UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Independent thinker
BGOL Investor
I have a question to the anti black American members on the board are there black scammers like Tariq in your home countries? You ninjas made a 200 page thread dedicated to hating another black man like you’re perfect this is typical agent behavior


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have a question to the anti black American members on the board are there black scammers like Tariq in your home countries? You ninjas made a 200 page thread dedicated to hating another black man like you’re perfect this is typical agent behavior
anyone who questions tariq gotta be a foreign black person according to u fools, so tariq & ur hatecults can spend years targeting foreigners and denigrating foreign black countries and even a whole continent and its fine by u , why dont u ever address the black americans who are the majority of the loudest voices against him ? why is ur default always to ignore them and only respond to the foreign black ppl ?


BGOL Investor
anyone who questions tariq gotta be a foreign black person according to u fools, so tariq & ur hatecults can spend years targeting foreigners and denigrating foreign black countries and even a whole continent and its fine by u , why dont u ever address the black americans who are the majority of the loudest voices against him ? why is ur default always to ignore them and only respond to the foreign black ppl ?
I’m a Black American who supports black empowerment & reparations and I used to support Tariq during the Mack Lessons podcast days . I noticed his shift from Pan-Africanism to Moorish identity and ADOS, and his current grift with FBA. Notably, Tariq is non-confrontational with white people but has all the smoke for black people that don't agree with his cult and non American black people
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m a Black American who supports Black reparations and used to support Tariq during the Mack Lessons podcast. I noticed his shift from Pan-Africanism to Moorish identity and ADOS, and his current grift with FBA. Notably, Tariq is non-confrontational with white people but has all the smoke for black people that don't agree with his cult and non American black people
i was one of his biggest defenders on this site, i used to defend him during his mack days, the archives will show it, this was never about reparations,( this was a rightwing John tanton funded psyop) that was all a trojan horse excuse, black immigrants /black foreigners dont control the dynamics of repartions in any shape form of fashion , blk immigrants arent in any opposition to reparations for black america, theres no record of a group or concerted effort by black immigrants or Africans in Africa to oppose reparations for black america ( thats the bs narrative they manufactured to help them justify their xenophobia) & what exactly does reparations have to do with dehumanizing & denigating Africans daily & finding excuse to spew hateful bile about them even the africans all the way over there in Africa (who arent involved in reparations in usa over here in any shape)& calling them a "derogatory ytsupremacist laden slur" how does that bring u reparations?, it was always an excsue, when was the last time he talked or organized about reparations?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So now you got clowns out hear saying Gullah Geechie folks are not from Africa. You got to be kidding me....He probably FBA too....
Clearly this nigga has never ever been to Charleston, SC or to the gullah festival....It's a reason why the Gullah people speak Geechie....Bitch they didn't fully assimilate to the english dialect

I’ve said this before regarding reparations, you keep attacking the wrong people the Gullah Geechie folks can turn that shit around and say if you can not prove genetically you have as much African DNA as us, we should only get reparations

This is a quick way to get your ass killed or shot up saying some dumb shit like that.....

Idk what’s so hard for these idiots to understand… No the Gullah Geechee aren’t continental Africans, yes they are Americans by way of nationality, but they are descendants of West Africans with recent African ancestry and have the highest percentage of African DNA outside of the rest of Black Americans.

They have also managed to retain majority of their African cultural customs do to their isolation on the sea islands that didn’t have bridges to the mainland until 1927.

They are not & have never claimed to be a tribe of Native Americans, these niggas need to stop trying to speak for them.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So now you got clowns out hear saying Gullah Geechie folks are not from Africa. You got to be kidding me....He probably FBA too....
Clearly this nigga has never ever been to Charleston, SC or to the gullah festival....It's a reason why the Gullah people speak Geechie....Bitch they didn't fully assimilate to the english dialect

This is a quick way to get your ass killed or shot up saying some dumb shit like that.....

Our Gullah Geechie family must do what the Louisiana Creoles do when FBA and others attack. Protect your heritage, teach those willing to learn and just fuck the rest.

FBA tried to exclude us, now they are trying to use the Gullah Geechie family as a talking point to claim Black folks are indigenous.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Our Gullah Geechie family must do what the Louisiana Creoles do when FBA and others attack. Protect your heritage, teach those willing to learn and just fuck the rest.

FBA tried to exclude us, now they are trying to use the Gullah Geechie family as a talking point to claim Black folks are indigenous.
It’s just messed up because folks down in Charleston, SC already fighting for land and now you got clowns who ain’t never been to SC or even visited Charleston, SC and the low country spreading BS lies it’s just sick.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why are they changing the language?


  1. the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.
    "the courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation tohis victim"


  1. fix or mend (a thing suffering from damage or a fault).
    "faulty electrical appliances should be repaired by an electrician"



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
FBA BGOL - here attend this webinar and the ones that follow and really learn about your LINEAGE

IKG Wisdom Wednesday​
The Clarke Enhanced History Project​


Please join us on Wednesday, March 19 at 7pm for this month’s Wisdom Wednesday program titled, The Clarke Enhanced History Project with Anthony T. Browder.

When: March 19, 2025 7:00PM to 9:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) via Zoom Webinar

Register here for Wisdom Wednesday:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to participate in the webinar.​

Anthony T. Browder​

Presentation description

Dr. John Henrik Clarke founded and led several organizations that shaped and defined the Black Studies Movement of the 1960s. Dr. Clarke was an advisor to Kwame Nkrumah and Malcolm X – whose leadership inspired millions worldwide. He taught thousands of students in classrooms at Hunter College and around the world.

Dr. Clarke was a founding member of the African Heritage Studies Association and the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization. Although he transitioned in 1998, Dr. Clarke’s spirit lives on through the works of those he inspired.

One of the most important lessons Dr. Clarke stressed is that the history of African Americans did not begin in slavery. Thanks to the teachings of Dr. Clarke, we know that: if the history of African people were a book of 1000 pages, the story of enslavement would begin on page 996 – and would only be two pages long.

With this as its guiding principle, the John Henrik Clarke Enhanced History Project was curated to tell the story of the first 995 pages of African and African American History. Join Anthony Browder as he shares details of the opening of the Clarke Enhanced History Project.

About the speaker

Anthony T. Browder is an author, publisher, cultural historian, artist, and an educational consultant. He is a graduate of Howard University’s College of Fine Arts and has lectured extensively throughout the United States, Africa, Caribbean, Mexico, Japan and Europe, on issues related to African and African American History and Culture.

Mr. Browder is the founder and director of IKG Cultural Resources and has devoted 30 years researching ancient Egyptian history, science, philosophy and culture.

He has traveled to Egypt 54 times since 1980 and is currently director of the ASA Restoration Project, which is funding the excavation and restoration of the 25th dynasty tomb of Karakhamun in Luxor, Egypt.

Browder is the first African American to fund and coordinate an archeological dig in Egypt and has conducted 23 archeological missions to Egypt since 2009.

Mr. Browder’s three decades of study have led him to the conclusion that ancient Africans were the architects of civilization and developed the rudiments of what has become the scientific, religious, and philosophical backbone of mankind. It is from this framework that IKG has concentrated its research and disseminated its findings.

Through IKG, Mr. Browder sponsors lectures, seminars, cultural field trips of Washington, D.C., publishes his research, and has conducted study tours to Egypt, West Africa, South Africa and Mexico since 1987.

He is the author of six publications (including the best sellers, From the Browder File and Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization) and the co-author of six publications, including two written with his daughter, Atlantis Tye.

All of Mr. Browder’s publications are currently being used in classrooms around the world. “Tony” is an autodidact and describes himself a chronicler of facts and information relative to the positive portrayal of the worldwide African experience.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
African says he feels bad yt people can’t say racest things. So he wants to be there voice and say it for them
I use to be on the fence. But now I’m sure I want ti separate from this shit



Independent thinker
BGOL Investor
You called him a black scammer then you asked why the hate. Are you retarded?
Because you act like none of your Democratic coon grifter pro immigrant shills on the internet arent scammers either. You losers dedicated a 200 page thread to one scammer who is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But you have pieces of shit like Louis Farakhan and Al Sharpton who actual power who dont do shit to help black folk but collect checks ofF our so called victimhood.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Let’s see where we are at now with the damage that FBA has helped orchestrate:

No Platinum Plan

No Reparations (Republicans putting up bill to halt federal funds to any state or locality who gives them)

CDFI Fund and Minority Business Development Agency gutted

Black Male Initiatives at Colleges and Universities gutted

Reversed 60 year rule of Equal Employment Opportunity in Government Contracting

So many fired from their government jobs…

This isn’t even the full list


What tangibles did you get ? A garden of statues, a new crime bill, and a few deportations (some of which they are having to release)


Rising Star
OG Investor

Let’s see where we are at now with the damage that FBA has helped orchestrate:

No Platinum Plan

No Reparations (Republicans putting up bill to halt federal funds to any state or locality who gives them)

CDFI Fund and Minority Business Development Agency gutted

Black Male Initiatives at Colleges and Universities gutted

Reversed 60 year rule of Equal Employment Opportunity in Government Contracting

So many fired from their government jobs…

This isn’t even the full list


What tangibles did you get ? A garden of statues, a new crime bill, and a few deportations (some of which they are having to release)

If masta's happy, they happy.