I’m suspecting these states and the Federal Government is keeping quiet on how this virus is spreading right now in the country.
It’s spreading thru-out Europe and Asia right now and fucking shit up. And they have a higher vaccination rate than the US.
As of today the US is hovering over 986,000 Covid deaths. It’s obvious that number is over a million…probably hit a million last year.
The Government knows when the death toll hits one million, folks will take notice.
So keep the reports low and prolong hitting one million….until after the Mid-terms.
Suspecting? It's blatant as hell. It was blatant during the omicron surge this winter. It was blatant when they told us to take off masks spring 2021. I'm surprised they haven't just stopped reporting at all.
And make no mistake about it, the elites who run this shit know the best time to pull this shit is when democrats are in control. The federal government could literally stop reporting COVID deaths/infections tomorrow and MSM would run cover. Social media would ban any dissent as misinformation. The creatures would fall in line and act like not reporting COVID deaths/infections was some profound shit.

"The new science shows COVID death/infection reporting causes PTSD. Experts say It also leads to misinformation about hospitalization -- the only number that matters. Experts say the news and Internet should be safe spaces from covid. By now, we all know to be vaccinated so why report?"
This is how they feel about us boss. Working from home to avoid this shit ain't even good enough for them, get up, go commute and consume.