Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Their women are beautiful. Why do Indians go crazy over white women in their country when their women are so much sexier?
The British started colonizing India in the early 1600s and did a "major mindf**k" on them that is still reaping benefits to this day (obviously, this does not apply to all the people from the Sub-continent).

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were currently receiving Unemployment and managed to get a part-time job at the local Laundry Mat and you worked mainly in the evening until closing. You assisted customers and cleaned up around the place and at night you would close up around 9:45 PM, which worked out fine for the owners because a few times they had been robbed (not that you were some "Hero for Hire," but the women appeared to be easier targets).

A few times a young lady named Parisa would come in late in the evening to do her laundry and since the place was virtually empty you would sometimes talk with her,

About a month ago you started to notice a strange trend with Parisa who would usually come in on Thursday evenings. One night she came in and there were about 2 other people there and you were the one in charge that evening. Parisa came in with her shopping cart full of clothing and you watched her put her items in to 2 machines (carefully separating the whites and the colored clothing), and then she approached you. You're assuming she was coming over to pay you so that you could start the machine.

Well, she was, but Parisa didn't have any Laundry detergent or Fabric softener and asked you if you could loan her some money to get some, in addition, she didn't have enough money to wash or dry her clothing either.

You were in a good mood so you loaned her the money and she promised to pay you back. Unfortunately, she gave you the same story 2 weeks later and promised to pay you when her Income Tax Refund came in , which would be in about 2, 3 weeks.

Now, that brings us to this past Thursday and once again you and Parisa are doing this dance once again. You asked her what was going on with her? She ended up telling you that she had been laid off of her job and had fallen behind on several bills and that she felt guilty about having to ask you for help also.

Not soon after telling you about her situation Parisa started crying and you tried to console her and suggested she go to the bathroom and try to compose herself.

After a few minutes she called to you and you're thinking that she needed some tissues or something?

Well, not quite...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Before the NBA All Star game came on you made a quick run to the store to pick up some milk for your morning cereal. It was purely by chance that you ran into Dayita, who lives in your building on the 4th floor (4C to be exact). She was surprised to see you since you don't run into her that often and you told her that you figured that she ran off with some rich oil prince from Saudi Arabia since you hadn't seen her in a while either.

Dayita replied: "I wish, but nowadays she feels like she is invisible to men, and they don't seem to approach her at all?"
She added that: "things are so bad that seeing you here in the grocery store feels like a date."

You told her that you would consider going out with her, but she's too young for you, lol (this made her smile and laugh)!
Your statement must have caught her off guard and she asked you what were your plans for this evening and you told her that you planned on watching the NBA All Star game.

Dayita said that she would probably just be sitting at home watching television and eating alone, and she made some "Chicken tikka masala."
You told her that you had never tried that, and she said then you are coming home with me to try some and some Naan (Indian bread).

So you followed Dayita home and enjoyed a nice dinner with her and she even served some white wine with the meal. Now, between the Chicken and the wine you began to get hot and Dayita said that it usually has that same effect on her and she went in the room briefly to change.

Before you realized it things had moved from the kitchen to the bedroom and you were both "caught up in the moment."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Word spread quickly about the "New girl," Sarita that was working in the Records department in Room 247. No one was really sure about whether she was black, hispanic, Indian or a mixture or combination of any of the aforementioned.

But, the one thing that most people agreed on was that she was attractive.
It took a few days before you actually met her and not soon after you understood the hype and the confusion (Sarita appeared to be not only busty, but had a round shapely ass which is not common for Indian women).

Upon meeting her for the first time you played it off like your main concern was retrieving some case files and you avoid flirting or trying to ask her out (you surprised yourself with your ability to stay composed).

One day you were looking at an old Playboy magazine and noticed a woman that bore a slight resemblance to Sarita and the next time you saw her you told her about it.

She laughed and said that she does some nude modeling on the side (joking). Then she asked you to bring it in so that she could see it.

A few days later you brought the magazine in for her to look at but there were too many people coming in and out of the Records department so you suggested going to a more secluded office (because it was Saturday you knew your office would be empty).

Once inside your office Sarita started looking at the magazine and said that the young lady was pretty, but had larger breasts and was more shapely than her.

Although, Sarita usually wore loose fitting clothes you suspected she had a nice body and you asked Sarita:

"Are you sure she has a better shape than you?"

Sarita realized that you and her were alone and replied:

"You tell me?"

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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Their women are beautiful. Why do eadt indians go crazy over white women in their country when fheir women are so much sexier?


The British started colonizing India in the early 1600s and did a "major mindf**k" on them that is still reaping benefits to this day (obviously, this does not apply to all the people from the Sub-continent).
Partially true. Even before British got there, there was caste system where light skin indians were stationed above dark-skinned indians. Goes back to ancient times when Aryans from caucus mountains invade and conquered older black dravidian civilization.

Have been to India and have close Indian friends. They value light skin, light eyes, and other Caucasian features. Just watch Bollywood. North India tend to be more light-skinned. South India tend to be dark-skin, blue black even. Lightskin indians tend to be more wealthy treat dark-skinned indians very badly. Also they (both caste) consider all black Americans regardless of complexion to be of the lowerclass. But it is nuanced, the black people there identify with black people here in a good way too and have no problem calling you brotha and meaning it. Saw huge Obama posters over there when he was first elected b/c they adored him & identified with him, us.

Use to view India from a spiritual yogic ghandian perspective until I visited there.
Don't get me wrong very beautiful, smart, loving, kind people but caste system that go back to ancient times has done a number on them. Complex and nuanced social relations. The intensity of my attraction to Indian women diminished after I visited. I still like them, especially the ones from the Caribbean y Guayana that are mixed with black people. Indian women have some of the best titties, but I like women with hips, thighs & *ass*. Reference Trevor Noah standup around 5 min mark:

Isabella Wilkerson book on Caste is a good read.
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Partially true. Even before British got there, there was caste system where light skin indians were stationed above dark-skinned indians. Goes back to ancient times when Aryans from caucus mountains invade and conquered older black dravidian civilization.

Have been to India and have close Indian friends. They value light skin, light eyes, and other Caucasian features. Just watch Bollywood. North India tend to be more light-skinned. South India tend to be dark-skin, blue black even. Lightskin indians tend to be more wealthy treat dark-skinned indians very badly. Also they (both caste) consider all black Americans regardless of complexion to be of the lowerclass. But it is nuanced, the black people there identify with black people here in a good way too and have no problem calling you brotha and meaning it. Saw huge Obama posters over there when he was first elected b/c they adored him & identified with him, us.

Use to view Indian from a spiritual yogic ghandian perspective until I visited there.
Don't get me wrong very beautiful, smart, loving, kind people but caste system that go back to ancient times has done a number on them. Complex and nuanced social relations. The intensity of my attraction to Indian women diminished after I visited. I still like them, especially the ones from the Caribbean y Guayana that are mixed with black people there. Indian women have some of the best titties, but I like women with hips, thighs & *ass*. Reference Trevor Noah standup around 5 min mark:

Isabella Wilkerson book on Caste is a good read.

Thank you, and I really enjoyed your post and not only did you included the history of India (I forgot about Mohenjo Daro was once thriving before the Aryan invaders).

In addition, you provided your own personal experience and I appreciate that.