Yellowstone (2018): 1 Part Justified + 1 Part Sopranos + 1 Part Bonanza + 1 Part Cowboys versus Indians


BGOL Investor
The best thing about TV these says is they can flesh out storylines and plots. 10 or so eps is not overly long and arduous to get through. Not short like a movie at 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Allows for more character development.

Speaking of good shows ... Fargo season 4 returns in 2.5 weeks. That series always delivers. Anthology format. New cast each season. Chris Rock and Jason Schwartzman as 2 of the co-leads ahead.
Fargo is the fucking bomb but season 1 is still the best so for.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just watched the first 2 episodes based on the board's recommendations. It's Ok. I'll give it a couple more episodes. I really can't stand the daughter, I just want to fast forward over every scene she's in. A part of my curiosity towards it is because of a couple of documentaries I saw about politics in Montana. One was on Amazon Prime, "Dark Money", if you're interested in some of the background. The mining and cattle industries have near complete control of the state.


BGOL Investor
I just watched the first 2 episodes based on the board's recommendations. It's Ok. I'll give it a couple more episodes. I really can't stand the daughter, I just want to fast forward over every scene she's in. A part of my curiosity towards it is because of a couple of documentaries I saw about politics in Montana. One was on Amazon Prime, "Dark Money", if you're interested in some of the background. The mining and cattle industries have near complete control of the state.
She is broken but you will find out why later in the season. It doesn't excuse her behavior but you will see why she has arrested development.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
She is broken but you will find out why later in the season. It doesn't excuse her behavior but you will see why she has arrested development.

Yeah, that was pretty fucked up with how Jamie made the decision with her.

He should have told her and let her make the decision for something like that.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Does the black dude protecting Dan get any wins at all? Dude has taken an L each of the first two times he's on the scene.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

you gonna really make me add it to my things to watch list...

you know costner is not going to do some flyby bullshit made for t.v crap...

Im going in THANKS!!!!

you and yo lady be doing the popcorn thing.. Ive been single for years now.. lovign it...

but one of the few things thats dope about a relationship are finding shows yall both interested in and could watch together...

I couldnt take it because I cant seem to find a chick that hates cac reality shows.

I can tolerate some reality shows but it has to be mostly my people...

I could watch ninety day fiance tho, that scripted shit is fuckin HILARIOUS.

thanks for the heads good bruh.....

What's some more good shows.. brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yessir...another hit..brah

you way up bruh... I am getting ready to do a major fast from all technology, get into my breathing techniques and meditation ,

so I aint been up on shows like that... once I see the ending of Hoover country, Im gonna get back into my reading..

if I think of any Im gonna hit a knigga up bruh


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
i'm on the season 2 finale. wtf was the point of the brother that was supposed to be Dans bodyguard and Cowboy? These were two of the most worthless black characters since T-Dawg in Walking Dead. I guess the show just need to add a few black faces.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Ran through game of thrones, and vikings..prolly the best shit I seen in a long time.. brah

Nice - one of my coworkers has been watching Vikings & Peaky Blinders.

I told him to pick up a flashdrive ... said I'd put Lovecraft Country, Fargo, Yellowstone and a few other series on there for him to check out in the months ahead.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Make sure he good folks..and don't snitch and try to get you fired..I never did fuck with coworkers.. kinsfolk

Nah - he's good people. Known him for 11 years. He's been saying for months - "I need to buy that flashdrive ... I appreciate you saving the shows for me!"

He's got a Netflix acct from a family member, and Amazon Prime from a friend.

:thumbsup: :cheers:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
Platinum Member

My partna..just got fired from Lowe's..cause his partna..told Corporate..that he filling out customer survey forms..for his self, not done by the customer...his co-worker partna..just put his pregnant wife and whole fam on the screet..I loaned him 4000.00 to keep them in the house.. they ran thru that that lil shit in 2 months..I tried..brah


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

My partna..just got fired from Lowe's..cause his partna..told Corporate..that he filling out customer survey forms..for his self, not done by the customer...his co-worker partna..just put his pregnant wife and whole fam on the screet..I loaned him 4000.00 to keep them in the house.. they ran thru that that lil shit in 2 months..I tried..brah

Thanks for the warning, and credit to you for helping them out with the loan.