"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...Here we go again 2025 are we ready for Trump to fuck this up again?


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
You really notice the amount of fucking people that dont cover their mouth now.
Just left publix and the amount of people coughing was disturbing
I notice all the time.... mofos that be standing near me in line at the super market.... I've always told them to back out of my space with that shit.... at the doctors office too..... in that got damn little ass waiting room... :hmm: :smh::smh:

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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I wouldn't put much credence to this.... everyone is yelling "coronavirus" now to make news.... pretty soon mofo's will be having traffic accidents and people will be saying that they passed out cause of the virus... :smh: :hmm:

Alarming video shows man, 25, wearing medical mask passed out in the middle of the sidewalk in New York during the coronavirus outbreak
  • Man, 25, passed out on the sidewalk in Flushing, Queens on Tuesday afternoon
  • Police and EMTs responded and he was transported to NY-Presbyterian Queens
  • Man had medical mask, but it's unclear if there's any connection to coronavirus
  • So far New York state has two confirmed coronavirus cases, but none in Queens
  • Flushing is a famous Chinese ethnic enclave and commuter rail travel hub

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Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
WHO says coronavirus fatality rates are higher than previously thought — they also vary wildly depending on age, gender and country
Yep this is one of the last things I heard before I lost communication with my contact.


Platinum Member
What You Can Do Right Now About the Coronavirus

Preventing the spread of an outbreak requires a massive global effort, but here are steps everyone can take.
James HamblinMarch 3, 2020

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Over the past week, the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in the U.S. has more than doubled. It’s become apparent that previous numbers were low, in part, because we weren’t testing people for it. We now know that there has been ongoing community spread, but to what extent is unclear.
For now, most American schools and offices are open, and few public gatherings have been canceled. Life goes on for most people, but with more push alerts and uncertainty about what to do. Hopefully, the virus will hit various areas in waves, scattering disease over a longer period of time, so that people can be treated and society remains functional. A less preferable scenario would be that too many people in a given area are out of commission and in need of medical care. If this happens, cities and states may go into shutdown modes to block further viral spread, disrupting the economy and everyday life.
Everyone can help in the effort to prevent this from happening. Unlike many global-health issues that depend on orchestration at the highest levels of government, individual behaviors matter in an immediate sense. The demographic most likely to survive an infection—the young and healthy—may need to pay the closest attention to preventive measures. These are the people who will spread the disease while believing that they have only a cold. They can infect the elderly, or people who have chronic diseases or immune conditions, who are less likely to survive.

A lot of advice is going around, both good and bad. I hope it’s helpful to compile some good information in one place. Much of what follows is not original—generally don’t trust health advice that no one else is giving—and please bear in mind that any guidance can and should change as the situation develops, and that local health departments and personal physicians may need to tailor recommendations for specific scenarios. That said, here are preventive measures that people are considering at the moment, and some notes that are worth your time and attention.
Using hand sanitizer
It works. Use it often. Make sure it’s alcohol-based. There are some “natural” products designed to be less drying to your hands. These do not work.
Washing hands
This is always important, but especially now. Wash your hands for 20 seconds, regularly. Note that soap works ideally in combination with scrubbing and heat, but cold water works far better than nothing. You do not need antibacterial soap; the coronavirus is a virus, not a bacterium.

Cleaning hand towels
Wash them often, too.
Shaking hands
It’s not a clearly threatening practice, and physical touch has its own value to consider, as do gestures of respect. But I’ve been an advocate of alternative forms of greetings such as fist bumps for years, and this outbreak doesn’t change that.
Touching your face
Avoiding touching your face is a nice idea and would be very effective, but no one is going to stop touching their face.
Using bathrooms
Here’s an unproven suggestion from me that transcends this particular outbreak: All business and public spaces should turn their bathrooms’ doors around, so you push on the way out rather than the way in. If building codes or other safety codes prohibit this, install a foot pull. If none of this is possible, at least put the trash can for paper towels outside the door so everyone can use a paper towel to touch the handle.
Disinfecting common surfaces
The crux of all the focus on hand-washing is that you’re unlikely to get the virus from someone coughing or sneezing directly into your face. You are much more likely to catch the virus by touching something that someone else touched after coughing into their hand. This can partly be prevented by disinfecting surfaces.

The most commonly touched surfaces in homes and offices, especially shared spaces, are priority. Countertops, remote controls, and refrigerator handles should be disinfected regularly. That said, it’s very possible to become compulsive about this in ways that have their own risks. Any given surface is very unlikely to harbor a dangerous virus, so it’s possible to overdo this and waste a lot of time, resources, and concern. But if you’re the sort to typically only clean things that look visibly dirty, do consider the invisible.
Cleaning phones
This one warrants its own special note because phone screens may be the surface we touch the most. Other, similar coronaviruses are known to live on glass for up to four days. If you’ve been touching your phone with viral hands, then you do a beautiful job washing those hands, and then you touch your phone again, you may have just recontaminated yourself. I’m not suggesting constantly cleaning your phone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently recommends once a day, though I don’t see how—if it’s worth doing at all—that would be often enough. That said, I have never once cleaned my phone.

Wearing masks
Masks seem logical as preventive measures because the disease is spread by respiratory droplets, which can travel simply by breathing but mostly distribute in plumes from coughs or sneezes. If you were sick and had to leave home for some reason, ideally you would wear a surgical mask. But even this precaution is far from perfect—the wearable equivalent of sneezing into your elbow instead of right in someone’s face. You’re still infectious and should behave accordingly. The World Health Organization has published recommendations for when civilians should use masks. But stockpiling also deprives other people who might have needed to follow those guidelines.
Stockpiling masks
This week the U.S. surgeon general, Jerome Adams, urged Americans to stop buying face masks. This is a matter of short supply, should worst-case scenarios play out. In an ideal world, people who live with other people would have masks on hand when someone in the house gets sick, and they could help prevent close-quarters spread. But this is not an ideal world, and masks are needed for the people who are at the highest risk. When doctors, nurses, and first responders cannot work, new crises present themselves.

Stockpiling food
This mainly applies to people in remote areas where the town’s one grocery store could close down. Closing the store would be preferable to having sick employees report to work. In these areas, it’s always advisable to have a short-term supply of food (for any natural disaster), and this would be fair to treat similarly. Elsewhere, supply chains could be threatened, requiring certain shippers or grocers to close temporarily and certain foods to become scarce in certain areas, but none of this is cause for stockpiling.
Stockpiling prescription medications
Most U.S. prescription medications are made in China, whose own outbreak has raised concerns about medication supply chains. As of now, supplies have not been disrupted, and China is reporting declines in the spread of the virus. As with food, though, anyone who has a vital prescription and lives in a place where access would be affected by the single shutdown of a local pharmacy or a public-transit system, for example, should always have a small supply for emergencies. Health-care providers should help ensure this.

It’s always advisable to avoid travel if you’re sick. But no stay home directive is sustainable for long periods, and urgent life events will overlap with this outbreak. So guidance about this will be targeted, and ideally informed by easy screening and testing that can advise people with the sniffles whether they are fine to get on a plane or should urgently self-quarantine.
Staying home
This is an extremely imperfect directive, as so many people’s jobs and other obligations make it impossible. But no single recommendation is perfect or universally applicable. And Americans have proved, flu season after flu season, that many workplaces are not accommodating enough of staying home. If workplaces are not accommodating, business may suffer even more in the long run, if more shutdown measures are taken.
Seeking medical care
This may be the most crucial question: When do mild symptoms warrant attention? Most people are not accustomed to seeking care or testing when they have a mild cough or runny nose. My hope is that, in the coming days and weeks, local and federal officials share clear guidelines for exactly how and when to seek medical attention early in the disease’s course. China’s containment measures depended on early detection that isolated people at the beginning of their infectious stage. Then again, we can’t have everyone with a cough and sniffles rushing to doctors’ offices.

South Korea, which has now identified some 5,000 cases, is pioneering drive-through screening clinics. The idea seems smart: There are no doorknobs to touch, no crowded waiting rooms with magazines that have been coughed on for months. Maybe most important, there is no paperwork to fill out and no cost. If an outbreak hits a major city, clinics and hospitals will likely be overrun with people who have cold and flu symptoms. Some of those people will need reassurance that they can go home and will be fine; others will need admission to a hospital; others may need an intermediate level of care, monitoring, and quarantine.
Being conscientious
No matter your position, there are people who stand to lose much more than you do if they get sick. No matter how worried you are, there are people who are more worried. Look out for them, and help make sure everyone takes these basic measures and doesn’t panic. Societies break down when people fear one another as simply bipedal distributors of infectious agents. See people as allies in this unique moment of uncertainty.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I haven't used a lickable envelope in a decade at least....

Don’t lick your primary ballot envelope, secretary of state’s office says

OLYMPIA, Wash — Coronavirus is throwing a small wrinkle into Washington’s primary.

In an effort to stave off the spread of the virus, the Secretary of State’s office doesn’t want voters to lick their ballots to seal primary election envelopes.

Officials with the Washington Secretary of State’s office said voters should use a sponge to moisten their ballot envelopes instead.



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Chinese social media censoring 'officially sanctioned facts' on coronavirus

Wed 4 Mar 2020 21.05 EST
Wide range of speech about virus and Covid-19 references is being tightly controlled, report finds

Chinese social media censors blocked neutral information about the coronavirus outbreak when they targeted references to the outbreak on WeChat and other platforms, a report has found.

Hundreds of keywords and keyword combinations, including “Wuhan seafood market” and “Sars variation” were censored in late December, as doctors sought to warn about the new virus.

The report, by the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk school of global affairs and public policy, found that between January and February, “a wide breadth of content” was censored on WeChat and YY, a Chinese live-streaming platform, including criticisms of the Chinese.

Speculative and factual information, and neutral references to the government’s handling of the outbreak, were also blocked.

Read the full story:


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Not sure if this was posted here or saw it elsewhere but just in case someone needs it...

How to Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Homemade Hand Sanitizer Ingredients
  • 2/3 cup 99% rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) or ethanol
  • 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
  • 8-10 drops essential oil, optional


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Not sure if this was posted here or saw it elsewhere but just in case someone needs it...

How to Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Homemade Hand Sanitizer Ingredients
  • 2/3 cup 99% rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) or ethanol
  • 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
  • 8-10 drops essential oil, optional

Don't use 90% isopropyl alcohol. 70% is enough. 90% and over evaporates very quickly once exposed to oxygen and may cause serious skin irritation. Witch hazel is a better option. Not as abrasive on the skin.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Don't use 90% isopropyl alcohol. 70% is enough. 90% and over evaporates very quickly once exposed to oxygen and may cause serious skin irritation. Witch hazel is a better option. Not as abrasive on the skin.
Witch Hazel killing any viruses?
Idk about the alcohol being an irritant but maybe because it's mixed with the aloe gel it's not as drying?


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Witch Hazel killing any viruses?
Idk about the alcohol being an irritant but maybe because it's mixed with the aloe gel it's not as drying?

The essential oil drops should be able to kill viruses. Tea Tree oil and eucalyptus oils kill viruses.
The tea tree oil kills off bacteria, while the lavender, sage and lemongrass kill off virus and make it smell wonderful!


1/2 Cup Aloe Vera Juice (for spray recipe) or Aloe Vera Gel (for pump recipe) – Note: This is the All Natural Aloe products from a plant, not the ‘after sun’ stuff you find in the store
1/4 Cup Vodka, Witch Hazel or Rubbing Alcohol (the 70% or 90% kind).
10–20 drops of Anti-Bacterial Essential Oils: Tea Tree, Clove, Thyme, Cinnamon, Orange, Lavender, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Peppermint, etc..) Mix and Match, but be careful of any phototoxic oils that can burn your skin if exposed to sunshine.

1 Tablespoon (4–6 Squirts) of your Favorite All Natural Lotion (I use an Organic Lavender Lotion)
1 Tablespoon Vegetable Glycerin (helps keeps your hands soft & moisturized)


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
The essential oil drops should be able to kill viruses. Tea Tree oil and eucalyptus oils kill viruses.


1/2 Cup Aloe Vera Juice (for spray recipe) or Aloe Vera Gel (for pump recipe) – Note: This is the All Natural Aloe products from a plant, not the ‘after sun’ stuff you find in the store
1/4 Cup Vodka, Witch Hazel or Rubbing Alcohol (the 70% or 90% kind).
10–20 drops of Anti-Bacterial Essential Oils: Tea Tree, Clove, Thyme, Cinnamon, Orange, Lavender, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Peppermint, etc..) Mix and Match, but be careful of any phototoxic oils that can burn your skin if exposed to sunshine.

1 Tablespoon (4–6 Squirts) of your Favorite All Natural Lotion (I use an Organic Lavender Lotion)
1 Tablespoon Vegetable Glycerin (helps keeps your hands soft & moisturized)
End of the world coming, I'll stick to using the 99% alcohol, but I'm drinking that Vodka, lol!


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor


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darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor