Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because you worked overnight (9:00 PM - 7:00AM) you were afforded certain freedoms within the building and since you were cool with some of the cleaning staff, they "hooked you up" with a few master keys. The master keys allowed you to have access to most of the bathrooms in the building so that when you had to use the bathroom you had privacy (in addition they were so much cleaner).

You would usually wait for the cleaning staff to leave at midnight, but one night you went upstairs to the 15th floor around 11:00 PM, and you heard what sounded like running water. You knew that Mira worked on that floor, but you didn't see her immediately nor did you see her cart that had her supplies. Most people would have turned around and went back downstairs thinking that the building is haunted (it actually is, but that's a story for another time), but you felt the need to investigate.

You remained quiet and tried to determine where the water was coming from and your "Spidey sense" lead you to one of the utility closet, and low and behold you peeked in and saw Mira taking a shower. You wanted to look away out of respect, but your voyeuristic side got the better of you and you had to admit that this was exciting.

However, the excitement was "short lived" because Mira saw you peeking at her and your emotions turned to fear. What would she said? What would she do?

To your surprise, Mira didn't say anything and seemed to enjoy you looking at her (you probably could have done more, but you were afraid to ask).


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Diya was scheduled to get her apartment painted which normally would not have been a problem, that was until Diya discovered that she couldn't tolerate the paint fumes.

She had the option of going to stay with a few girlfriends and even her sister's place, but she wanted to know if she could stay with you (you have a spare bedroom) because:

1. She could still have access to her apartment
2. Her place is closer to her job

Now, your thinking that Diya could probably stay with someone else in the building, but why look a "gift horse" in the mouth. It will only be for a few days and you should be able to endure it.

The truth of the matter is that you have been fantasizes about Diya since she moved into the building about 3 years ago. You never approached her because you just assumed that she wouldn't be interested in you.

You figured that Diya would probably be staying with you for no more than a week so you were mentally prepared. The first 2 days things seemed normal and not once did you flirt on hint that you wanted to "sleep" with Diya. You just keep telling yourself to pretend that Diya is your sister or cousin.

Day 3 started off normal, but you decided to run out to "McDonald's" late that evening to have something to eat while you watched the basketball games, and of course you asked Diya if she wanted anything?

It must have taken about 30 minutes and when you got back you could hear some music coming from your apartment. This seemed odd since you wasn't aware that Diya would be playing music at this hour, nevertheless, this required further investigation.

When you opened the apartment door Diya greeted you, but something seemed "off" about her and it was if she was possessed by something. Initially, you just watched her dance around the room and then eventually you ended up dancing together (you're being polite as to what was actually going on between you and her).

The food was cold by now and you would probably just have it for breakfast at this point. Out of curiosity you asked Diya, "What just happened?"

Diya explained that she's not used to guys totally ignoring her and you made her doubt herself sexually.

She wanted to know if she could make you want her.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Inchara was the evening supervisor and she usually worked from 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM, however, she would be filling in for Malik while he was on vacation for the next 3 weeks. Inchara was given the option of either working until either 6:00 or 8:00 AM depending on the amount of work and the decision was at her discretion.

The first few days you could see that the late hours were taking their toll on Inchara and she would often close her eyes while she sat at her desk and then eventually jump up after a 20 minute "cat nap." Around 3:00 AM she would have lunch, but this presented a problem because most of the restaurants and stores were closed and she was aware of the few places that were open.

So, she relied on you and you gave her a few options and she settled on this 24 hour "McDonald's" that was in the area, but a bit of a walk. She asked you if you wouldn't mind coming with her and that she was driving. She was happy that you would be going with her and even offered to treat you, but told her that she didn't have to.

You can't remember exactly what Inchara ordered, but you do remember her getting a cup of coffee because she started drinking it the minute she got back in the car. You remember the coffee for another reason because in her haste she accidently spilled some of the coffee on your pants and quickly tried to dry it up with a napkin. Normally, this would not have been a problem except Inchara's hands accidently brushed up against more than just your upper thigh. She must have been intrigued by what she felt because she went to wipe again, but this time her hands were more exploratory as she eased in closer to you so that you could taste her lips.

Had it not been for a few late club goers and others going in an out of the McDonald's a lot more would have transpired that morning. Although, that encounter was rather tame that morning, the next night you came back to work after going back to McDonald's for lunch with Inchara "bright eyed and bushy tailed."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Keya Patel was a name that resonated with you over the last 72 hours after just becoming acquainted with her on Friday evening. You usually do your own taxes but there were certain changes to the 1040, in addition, to you receive income from new sources made you unsure how to proceed.
Therefore you felt it was probably in your best interest to see a professional Accountant.

You gather most of your paperwork and found your way to the local H&R Block office that was about 5 blocks from your place. You were very fortunate because you didn't have to wait and was immediately approached by Ms. Keya Patel. You found yourself instantly attracted to Ms. Patel, call her Keya, but you had to "play it off," and keep everything professional.

You were on your best behavior, but that didn't mean that Keya had to abide by that same rule, and she knew how to flirt in a subtle way. A few minutes in she noticed that you put down "Single" on your paperwork and inquired as to why weren't you married? You explained that you were unlucky and had never met the "right woman."

Keya said: "Maybe your luck is about to change," and smiled. The conversation continued in this way and know you're thinking is she flirty with you? Nah, she's a "classy woman" who's probably married or has a boyfriend besides the last woman that gave you the time of day was some "drunken skank" who needed some money to purchase a beer at the neighborhood bodega.

It took Keya all of about 40 minutes to give you a preliminary assessment of what your Federal return would look like, but she was going to need more time to go over your State return and provide you with a print out. She said that you could come back on Monday and everything would be ready for you then and she would call you if she need anymore information from you. You said "okay' and told her that you hoped to see her on Monday.

About an hour after you got home you received a phone call from Keya and you wanted to know if something was wrong? She said that in your haste that you forgot your wallet. She explained that she also leaves in the area and that you were welcome to come by her apartment to pick it up. She gave you the address and it was about a 15 minute walk from your place. When you arrived you were greeted by her concierge and you assumed that she would just meet you in the lobby after he announced you, but she suggest that you come upstairs.

When you got upstairs you talked for a while and she offered you some wine and said that it helps her to relax after a "long and hard" week. Within minutes she lead you to her bedroom where she was working on something on large computer screen and all she started complaining about how hot it was.

You're still trying to process what happened next, but maybe your luck has changed for the better?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The 2nd half of the school year at Rutgers started sometime back in late January and your niece Talia is going into her 2nd semester of her junior year so you were helping her and her roommate Darsha bring some of there things back to the dorm. Of course they only brought you along to do the heavy lifting, but you don't mind because it's for a good cause.

So when you dropped by Darsha's house you figured that she might need help with some luggage, but it seemed that she wanted to bring a mini refrigerator that she had recently purchase that was probably a 2 man job (it would have been nice if Darsha's father was home because he could have helped you, but not you had to rely on Darsha).

You're under the assumption that the refrigerator is in Darsha's bedroom since she tells you to follow her upstairs, but when you get inside her bedroom you're looking around and don't seem to see it?

Darsha quickly closes the bedroom door and looks back at the door and then starts undressing and saying that you don't have much time so hurry up. At first, you're totally clueless as to what's going on, but after a while she's standing in front of you with nothing on and now you're conflicted (well, some parts of you are, others, ah, not so much).

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Aanchal was Andrew's Social worker and you met her when you accompanied him on a visit to his physician. You were mainly there for moral support, but you were also there trying to explain that he required additional physical therapy sessions because from your observations of him, he was only functioning at 60% since the accident.

Aanchal seemed intrigued by some of the questions you asked and was surprised to find that you didn't have a medical background. You were just there to try to insure that Andrew received any type of help that could be afforded to him to get him back to operating at 100%. After hearing you out, she insured that Andrew would be receiving more assistance.

Even though you are not a family member and not official authorized to make any decisions on Andrew's behalf, Aanchal asked if you would be willing to drop by her apartment to look at some equipment that she believed might aid Andrew (she promised that she would bring it at there next meeting or could drop by his place).

When you got to Aanchal apartment you were very impressed with how it was decorated and she pulled out a magazine with the therapeutic equipment that she had suggested earlier and she asked you as his friend what you thought?

You told her that some of the things looked good, and it would probably increase his flexibility. Aanchal laughed as she poured you and her some white wine and said that she could use a good "stretching out."

You took a chance and placed your hands on her neck and shoulders and started to massage her and she just melted. If the evening continues on this path you'll probably need physical therapy.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You work for a local news station in Kansas City, and you lucked up and was gifted the assignment to cover the Super Bowl last weekend in New Orleans (the regular Sports anchor came down had taken ill).

Of course you were excited because this would be the first time you got to see a Super Bowl live and in person, but you had mixed feelings.

You were hoping that maybe Charlene could make the trip with you and that some time in another city might rekindle your romance (currently you are in a sex less relationship going on 8 months).

Oh well, let’s focus on the game, at least that was your objective until you started receiving a little bit of attention from one of the waitresses, Chana in the press box.

Perhaps Chana thought you were more connected than you actually are, but she offered to show you the city after the game. She in fact did and you covered the cost without any expectations.

But, now how do you respond when Chana wants to accompany you back to your hotel room?

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Avanti worked at a family run Deli in your neighborhood and because you were a regular customer you got to know her. They would usually close at midnight or 1:00 AM on the weekend, and then reopen again at 7:00 AM. Avanti had explained that sometimes if she works very late she might sleep in the basement of the store, but she's only done it a few times because it just feels strange.

Overall, the family was nice to you when you came in the store and you had no issues with any of them, well, accept one person. That was Avanti's boyfriend, who barely acknowledged you and the problem seemed to stem from one evening when he came to pick her up from work he saw you and Avanti talking and laughing with each other.

Avanti was honest with you and told you that he said that he knows that you are a customer, but that she should limit the time she spent talking to you. You were surprised to hear this and ironically on the evening that she told you this, you saw him sitting outside in the car waiting for her (Avanti didn't know that he was out there at the time), but you didn't pay any attention to him and just went home.

Later that evening around 11:30 PM, you got a phone call from Avanti and she told you that she had an argument with her boyfriend and that he refused to drive her home and left. Her cousin offered to drive her home, but she was afraid that her boyfriend might be there and said that she would just sleep in the store (she didn't want her parents or other family members to know what happened).

Around 11:50 PM, you went back to the store and helped Avanti close up and said she would just sleep in the basement of the store. You asked her if she was going to be warm sleeping down there? Before she could answer you grabbed her hand and lead her to your apartment.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because you are very busy during tax season you thought about hiring a Cleaning service to come into your apartment at least once a week, and had mentioned this to a few of your friends at work. Someone suggested that since you know a few people that work on the cleaning staff in the building that maybe they could recommend someone to you.

You figured that Reeva might be a good person to talk to and she had the "perfect person" for the job, herself. You thought about it for a few minutes and figured that Reeva would probably be a good person for the job and now it was just a matter of working out her salary, hours and the time.

You figured that Saturday afternoon might be a good time and 6 hours might be long enough, but you allowed Reeva to determine how much time she felt was needed.

So, Reeva started in January and the first 2 weeks you stayed home while she worked and when she finished you brought her dinner and paid for a taxi cab to make sure she got home safely. However, the 3 week you had to pay a visit to your sister and you left Reeva there alone and told her that she could either wait for you to come home or just put on the top lock when you leave.

What Reeva didn't know was that you had camera installed in the apartment when you first moved in and just in case and it wasn't that you didn't trust Reeva, but you left them on just the same and you were happy that you did.

When you got home Reeva left you a note on the kitchen table and she said that she left you a "small surprise," and that you needed to view your video camera footage (but please don't show or tell anyone else).

You can get the "Live" performance next Saturday if you want it.