"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're saying washing your hands doesn't work? What?
He basically said the data is weak that this virus will transmit that way. He said hes not saying to stop using sanitizer but dont think its going to have a major impact. The touching eye transmission thing doesnt have a lot of data supporting it. Hand washing in general is good but they aren't being honest because it's not really going to stop this virus.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
He basically said the data is weak that this virus will transmit that way. He said hes not saying to stop using sanitizer but dont think its going to have a major impact. The touching eye transmission thing doesnt have a lot of data supporting it. Hand washing in general is good but they aren't being honest because it's not really going to stop this virus.

What you said isn't what he said.

All he said that it's not enough data, but go ahead and do it.

It could be air born, but it also be on objects. Washing your hands helps with that.

The problem with this is people spreading misinformation. Don't spread shit like what you originally said.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What you said isn't what he said.

All he said that it's not enough data, but go ahead and do it.

It could be air born, but it also be on objects. Washing your hands helps with that.

The problem with this is people spreading misinformation. Don't spread shit like what you originally said.
Theres not enough data saying it will stop it but masks will. He said people want to feel like they are doing something so they are stressing the hand washing.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

Like I told that pussy ass pre pubescent fake mod that does't do his job @MASTERBAKER ... THE MASTERBITCH(FAGGOT deleted the facts that I posted).... if that bitch only knew what happens to said fish from the ocean to the fish store and what's allowed to be called grade "A" for sale & consumption.... she probably wouldn't eat.... period
How many times have we gone fishing, caught a big one and put our foot on it to remove the hook? Does she actually think those fish were sterilized before being put on ice? Does she think that when fish hit the dirty wet concrete inside the Fulton fish market that they throw it out? Facts of life.... shit ain't sushi... buy the fish... take it home.... clean it properly.... and cook it. :dunno:




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He basically said the data is weak that this virus will transmit that way. He said hes not saying to stop using sanitizer but dont think its going to have a major impact. The touching eye transmission thing doesnt have a lot of data supporting it. Hand washing in general is good but they aren't being honest because it's not really going to stop this virus.

People should be building their immune system up as much as possible along with making sure their hands are clean

I copped some vitamin c supplements from Amazon a while back that I take with my other daily vitamins. I also make sure I eat immune building enriched fruits & veggies daily.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor

I'm laughing because it shows the complete ineptitude of the current Administration. With the bird flu and whatever the fuck came out during Obama's term, they got out in front of the shit so I didn't get so bad it was out of control.

Trump is so God damn arrogant nobody can tell him shit oh, so he sat and wait until the shit got out of control then he wanted to react when it was far too late


Rising Star

This guy has been putting out the best info. Ive been working from home since last week based on his shit...we are following the path of Italy exactly but we are testing far fewer people so it will be much worse.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Theres not enough data saying it will stop it but masks will. He said people want to feel like they are doing something so they are stressing the hand washing.
Mask are very dangerous for the general public to wear and will put many people in serious danger of catching coronavirus. You should never and mean never advise anyone of wearing mask.

I own a professional cleaning business and just like all medical staff and personal, we have to take a class and be fully trained on how to wear a mask. All most 99% of people won’t even be able to properly seal the mask and worse, will not no how to remove the mask without contaminating themselves

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Our Governor basically told folks to cancel all gatherings. Right now, it's just a suggestion that people who give a fuck are following. If clowns like the Cavs and other greedy fucks don't listen, he will make it an official fucking order.

The dumb ass, clown ass hockey team down in Columbus claims their fucking ventilation system moves air quick enough to keep people safe. :cmonson: This fucking thing can be spread by breathing. These greedy fucks need to be checked.

Mask are very dangerous for the general public to wear and will put many people in serious danger of catching coronavirus. You should never and mean never advise anyone of wearing mask.

I own a professional cleaning business and just like all medical staff and personal, we have to take a class and be fully trained on how to wear a mask. All most 99% of people won’t even be able to properly seal the mask and worse, will not no how to remove the mask without contaminating themselves
The fuck are you talking about? Did you see the CCTV study on the bus? The people who weren't infected were just random humanoids wearing masks. Stop acting like that shit is rocket science. Yeah, some people can fuck up getting a cup of water, but the average creature can figure it out and the mask just might save their life or the life of someone they love and would have infected. :smh:

These assclowns been saying for weeks not to use masks while every fucking picture and video showed medical pros wearing that shit. Now a study confirms that shit works and you doubling down on the dumb shit.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
This containment shit ain't working we went from 3 to 1000+ quick as fuck. How the fuck is this possible we have a couple here who flew back from Egypt on Thursday and stayed the night in a Dulles airport. The next day they drove from D.C. directly to the Hospital think about how many people they came in contact with. :smh: :smh: starting to remind me of the ending of Rise of the Planet of the Apes


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Our Governor basically told folks to cancel all gatherings. Right now, it's just a suggestion that people who give a fuck are following. If clowns like the Cavs and other greedy fucks don't listen, he will make it an official fucking order.

The dumb ass, clown ass hockey team down in Columbus claims their fucking ventilation system moves air quick enough to keep people safe. :cmonson: This fucking thing can be spread by breathing. These greedy fucks need to be checked.

The fuck are you talking about? Did you see the CCTV study on the bus? The people who weren't infected were just random humanoids wearing masks. Stop acting like that shit is rocket science. Yeah, some people can fuck up getting a cup of water, but the average creature can figure it out and the mask just might save their life or the life of someone they love and would have infected. :smh:

These assclowns been saying for weeks not to use masks while every fucking picture and video showed medical pros wearing that shit. Now a study confirms that shit works and you doubling down on the dumb shit.
Your response is why many and many will get infected because of mask. Almost 99% of people will contaminate themselves by improperly wearing mask. Do not wear any mask unless you learn the things below

Sealing a mask-
Fam I cant express how important this step is. Not doing this correctly will make your mask an all inclusive coronavirus germ resort. The virus will easily get in the unsealed parts and the moisture from your breathing will give the virus an environment thrive.

Self Contamination-
This is major and I mean major with improper mask wearing. Most people will contaminate themselves for improperly removing the mask. For example, pulling the mask down at any point and I mean at any point is self contamination.

Removing the mask improperly will self contaminate