You people around that train derailment in Ohio you have to abandon your home


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Like I said, some republican voters got a huge wake up call from this incident. A lot of them think shit can’t happen to them but they are just pons in the bigger game. You poor in the middle class white people you guys are not part of the old boy club I don’t care how white you are.
Added to the BGOL lexicon.....


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Added to the BGOL lexicon.....
That was a little play on words but the actual meaning of that word is…. Pons is associated with your brain. It’s the part of the brain stem system.


Transnational Member

This is how you deal with these 'accidents' you going to need to go multi generational. Racist scientific literature calls its being resistant when your corn is equivalent to a black person with dreadlocks to withstand glyphosate. You are resistant to skin cancer...I know a white person that sued her employer because they had her out in the Sun too long and cancerous lesions.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I get calls from Russia and Japan wanting me to mount their women that live around Chernobyl and Fukushima. Some girl called from East Palestine wanting me to meet up with her in Cleveland.

As more chemicals or spent nuclear fuels speed around the country this is bound to happen. Especially radiologically which can last thousand of years. Some of you will survive and some of you will get angiosarcoma and die when they disrupt cellular activity. It is a statistical guarantee that it will happen when you move that volume of chemicals around.


Transnational Member

Here antibiotics are introduced into a bacterial culture where white, black (MRSA), Latino cellular lines exists. White bacteria gets eliminated and the 'resistant' bacteria survives and reproduces with stronger molecular bonds. This is what will happen from a hot war with Russia or China.


You buy a new house, that bitch off gases VOC that cause cancer in animals...


Organics can only take you so far, you might be able to eliminate some of these petrochemicals. Are we going to make phones out of wood? Nature only leaves a few viable options.
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Transnational Member
They have pushed the dead body to the side of the road and have trains running already.


I would leave town and dump the mortgage off with the bank. It is going to take awhile for nature to dilute these chemical from the environment.

If they aren't plotting terrorist shit with me, they are chasing me around town with their cars with their stupid grin on their face. They want me to spend 10-20-30 years on them dealing with their retarded games.

President Biden is thinking internationally, trying to project himself as an anti-racist crusader that isn't trying to Nazify Russia. By hanging around a bunch of WS redneck for a week hugging each other, it could mess up Ukraine.
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Transnational Member
Just imagine President Obama visiting Black Panthers in a photo op drinking their water with guns stockpiled in their house. White people would empty the gun store and be on high alert after seeing something like that. Instead he had a diverse cabinet with plenty of white people in high level positions to ease tensions.

The last country to invade Russia were Nazi that killed off 27 million people wanting to take their shit - calling them inferior, you want to project an image as radically different.


President Biden in some photo op with his brethren redneck, white supremacist, Nazi, plotting terrorist attacks against me could trigger a hot war. The Russians would see this nuclear like explosion releasing radiation/cancer and push their button. This town is 99.9% white, the few black people that tried to live in that area were chase away and terrorized, this is antithetical to what President Biden is trying to project with his diverse base and proxy war with Russia.

There is also other issues going on behind the scenes, past corruption - mistakes that were made.


Transnational Member
They interviewed some lady just signed a lease and didn't want to leave, WTF? Admitted to the ER for acute bronchitis.

President Biden needs to do a photo op with his kinfolk, toasting with the drinking water and hugging each other. They voted for him in the last election wearing their hunting gear to the polls. We need to send an unmistakable message to Russia that the Azov and East Palestine are coming to nuke them like the Nazi, they are inferior and their land would be precious asset to take.

Just imagine if Ukraine had Azov in charge of the country (no Zelenskyy), giving aid - along with the EU, it would be a bad result.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Look out Texas!!!

Toxic wastewater from Ohio train derailment headed to Texas

AP news
February 21, 2023

DEER PARK, Texas (AP) — Toxic wastewater used to extinguish a fire following a train derailment in Ohio is headed to a Houston suburb for disposal.

“I and my office heard today that ‘firefighting water’ from the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment is slated to be disposed of in our county,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said in a Wednesday statement.

“Our Harris County Pollution Control Department and Harris County Attorney’s have reached out to the company and the Environmental Protection Agency to receive more information,” Hidalgo wrote.

The wastewater is being sent to Texas Molecular, which injects hazardous waste into the ground for disposal.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality told KTRK-TV that Texas Molecular “is authorized to accept and manage a variety of waste streams, including vinyl chloride, as part of their ... hazardous waste permit and underground injection control permit.”

The company told KHOU-TV it is experienced in managing this type of disposal.

“Our technology safely removes hazardous constituents from the biosphere. We are part of the solution to reduce risk and protect the environment, whether in our local area or other places that need the capabilities we offer to protect the environment,” the company said.

The fiery Feb. 3 derailment in Ohio prompted evacuations when toxic chemicals were burned after being released from five derailed tanker rail cars carrying vinyl choride that were in danger of exploding.

“It’s ... very, very toxic,” Dr. George Guillen, the executive director of the Environmental Institute of Houston, said, but the risk to the public is minimal.

“This injection, in some cases, is usually 4,000 or 5,000 feet down below any kind of drinking water aquifer,” said Guillen, who is also a professor of biology and environmental science at the University of Houston-Clear Lake.

Both Guillen and Deer Park resident Tammy Baxter said their greatest concerns are transporting the chemicals more than 1,300 miles (2,090 kilometers) from East Palestine, Ohio; to Deer Park, Texas.

“There has to be a closer deep well injection,” Baxter told KTRK. “It’s foolish to put it on the roadway. We have accidents on a regular basis ... It is silly to move it that far.”

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who visited the derailment site Thursday, has warned the railroad responsible for the derailment, Norfolk Southern, to fulfill its promises to clean up the mess just outside East Palestine, Ohio, and help the town recover.

Buttigieg has also announced a package of reforms intended to improve rail safety while regulators try to strengthen safety rules.



Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Look out Texas!!!

Toxic wastewater from Ohio train derailment headed to Texas

AP news
February 21, 2023

DEER PARK, Texas (AP) — Toxic wastewater used to extinguish a fire following a train derailment in Ohio is headed to a Houston suburb for disposal.

“I and my office heard today that ‘firefighting water’ from the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment is slated to be disposed of in our county,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said in a Wednesday statement.

“Our Harris County Pollution Control Department and Harris County Attorney’s have reached out to the company and the Environmental Protection Agency to receive more information,” Hidalgo wrote.

The wastewater is being sent to Texas Molecular, which injects hazardous waste into the ground for disposal.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality told KTRK-TV that Texas Molecular “is authorized to accept and manage a variety of waste streams, including vinyl chloride, as part of their ... hazardous waste permit and underground injection control permit.”

The company told KHOU-TV it is experienced in managing this type of disposal.

“Our technology safely removes hazardous constituents from the biosphere. We are part of the solution to reduce risk and protect the environment, whether in our local area or other places that need the capabilities we offer to protect the environment,” the company said.

The fiery Feb. 3 derailment in Ohio prompted evacuations when toxic chemicals were burned after being released from five derailed tanker rail cars carrying vinyl choride that were in danger of exploding.

“It’s ... very, very toxic,” Dr. George Guillen, the executive director of the Environmental Institute of Houston, said, but the risk to the public is minimal.

“This injection, in some cases, is usually 4,000 or 5,000 feet down below any kind of drinking water aquifer,” said Guillen, who is also a professor of biology and environmental science at the University of Houston-Clear Lake.

Both Guillen and Deer Park resident Tammy Baxter said their greatest concerns are transporting the chemicals more than 1,300 miles (2,090 kilometers) from East Palestine, Ohio; to Deer Park, Texas.

“There has to be a closer deep well injection,” Baxter told KTRK. “It’s foolish to put it on the roadway. We have accidents on a regular basis ... It is silly to move it that far.”

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who visited the derailment site Thursday, has warned the railroad responsible for the derailment, Norfolk Southern, to fulfill its promises to clean up the mess just outside East Palestine, Ohio, and help the town recover.

Buttigieg has also announced a package of reforms intended to improve rail safety while regulators try to strengthen safety rules.

Well, what’s the all seeing you live by the sword you die by the sword.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

The idiot brought McDonalds too.

Trump hands out ‘Trump Water’ during East Palestine toxic rail spill visit

By Emily Crane
February 22, 2023 | 6:14pm

Former President Donald Trump handed out bottles of “Trump Water” to residents of East Palestine, Ohio on Wednesday, claiming they had been “betrayed” by President Biden’s handling of the toxic train derailment in their community.

The 76-year-old Republican showed up with 13 pallets of the Trump-branded spring water — totaling 14,000 bottles — amid fears the Feb. 3 derailment and controlled burn of toxic chemicals had contaminated the air and drinking supply.

“We’re bringing thousands of bottles of water — Trump Water … We have it in trucks and we brought some in my plane… You’re going to have plenty of water for a long time,” he told a crowd at the local firehouse, roughly half a mile from the derailment site.

Donning his trademark “Make America Great Again” hat, Trump also vowed to provide food and cleaning supplies — and insisted to residents: “You are not forgotten.”


The 76-year-old Republican showed up in East Palestine on Wednesday with pallets of “Trump Water.”


Trump donated thousands of bottles of his namesake-branded water amid fears the drinking supply has been contaminated.

“We stand with you … we pray for you, and we’ll stay with you in your fight to help answer and [get] accountability that you deserve,” Trump said.

Trump, who has recently launched his 2024 White House bid, also ripped into his successor during the visit, telling residents: “In too many cases, your goodness and perseverance were met with indifference and betrayal.”

“What this community needs now are not excuses and all of the other things you’ve been hearing, but answers and results.”

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung added to Breitbart News: “President Trump is meeting with the citizens of East Palestine and he will never forget them and what they are going through. Contrast that with Biden and the federal government, who have failed them from the beginning.”


Donning his trademark “Make America Great Again” hat, Trump also vowed to provide food and cleaning supplies.

President Biden, 80, and his administration have faced intense backlash over its response to the disaster, which sparked mass evacuations and saw the controlled burn of hazardous materials.

Bottled water has been provided by the rail company behind the derailment, Norfolk Southern, for residents to use instead of tap water since the disaster. On Tuesday the head of the EPA and local politicians drank the tap water on camera in an attempt to prove it was still safe.

Biden has also come under fire for still having not visited East Palestine some three weeks after the derailment — but finding the time to fly to Ukraine earlier this week.

Trump latched on to Biden’s surprise Ukraine trip, saying he hoped the president has “some money left over” for the residents of East Palestine when he returns.

The 45th president had landed at Youngstown/Warren Regional Airport on Wednesday afternoon and met with local leaders before addressing the crowd.

Supporters chanting “We love you, Trump!” and “U.S.A.!” lined the streets as Trump’s motorcade drove through the town.

Before he left, Trump visited a local Mcdonald’s and bought meals for firefighters and first responders and was swarmed by local people from the town, to whom he handed out MAGA hats.

In a video from inside the restaurant, he can be heard saying: “[They’re systematically destroying our country and it’s a shame. And Buttigieg should have been here.”

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has also been slammed for not showing up earlier in East Palestine, announced Wednesday he’d finally be visiting East Palestine on Thursday.

The Biden administration has defended its handling of the derailment, saying the Environmental Protection Agency, National Transportation Safety Board and other agencies were at the site within hours of the derailment and remain there.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan visited the site last week and tried to assure residents that tests had shown the air and drinking water were safe to consume.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor


BGOL Legend
Republicans in their voters bought this on their selves. When I found out that Trump relax the rules for freight trains when carrying hazardous materials…. I laughed out loud. Remember the old saying…..”Roosters will come home to roost at some point”.

I learned yesterday that that town is not only red, they are super MAGA supporters so they kinda are getting what they asked and voted for. :dunno:


Transnational Member
Many of those people have that condescending stupid grin on their face - it is hard to describe, plotting something that will waste your time. They don't respect your time at all, they think you should drop what you are doing and get involved with some nonsense they are creating. Being around them, I know them well.

President Biden is ashamed of his kinfolk who wore their hunting gear to vote for him and doesn't want to be seen with them. I acknowledge Pookie and Ray Ray in the black community. They also can trigger WWIII because they look like Neo Nazis, Azov Battalion to Russia with a huge explosion.

I averted a major disaster that would have been far worse this this small blight. You have to get involved in the decision making of the government, don't expect them to know everything. I might start publishing some of my work when I get out of the U.S.
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Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
I saw those idiots out there crying and praising Trump, the same guy who had a hand in this shit happening by rolling back Obama regulations. I hope all them cacs get flesh eating diseases. Fuck them


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
This is the shit that is fucking up white people. Black people knew what was coming when he did this.
Watching white people destroy America it's funny. They blame any and every person of color they can, every ethnic group when the most dangerous people this nation has ever seen or white.

The Unabomber, most mass shootings, the insurrectionists. White people are destroying this country by racism and greed.


Transnational Member

Just imagine Biden going to Ukraine and hanging out with the Neo Nazis in the country talking about using nuclear weapons to defend Ukraine. It is the same thing with East Palestine, he acknowledge they exist and have a right to their flawed beliefs but they are not running things. Something like that could trigger a hot war with Russia after going through their own Holocaust far worse than the Jews.

On July 1933, the "Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring" prescribed compulsory sterilisation for people with conditions thought to be hereditary, such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, Huntington's chorea and "imbecility". Sterilisation was also legalised for chronic alcoholism and other forms of social deviance.

The more severely burdened should not propagate themselves... If we do nothing but make mental and physical cripples capable of propagating themselves, and the healthy stocks have to limit the number of their children because so much has to be done for the maintenance of others, if natural selection is generally suppressed, then unless we will get new measures our race must rapidly deteriorate.[25][26][27]

The Germans practiced racial 'hygiene' with their own people, it wasn't about killing Jews; killing 300,000. There is shame, stigma, and disdain for these people that they feel are inferior and don't represent the white race. White Supremacist ideology is also doing internal housekeeping on these fools.

I was complaining to one guy about their mass shooting/terrorism and car stalking due to productive work I was doing, he was shameful and they will be dealt with internally. We need to adopt these practices, euthanize some people in the black community that bring shame to us. They are not us and don't represent the black race. These severely burdened prevent me from propagating myself...
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