Somebody grandma.

Fright Night

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
this woman is fat...but in the right clothes you cant tell....

i deal with one with a similar build and its exactly the same thing....but dammit in the right outfit that hides the dimples....fine as fuq....

I agree however considering her glory days are behind her I think Fat is a strong word. Maybe extra extra thick, lol!!

It would take her less than 45 days to get in the best shape she is possibly gonna get to.

No one is gonna be tight forever!

Not an argument tho
Just my humble opinion


deputy dawg

~wait a cotton pickin' minute...
BGOL Investor
cue Tom Browne-
you gotta take ot ol' skool when going in 55+ booty~

Recognize what they tellin' you when they put the THIGHS HIGH
(why else are their legs up/open?)

(ALL pics are AI - MADE YOU LOOK!!)

Fright Night

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Bruh, that's enough internet for you!!

Go to sleep!!


Shit keeps popping up in my feed now

If I gotta see it yall gotta see it :giggle:

Still can't get over how hoes never grow up
Same shit their daughters and grand daughters doin