Yo, you ever find a song in your old mp3 mix that had you saying wtf is this, how did this get here?
Well, I was driving and popped in a flash drive with tons of old joints from back in the day then this song popped up (not this exact song, mines was a hip hop mix of the song, but couldn't find it on youtube).
I was like wtf, then I started bopping my head, to it, mind you I can't stand country ass music, then I started laughing my ass off at the lyrics (thinking this is some real-life squidbilly trailer trash shit, then when the part about how he "crashed he girl whip then stepped away" part came on I was like WTF oh yeah this is some trailer trash shit, almost forgot. LOL!
The file didn't even have the name of the song, had to shazam it, then Youtube search it, to my surprise it was a hit, guess I was really out of that loop when it came out, but I am still scratching my head wondering how it got on my mp3 file.