White people would die quicker than ever well hell they are dying quick right now
What people still don t understand is that the medical community still doesn t know the long term ramifications of COVID-19.
You still need to avoid catching this virus.
Id be more concerned about the mid to long term effects of an experimental drug,
You think is a vaccine..
Im not even gonna talk about mrna turning into dna in your liver..
You aint hear that from me!!!
Meh i dont see it causing issues with your native DNAId be more concerned about the mid to long term effects of an experimental drug,
You think is a vaccine..
Im not even gonna talk about mrna turning into dna in your liver..
You aint hear that from me!!!
Meh i dont see it causing issues with your native DNA
Hell yeah, and the answer is obvious.
Agreed. I keep saying to friends & family I'm always surprised when I see employees at busy locations / stores not masking up when dealing with the general public and all of their overall fuckery.
I'll stop by a big grocery store and see the majority of the staff unmasked and think ... "Hmm - I'm here briefly and being cautious. They're around hundreds, if not thousands, of customers (read: strangers) daily ... if I were them I'd be a little more careful."
Even more so for teachers being around students. Little kids are known to be germ factories and teachers often say their immune systems are forever being challenged. With all the bullshit in recent years ... I'd be even more careful around students with questionable hygiene.
No doubt, like I've said before I work in an office setting with cubicles so I'm exposed to everyone and therefore stay masked up.
In public it's not even a question, I'm masking up automatically.
Agreed - better safe than sorry. Plus, it's good for peace of mind. Knowing yourself that you made the effort to create a barrier.
I've got a coworker who was forever pulling at her mask in recent years. Coworkers told her to cut that shit out. Thankfully we have plenty of independence at work and don't have to work closely with coworkers, and even then people were side-eyeing her like WTF. She couldn't wait for masks to become optional, meanwhile others ... we've just stayed careful and done the right thing. Just seems careless on her part, as she doesn't have any immediate family (parents have passed, and she doesn't have kids) but she still sees her aunts and uncles regularly (they're careful) and they're 80+.
All that said ... I laugh to myself when I catch a side eye from someone when I've got a mask on. Fuck them. I seriously want someone to say something ... if there were NO cameras around ... I'd be glad to knock them out. All I would do though is say something rude in return like "Mind your fucking business. I don't know you."
I see these seniors walking around like they're invincible (especially during peak COVID) and think ... "you're just asking for trouble. I'm being safe as a COURTESY to your dumb ass"
No doubt.
I've pretty much been the only one wearing my mask for over a year now but could care less.
I know that when we were tracking this multiple people were COVID positive walking around like shit was sweet and nobody else knew. The only reason I was aware because my department was responsible for monitoring positive employees.
Hopefully this is from the backlog from the holiday.