'COVID babies' talking less and later
On September 18, the Newark (NJ) Sunday Star-Ledger featured a three-page story, “’COVID babies’ are talking and later than they should”.
The personal focus of the story was a child in South Orange who was ‘barely speaking at age 18 months’. This is ‘part of an alarming trend in children born during or shortly before the coronavirus pandemic’. He entered therapy with Nancy Polow, a private practitioner, with at least weekly appointments, for 10 months, and Polow claims, should be completely caught up to age expectations within a few months. (Based on information about another child, insurance likely paid some, but hardly all, of the bill.)
Polow, a Millburn-based speech pathologist with more than 45 years of experence said:
I have never seen such an influx of infants and toddlers unable to communicate … We call these children COVID babies.
The New Jersey state program, partly delivered as telehealth, was receiving over 100 extra referrals per month—in addition to private practitioners.
Impact on the children
These children are talking later, have smaller vocabularies, and are talking less. Speech problems are also cropping up in preschoolers. The article suggests that a major cause was the lack of socialization—primarily, minimal interaction with adults other than their parent, but also with other children. Even interaction with parents was less, both because parents were dealing with the pandemic, with remote work, and with other pressures. Ironically, the fact that parents were staying home resulted in fewer moments for communication, as the toddlers no longer needed to say goodbye or respond to the parents returning. Also, children apparently spent even more time in front of TV screens than had been the case—the CDC recommends no screen time at all for children under age 2. Many of these children would already have been attending preschool or even kindergarten, but either missed them or received them via virtual learning, with varying success in delivery, in the child’s attention, and in parental reinforcement.
While there have always been late talkers, either because of disabilities or neurological differences, or simply different personalities—my brother’s first full sentence at age 2 was “Kit, if you don’t eat your dinner, you won’t get dessert.”—this is different.
Children born nine months into the pandemic produced “fewer coos, grunts, babbles, and other precursors to speech”, according to the LENA foundation …
A Brown University study also found children born during the pandemic had weaker verbal skills. Both teams discovered children from lower socioeconomic families fared the worst.
I don’t see that anyone looked at correlation with number of older siblings in the home.
It also doesn’t seem that this (or at least most of it) is due to infection. First, the rate of infection in infants seems to have been very low, and second, the children who receive therapy seem to catch up to age-normal completely or almost completely.
On the other hand, practitioners acknowledged, this will exacerbate problems for those with autism or developmental or perceptual disabilities. Those who have not received therapy or other intervention will begin school with weaker communication abilities—not only speech but listening, reading, and spelling. Moreover, the large number of students entering school with COVID-related communication difficulties will make it more difficult to diagnose those with inherent disabilities.
Class, income, and access
While I am very happy for the children who have received the therapy, I am concerned about the impact on those with lower socioeconomic status. The parents clearly do not have the income, or in many cases, the insurance, even if it were covered to pay private practitioners. They often do not have the time to take off work to take the children for in-person therapy, and may lack technology for telehealth.
There are additional problems for non-English-speaking families (and, I would suspect, additional barriers with languages other than Spanish), and a distrust among many minority groups of the medical profession. (This isn’t mentioned, but I suspect undocumented immigrants were also anxious in interacting with the system on a long term basis.) In addition, many were concerned about home visits (or for that matter, office visits) for professionals to work with their unvaccinated children.
[I wish this story were more coherent. Also, if anyone wants to add extra tags, please feel free. I’m not very good at tags or at selecting pictures/graphics.] On September 18, the Newark (NJ) Sunday Star-Ledger featured a three-page story, “’COVID...