Young Justice Discussion Thread

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Great season finale ..every thing wrapped up nicely especially how they handled the villians. Iked this whole season except for the .are arc that was a slow burn. The magic arc with zattara and her students was also a slow burn but it was amusing with the whole lords of order vs chaos thing and the flying bus gag with the screaming kids was hilarious. The Tigris and chesire league of shadows arc was a high point of the season.. I think there will be another season darkseid vandal Savage and the light are t done with their schemes.this show is dope it's dcs version of x men the animated having a daily series watch starting from season 1. I'm on episode 4 now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember earlier in this thread cats was talking shyt about how slow this season was and now everybody singing its praises! The show doesn't do a usual 10 episodes. They have to spread a lot over the 20 plus episodes that they do and even then they STILL cram A LOT into those episodes Garth dealing with depression was done very tastefully. Even the gay shyt wasn't some hit you over the head and take this type, of shyt Hollywood hits people with


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member


Rising Star
Yall know damn well that they ended this season expecting not to get renewed. Thats why they tied everything up for each character. They were seriously running out of ideas and the more "inclusive" they were getting meant less focus on super hero stuff and more CW drama shit. The only redeeming plots were the Nabu Orders storyline and the Val Zod line...everything else was box checking exercise (LGBTQ - check, Religion- Check, Feminist - Check, etc.)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She just black balled herself. We will never hear from her again.

I disagree. I think the industry is seeing what Warner/Discovery is doing and she'll find work again. Would this be as big a deal if Michael Keaton declined? They're basically asking her to redo a whole ass movie while shelving the previous project. Now if previous WB, DC projects are any indication of what this movie will be like...then I get the need to shelve it, but I get her stance of not wanting to do that all over again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. A unknown latina woman aint no Michael Keaton. This is her second movie EVER.
2. They are not asking her to redo this movie. They are asking her to remain as Batgirl.
3. She got paid for the cancelled movie and will be paid again
4. She is taking shit personal when it ain't personal. She is DUMB.

You didn't even read the headline much less the article. I have no idea where you get that she is being asked to redo the movie.

I disagree. I think the industry is seeing what Warner/Discovery is doing and she'll find work again. Would this be as big a deal if Michael Keaton declined? They're basically asking her to redo a whole ass movie while shelving the previous project. Now if previous WB, DC projects are any indication of what this movie will be like...then I get the need to shelve it, but I get her stance of not wanting to do that all over again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. A unknown latina woman aint no Michael Keaton. This is her second movie EVER.
2. They are not asking her to redo this movie. They are asking her to remain as Batgirl.
3. She got paid for the cancelled movie and will be paid again
4. She is taking shit personal when it ain't personal. She is DUMB.

You didn't even read the headline much less the article. I have no idea where you get that she is being asked to redo the movie.

From another article I read and you are correct redo is an EXTREMLEY vague term. There are perks that come with having a movie like that release that we don't know about that might not be in a "remain" deal. Asking her to remain Batgirl could be APPEARANCES on CW shows. Her time is VERY personal! I don't know what you would call doing a job and then that job never being used.