, making it illegal to carry one despite the supreme court ruling,

but look how fast they get things done then... anything else in nyc takes fucking forever....

just like reparations, always something they gotta do first..

but to keep guns out of kniggods hands they proved they can get things done fast if they want to..

them bitch ass fuck boys, its why you cant take these traitors we call our govt seriously


Rising Star
Platinum Member

they want take our guns and make the men a nation of faggots, so foreign countries could

try and take over....

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT SHIT... you lucky in in the mighty Mississippi gun laws are laxed out there....

I think riiight??? I know in NYC they act like if you walk around with a gun, you have a bomb strapped to you..

bruh the supreme court said NYC gun laws are unconstituional... bruh the nyc govt rushed back, and passed a law, Im talkin in fuckin DAAAYS..

to Ban guns from public spaces, making it illegal to carry one despite the supreme court ruling,

but look how fast they get things done then... anything else in nyc takes fucking forever....

just like reparations, always something they gotta do first..

but to keep guns out of kniggods hands they proved they can get things done fast if they want to..

them bitch ass fuck boys, its why you cant take these traitors we call our govt seriously

yeh in Mississippi I can have a duel...in public... brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is fishy ass fuck. Maybe women in Alabama are different, but ain no NY woman getting out her car at night to check on the kid by herself. She is going to try her best to speak to the kid from the car.
THat's what I'm saying bro... something is up I think they targeted her and who would jump out of a car in Alabama to help anyone? Especially a black person....


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
This happened about an hour away from me and I've been following the story, the latest I heard was there was a wooded area in that location and then think she might have been taken there. I can't even make sense of the story because if someone was doing this to try and abduct someone what if a police officer had spotted the supposed toddler, or man, group of men or a family. It looks like things happened so fast we won't truly know what happens until she's found, hopefully alive


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
its fucked up because stories like this make people paranoid about

stopping to help when they see shit like this...

so many drivers out there that wont stop to help nobody in need,

then when they in need feel some type of way about nobody stoppin to help them,

thats why guns should be fully legal..

this way.... you wont have to worry about somebody taking advantage of your kindness,

with roadside shananigans.... damn shame they played on that womans kind heart like that..

This happened to me last weekend, I passed what looked like a couple in a RV broke down on side of the highway about 10pm, I came back through about 1am and they were still out there. I thought about stopping and was saying if it was me I'd want somebody to stop and help but i decided it was to dangerous and kept going


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This happened to me last weekend, I passed what looked like a couple in a RV broke down on side of the highway about 10pm, I came back through about 1am and they were still out there. I thought about stopping and was saying if it was me I'd want somebody to stop and help but i decided it was to dangerous and kept going

Yea I feel ya... Id feel bad knowing I couldve helped someone and didnt.. but I watch waaaay too many

movies for that shit,

Truth is always trust your first instinct... gotta learn NOT to second guess yourself....

If something told me to stop, Id stop tho...especially if I had the hammer on me...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where would a toddler come from? I assume they have went back and looked at footage an hour or so before. To see if they spot someone getting out of a vehicle with a toddler. Or maybe hanging near that area before she comes by. Something is off..the cops pull up within a few minutes and she gone. I wonder how large of an area are those woods.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Yea I feel ya... Id feel bad knowing I couldve helped someone and didnt.. but I watch waaaay too many

movies for that shit,

Truth is always trust your first instinct... gotta learn NOT to second guess yourself....

If something told me to stop, Id stop tho...especially if I had the hammer on me...

Mannnnn I remember years ago I went to some white dudes house to buy a computer, I almost turned around twice because while following his directions felt like dude lived 5-10 miles into the woods, all dirt road. I finally got there and it was only one other house in that area, when I was in his house dude was acting all weird wanting me to come in some back room to see his computer set up, HELLLLL NAHHH I just kept thinking about that Ving Rhames scene and got the hell up out of there :lol: :lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member

From the comments section:

"...because she was talking on the phone with the mother, the mother listened when she spoke to the child and then she started screaming and the call was cut off. And from what I understand, she left at the exit and passed again to be able to tell the police what mile it was. that's why she drives slowly in her car for so long."

"Between 50 - 53 seconds in.. if ya zoom in, you can see the car door open and it appears as if she (someone) walks behind the car (watch the shadow of the flashing lights).. then it looks almost as if she (someone) is standing by the car and then she walks towards that sign and shes just gone into the darkness... so very sad and scary! I hope the family gets some answers"

"A second after she stops you can see her get out of the car, walk around the front & to the passenger side of car then she opens the door & is standing there for a few seconds, after that its hard to tell. I think this was 1000% a trap & that the small child was used as bait & is most likely a victim too & whoever took her was waiting in the bushes/trees. Unfortunately I dont have a good feeling but I absolutely pray she is found alive & safe. This is just heartbreaking & so scary"

"If you zoom in you can see someone exit the drivers door about a minute in, then you can see her go around to the passenger door and stand there for about 30 seconds , (maybe talking to the toddler although I don’t see anyone else) and then she just seems to disappear, or walk in front of the car and disappear. It’s so hard because of the glare of the lights"

"I don't think that it was a child!!! I think that maybe it was a perhaps and I don't want to offend anyone but a Little Person. I simply do not see a 4 or 5 year old toddler (as reports say she said the child looked to be) walking on a busy highway without running into the traffic or away from the traffic. Not just walking along the highway."

"Some people are saying that someone was already in the car with her and what we see here is a little farther down the road from where she initially stopped to check on the child. But I think what we are seeing here is her initial stop: we see her getting out of the driver's side and coming around to the passenger side. I think she probably saw the "child" on her first pass, called 911, then doubled back to wait to make sure the child didn't run into traffic before the cops got there. Returning to the spot, she drives along the shoulder with her hazards on because doesn't see the "child" now (I think no one sees it; I know I don't). Finally, she stops the car, gets out and looks around. She calls the friend she was on the phone with at the end (if she wasn't already on the phone with them when she got out of the car) to tell them that she had to stop and why. Then she sees the "child" (or someone) at the edge of the treeline and asks if they are okay. While all this is going on, we get glimpses of movement and lights in the wooded area and what seems to be the shadow of someone running up to her. I don't see her being pulled into the trees, but that is the only thing that could've happened. There may have been a vehicle back there. Or are there houses. This is clearly an ambush; I just wonder, if a man had gotten out of the car, would there still have been an abduction? Would they have robbed him? Or would they just have stayed hidden in the woods? The roadside is so, so dark - she was really brave to get out of her car, even though it obviously was not a good idea. This is chilling."
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
From the comments section:

"She walks out the driver side, to the passenger side. Looks like she’s getting something out of it or maybe making ready for the kid she saw, but she actually heads towards the wooded area and kinda does a little semi circle back then the blinking lights block it out. I see no struggle or person come out. Whatever it was it was really quick. She’s in frame then she’s out. I do hope they searched that wooded area. Dash cams on cars driving around the area."

"All I see is a car stop, person gets out, goes to passenger side, then disappears into the darkness to the right. There is a neighborhood just to the right of where she parked. I think she went there and met up with someone else. Still no reports of any missing children, no other 911 calls about a toddler on the side of the freeway. This is looking more and more like an intentional disappearing act. I pray this is the case and that Carlee is safe and no toddler is actually involved"

"There's a huge neighborhood on the other side of those woods. I think the approximate coordinates are 33.366864,-86.841179"

:puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From the comments section:

"She walks out the driver side, to the passenger side. Looks like she’s getting something out of it or maybe making ready for the kid she saw, but she actually heads towards the wooded area and kinda does a little semi circle back then the blinking lights block it out. I see no struggle or person come out. Whatever it was it was really quick. She’s in frame then she’s out. I do hope they searched that wooded area. Dash cams on cars driving around the area."

"All I see is a car stop, person gets out, goes to passenger side, then disappears into the darkness to the right. There is a neighborhood just to the right of where she parked. I think she went there and met up with someone else. Still no reports of any missing children, no other 911 calls about a toddler on the side of the freeway. This is looking more and more like an intentional disappearing act. I pray this is the case and that Carlee is safe and no toddler is actually involved"

"There's a huge neighborhood on the other side of those woods. I think the approximate coordinates are 33.366864,-86.841179"

:puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled:

I agree with this.

In the video you can clearly see a ton of cars passing. None of them saw a missing child on the road?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I agree with this.

In the video you can clearly see a ton of cars passing. None of them saw a missing child on the road?

There seems to be a decent amount of traffic on that highway
So why can't the cops just take that same camera, rewind it about 20 minutes back
Then look for the so called toddler walking on the shoulder of the road

Its a 3 lane highway
And most of the cars are driving in the right hand lane
Every time a car passes, their headlights illuminate the shoulder & some of the grass
Why not rewind the footage & slowly watch for a smaller figure walking along the side of the road/grass

:puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled: