Yall ever see a dude using the equipment wrong at gym and want to help out?


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Here are the key things in this thread that most won't get....

OP is a faggit.

OP is a lying faggit, claiming he was curling 100ib dumbbells.

OP is a faggit that goes to the gym and watch the men.

OP is a faggit who be in the gym looking for men with "strong necks".
OP logs on to a porn board to impress and lie to strangers that he'll never meet about being with imaginary big booty latinas

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
This your mom breh?

Is this your man breh????




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see wrong shit all day everyday. I say something very rarely and the reason why is I like to get in and out of the gym. Let me explain. If you say something to whomever, then they will instantly thank you and ask for additional advice, thus slowing you down. If you say something to somebody, they may start small talk while you're in there. I like to head nod, and keep it pushing. I don't like 5-10 minute breaks from random convos. Unless I see something overtly fucked up, I keep my mouth closed. For instance, there was this cat benching, but his hands where way too close together, so his elbows were pointing toward his feet instead of toward the floor. I spoke up on that. Guess what, now he be small talking a nigga, but luckily not bad. I hate the ego lifters that put 10 plates on the decline leg press but only come back like a foot. Then you got those weird ass indian dudes that put a shit load of weight on the bench press and don't bring it down to their chest. Then the old men that over extend on the back extend machine, then the other cats on the lat pull down that lean all the way back, and the dumb ass kids that curl 35 lbs when they should have 15. And for the life of my gym career I ain't never seen a nigga curl 100lbs. LOL