"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...Here we go again 2025 are we ready for Trump to fuck this up again?


Rising Star
The numbers are going to be really bad when they are forced to release them:

scroll to the bottom of that link and you can see that they have gone days now without any testing :smh: :smh: How the fuck do you test fewer and fewer people until you aren't testing anyone in the middle of a pandemic...


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
How much you wanna bet that Trumps news conference tonight at 9pm from the oval office will be 80% lies, 5% about perfect letters and transcripts, 5% about how smart he is, 5% about how great the economy is, stock market will be doing great soon and 5% about the virus is just another flu that will most likely go away in April? :hmm:

sidebar: will he declare a national emergency?

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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Iran unveils thermal screening cameras to curb corona spread

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Rising Star
How much you wanna bet that Trumps news conference tonight at 9pm from the oval office will be 80% lies, 5% about perfect letters and transcripts, 5% about how smart he is, 5% about how great the economy is, stock market will be doing great soon and 5% about the virus is just another flu that will most likely go away in April? :hmm:

sidebar: will he declare a national emergency?


I think he will announce a ban of some sort on travel here from other places and then try to insinuate that is under control here. The numbers suggest we are about 11 days behind Italy in terms of the impact...



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
ANOTHER attempt by the turd to hide the ineptness of him and his administration... when you elect the equivalent of someone from a Walmart parking lot to be president... :hmm:

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources



I Haz Risen
All state colleges are closed in NY, and the University of Rochester is going online classes only here.
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Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
BREAKING NEWS: New York CANCELS its St Patrick's Day parade for the first time in 258 years over coronavirus fears



I'd like to formally and officially slap the hell out of everyone who said a Hillary Clinton administration would be just as bad as Trump.

"Black folks have always had it bad. We've survived worse. Nothing Trump does will affect black folk."

The virus isn't his fault, but the incompetence, cutting of programs and purging of knowledgeable experts is all on him.

Fuck all y'all.

That is all.

I hate to hear black folks say that shit. I have even heard black medical providers say that shit. We aren’t super human beings. We get mad when white folks call us super anything, so why are we acting like we are super beings when we are not, we are human beings, just like every else. We bleed like everyone else. We hurt like everyone else. I get it. Only the strongest made the journey over the Atlantic, but our blood is so diluted now anyway. So even if that was the case we all have “masters” blood in our gene pool, voluntary or involuntary.
Shit pisses me off. Sorry to get off topic a little bit.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I wouldn't be surprised
How else can they slow it down


I love how our governor handled this shit in Ohio. Cancelled the Arnold(that show as going on), went quickly with a 'soft ban' on events giving greedy people an excuse to do the right thing. Then announced he would make it fucking mandatory.

It's like I said last week, the government HAS to step in and do the drastic shit because these greedy fucks will have everyone fucked up. :smh: We didn't even have any confirmed cases when he started soft bans. The man did the shit Cali and NY should have been done.

And if people would get out their feelings, they would realize that this virus is highlighting what many have known for a long time about the U.S. The amount of bureaucratic red tape in this country is a nightmare. It's a fucking nightmare, especially when talking between local, state, and fed. This is why people always make BMV jokes. China and other places don't to deal with this shit.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Only thing he was right about was his unprecedented handling of the crisis..... the unprecedented amount of ineptness and incompetence..... this shit was nothing but one big back slap for him.... the old blame game... ole hug needing welp

30 day travel ban to the US from Europe excluding England.

sidebar: did that fat huffing and puffing turd seem like he was running on "low energy"?



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor