Official BGOL Crypto Currency Thread ★★★★★


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Also, check the prices on sending BTC now. Shit is up substantially so the mining stocks will be booming!

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
It's like the west is buying everything off the east. Very interesting market this time around. Them east folks going to have fun playing in the alts while the big western 'old' money just parks their newly acquired BTC.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Wait what 27k Ethereum :eek2: :eek2:
this is the only one I kind of wrap my head around. With so many projects using some version of Ethereum I can understand how there could be a demand and drive up the price...not sure by that much though. If it does go that high, I ain't complaining.


Rising Star
this is the only one I kind of wrap my head around. With so many projects using some version of Ethereum I can understand how there could be a demand and drive up the price...not sure by that much though. If it does go that high, I ain't complaining.
Just wow. Man i guess this market is about to go crazy...


Rising Star
this is the only one I kind of wrap my head around. With so many projects using some version of Ethereum I can understand how there could be a demand and drive up the price...not sure by that much though. If it does go that high, I ain't complaining.
Im about to drop like 20k into this shit. Might as well....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Im about to drop like 20k into this shit. Might as well....
may want to read this first.

also may want to wait for the correction that is bound to happen at some point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And I’ll make this post again because I made another in 2020 when I said the stock market would make new millionaires after the March 2020 crash.

Cryptocurrency will make more new millionaires in 2021 ALONE. Yes you can be a millionaire in 1 year from crypto like 2016-2017.


Rising Star
What is Spoofing? What Every Crypto Trader Must Know To Protect Their Money- Formosa Financial 寶島金融
Jun 2, 2018 · 5 min read

Everyone who puts money into cryptocurrency can see that the costs of coins are being manipulated. Unlike regulated security exchanges, there are very few checks and balances in place to combat price manipulation.
When you are trading any cryptocurrency, it is essential that you comprehend the most widely recognized strategies of price manipulation. It’s imperative to see, so you don’t fall prey to this strategy.
If you do fall for it, you’re very likely to make emotionally driven decisions when you’re trading, and after the bad decisions you end up losing everything.
Spoofing is the most widely recognized and successful strategies of price manipulation. Spoofing isn’t legal on the NYSE or Nasdaq, but it’s not illegal yet in the cryptocurrency world. Even though it is illegal on major exchanges, people still try to spoof there because it’s so effective in controlling the market.
If you’ve ever looked at the order book on an exchange while trading any cryptocurrency you’ve observed spoofing whether you’ve realized it at the time or not.
What is spoofing?
Spoofing is when a group of people with a lot of resources
behave in unusual ways in the market to control the cost of a coin to keep it in a specific price range.
They place large sell orders on the order book just under market value, to create a systemic market reaction to make the price drop.
The large sell orders usually cause panic in the other sellers so they lower their price even lower than large sell order so they can get rid of their coins.
Then the general market wants to get rid of their coins because, with a large sell order on the order book, it appears that a lot of people are suddenly dumping the coin and that it’s going to crash in value — FAST.
The group of spoofers removes their large sell orders
at the very last minute before their orders are completed.
They eventually stop placing larger sell orders on the order book once the price is falling the way they intended it to drop. Once the price is where they wanted it to be, they can load up on coins at a discounted market rate.
However, if the price is falling too quickly, they can put huge buy orders on the market book above the market price to induce a FOMO (fear of missing out) reaction with the market buyers.
When large buy orders are on the order book and above market price this makes it appear to other buyers that the price is going to skyrocket.
However, the key to spoofing is the spoofers successfully remove their buy orders before they are actually executed in the market.
The entire point of spoofing is to ensure that the spoofers aren’t losing any money but that they are profiting off of the general market behavior because they successfully toyed with their emotions.
If a spoofing strategy is executed flawlessly, spoofers can completely control the price range of a coin.
What do spoofing patterns look like?

Spoofing patterns usually work this way:
Move cost down
– purchase coins
Move cost up — sell coins
Move cost down rapidly– load up on coins
Move cost up rapidly- dump your coins
How do you protect yourself against spoofing?
The ideal approach to prevent losing your money
to spoofing is to have an understanding of their strategies and what they look like while they are occurring in the market.
It all may seem crazy if you didn’t know there was manipulation in the markets before reading this article. But like Morpheus says to Neo about an alternate reality in the 1999 movie, the Matrix, “I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.”
You probably knew something wasn’t quite right before learning about spoofing, but now it’s up to you to successfully execute your market behavior after learning this information.
You have to remain calm during a spoofing attack, and stick to your overall strategy. You can also try to buy and sell crypto coins along with the spoofers, but sometimes you can fly too close to the sun.
Spoofers have an enormous amount of funds to manipulate the market in many different ways. You may think you know what they’re going to do, but miscalculate it and then lose money anyway.
Keep in mind forget that there are two types of losses: paper losses and real losses. Real losses only happen when you execute an unprofitable trade.
You need to have a strong methodology of when you will enter the market and when you will exit before you even put your money into any cryptocurrency. Now that you know about spoofing, it’s up to you to not fall for it.

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Matt Beesy

Bgol Mod & Creator Of The Crypto Thread On Bgol
Super Moderator
I hope @Mr. Wyckoff cashed out on the ripple dream he sold BGOL :lol:

fortunately, other coins started being shared and a lot of us had some success.

a lot of new money millennials out here solely due to crypto.
Ive been out ripple for years, I pretty much am strictly aiming at Bitcoin now, I pretty much believe the dollar is going to collapse within the next 6 months and BITCOIN will be used to transfer value for rich people over to the new digital dollar that will be coming out later this year,
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Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
Ive been out ripple for years, I pretty much am strictly aiming at Bitcoin now, I pretty much believe the dollar is going to collapse within the next 6 months and the dollar will be used to transfer value for rich people over to the new digital dollar that will be coming out later this year,
Do you still have your YouTube channel?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Down to $33K
Huge buying opportunity for some.
Keep those hands strong HODLers.
2021 going to be interesting as fuck. The on-chain data showing the rich are buying up the dips. FUD is set to be epic in 2021. We got Tether fud strong. Blockchain probably about to be politicized because of lack of censorship on it. Both financial with defi and speech with dapps, so that FUD will be extra fun. Don't think lawmakers won't jump on the opportunity to 'protect us' and write some bullshit legislation. :smh:

Fake ass shit to prop up the falling dollar. That's a given. 3 trillion incoming? Dollar about to get fucked. Throw in some China FUD for good measure(they can dump BTC to 500 you better sell :eek::eek::eek:). Sad stories of retails who buy high and sell low during a fucking plague.

Meanwhile, the rich buy all the dips and FUD and get richer. 20-30 percent corrections are needed on the way up. Living through this shit is some of the best education.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
2021 going to be interesting as fuck. The on-chain data showing the rich are buying up the dips. FUD is set to be epic in 2021. We got Tether fud strong. Blockchain probably about to be politicized because of lack of censorship on it. Both financial with defi and speech with dapps, so that FUD will be extra fun. Don't think lawmakers won't jump on the opportunity to 'protect us' and write some bullshit legislation. :smh:

Fake ass shit to prop up the falling dollar. That's a given. 3 trillion incoming? Dollar about to get fucked. Throw in some China FUD for good measure(they can dump BTC to 500 you better sell :eek::eek::eek:). Sad stories of retails who buy high and sell low during a fucking plague.

Meanwhile, the rich buy all the dips and FUD and get richer. 20-30 percent corrections are needed on the way up. Living through this shit is some of the best education.


I just wrapped up a weekly zoom call for my crypto group and we touched on a lot of the points you just wrote.
A 20-30% drop is minuscule compared to a previous 300% increase. Keep those poke hands strong. We've all seen the reports from institutional banks.

The more they legislate and try to regulate the space, the more prominent decentralized platforms become. Folks will always seek alternatives.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ive been out ripple for years, I pretty much am strictly aiming at Bitcoin now, I pretty much believe the dollar is going to collapse within the next 6 months and the dollar will be used to transfer value for rich people over to the new digital dollar that will be coming out later this year,
Yep, Pelosi and her nephew Newsome are heavily invested in it and right now it is just a matter of what coin. I speculate $XLM is involved because of IBM but I don’t have faith in the government to develop their own so they will have to partner with someone and that alt coin will be the winner.