Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You had been working as a janitor at a Junior High School on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, and had been promoted to interim manager of the staff because the manager got into a "sticky situation" with one of the teachers.

This allotted you the authority to hire new staff if needed and you definitely could use the help. Overall, the job was cool and you had a good relationship with most of the teachers and the students seemed to like you.

One day, Sonia, an 7th grader of Indian descent came to you and asked you did you need any help? You replied that you did, but you couldn't hire any students. Sonia reply that her mother was seeking employment, so you told her to tell her mother to come in next Friday and to bring a resume.

Since you usually got the majority of your work done after school was closed (less people and traffic) you asked Mrs. Dayana to come in at 3:30 PM for the interview. Mrs. Dayana basically explained that she was now a single parent because she is currently separated from her husband and he doesn't help raise their daughter or contribute financially.

Initially, Mrs. Dayana struck you as a quiet and humble individual that was until she made sure that you were alone while you conducted the interview.

Then she took off her overcoat...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You would frequent the "Duane Reade" in your neighborhood at least once maybe twice a month and you seemed to keep running into Yana. Yana would usually walk the floors in the store because the customers needed a sales clerk to unlock many of the items that were locked behind display cases.

Over time you developed a good relationship with Yana because she would see you so often and if it wasn't too busy you and her would just stop and talk for a few minutes (this went on for months).

Back in December of last year maybe a few weeks before Christmas you came down with a bad cold and went to "Duane Reade" to get some medication and a few other items. Yana noticed that you didn't seem to have as much energy as you usually do and asked you if you were feeling okay, to which you explained that you were dealing with a severe cold.

She then chastised you for being out in the street and inquired as to why your wife or girlfriend didn't come to the store to pick up the medication and items you needed? You explained to Yana that you didn't have a wife or a girlfriend.

Yana was surprised and said that you needed a good woman in your life to take care of you when you aren't feeling good, and then she asked you if you live in the area. You told her that you did and she told you that she would bring you some soup and something that would help you to recover when she gets off of work at 4:00 (so you gave her your number and address, but you're thinking that she probably ain't coming).

Around 4:07 PM your phone rang and it was Yana telling you that she was on her way to your apartment. You tried to clean up quickly, but you were operating on limit strength and you hoped that Yana would understand. She asked to see your kitchen and told you that she had gotten you some soup from the Chinese restaurant and wanted to add a few spices that would help your cold.

While she was doing this you went back into the living room and laid down on the couch and closed your eyes, but you still weren't feeling the much better.

You're not sure how much time had elapsed and you must have been in and out of sleep, but you imagined that Yana was standing over you and was about to seduce you.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You woke up feeling very wet and sticky and didn't realize until the next day that what you though you had imagined really transpired. You found out about this when Yana called you the next day to check on you and informed you that if you liked, she would be coming over this afternoon to check on you.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You became acquainted with Mirabella because you were a frequent customer at TD Bank, and it must have been fate that each time you needed to see a teller it would be Mirabella.

Although, you found her attractive you never bothered to make any advances because of what you perceived to be an age difference. In addition, young girls like to go out clubbing, concerts, restaurants and you had become comfortable sitting at home watching a ballgame.

One day through pure happenstance you were walking past the bank and ran into Mirabella who was heading home that evening.

You was curious as to how familiar you were with the neighborhood and you told her that you literally grew up in the area. Now outside the confines of the bank you could speak freely and you shared childhood stories.

Something you said make her thing of the freedom she felt as a young girl running around the park, so you took her for a walk through Central Park before the sun went down.

Obviously, the park must have awoken something inside of Mirabella.



BGOL Investor
Some of them have beautiful tits, but some has asses are flat as a warm beer.
Plus factor in that they rarely fuck with brothers, and their questionable hygiene practices.
Not all of them, but some of them

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The mixture of the Cinnamon Sugared candles and the Coconut body oil emanating from Charise's body filled the room while "Someday Is Tonight" by Janet Jackson set the mood.

Charise whispered that she only needed you to go slow because she was inexperienced, however, her body movements told another story...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

A few weeks ago your coworker Beverly had a birthday party at "Red Rooster's," and invited many of your coworkers and her friends from outside of the job. For months she had been telling you that she wanted you to meet her friend, Tamira, but you keep putting off the introduction because, well let's be honest, your money wasn't right (you couldn't tell Beverly this so you made up some story).

Nevertheless, Beverly had invited you to her birthday party and told you that her friends had made it a Private Event so that the food and drinks were all paid for and all you had to do was show up (you did bring Beverly a small gift).

When you arrived you looked around and saw a few people from the job and lead you to where the "Guest of Honor" was at. In spite of this affair being for Beverly she was happy to see you and made it her business to find Tamira and introduce you (it was soon obvious that Beverly had told Tamira about you also).

You and Tamira "hit it off," and it felt like you had know each other for an eternity, but then she asked you something that somewhat confused you. She explained that while she may appear to be soft on the outside the corporate world has taught her to be aggressive and to go after what she wants in life.

She wanted to ask you would you still have respect for her if she told you that she wanted to sleep with you if only for one night? You basic train of thought is that if something seems to good to be true then proceed with cautious.

Now, you had a decision to make and things might have been easier if you were heading back to your place or a "flea bag hotel," but the reality was that your wallet was still suffering from a severe case of anorexia. So you caught an Uber back to Tamira's apartment
hoping that she had been honest about her being the only person that had access to her apartment (besides her sister).

You'd be lying if you said that you weren't nervous, but after you saw Tamira had climbed into bed you slowly began to relax.