My take on this may be different than most. From a legal standpoint, the six young men who beat down the white kid are guilty of assault. That is without question. The problem I have here is that there is no equal justice here. It's just-us and thats wrong. The hanging of nooses is racial intimidation, a hate crime if you will , and is against Federal law. So even if Louisiana law doesn't think it was illegal, the Feds should step up and prosecute these crakkas just like they did the neo-Nazis who killed and threatened gays in the state of Washington. Another question I have is why was no one prosecuted when the black kid got beat down at a party (mostly white folks) that he was invited to? Those white kids were guilty of assault, attempted murder etc. Why was the man who brandished a shotgun and pointed it in the face of a black kid, who did nothing to threaten or harm this man, get only a fine and no jail time? That surely is assault with malicious intent. Why was the white kid who brought a gun to school not expelled and charged with a federal crime?This kid also had a criminal record. It would almost be ridiculous to mention that the Jena six jumped this white kid after he and his "boys" taunted them by following them and hurling racist epithets at them. He got what he asked for...a good ol' fashioned mud stompin'. This white kid was also suspected of helping to place the nooses in the tree. I'm not necessarily against the Jena six doing time for their crimes but only if the white boys are doing time with them. Charging the Jena six with attempted murder is ridiculous. Did the prosecutor think the boys were guilty of a gang shoeing?
Just because these brothers did the riverdance on that crakkas head doesn't make them guilty of murder. One of the six boys was not even involved in the fight. He was a spectator, but was identified by one of the boys who were taunting the others. It seems that the good ole boys get a pass while the brothers go directly to jail do not pass go. On another note, whitey has had it in for O.J. and other high profile black athletes for some time now. Although O.J. hasn't helped his case (I would have dissappeared completely) I agree that the evidence surrounding his case was faulty and cicumstantial. I watched every day of that trial and I agreed with the verdict. Whitey was not pleased and moved his civil case out to the white surburbs so he could get a "fair" trial. I still don't understand how you can be innocent of murder but guilty of "probably" causing it. Only in White america. Its amazing to me how white america can overlook the fact that six whiteys kidnapped, raped, tortured, and abused a 20 year black woman in West Virginia for a week. That news only made a brief headline and has not been in the news since. Meanwhile, Michael Vick stays in the news for months about killing dogs?! We should march and protest in West Va. just as fervently as we did in La but watch how fast whitey sweeps that shit under the rug. They attack Barry Bonds, who has never tested positive for illegal substance but want to diminish his accomplishments because an "unscrupulous white boy says he gave him a substance. This same guy has already sold rights to his story in Hollywood. They completely ignore what Barry did before this whole mess came up and say "he must have done it because his head is enlarged". What a joke! They might as well have called him "watermelon". Donovan hit the nail on the head with his statement last week. I deal with the NCAA daily and the way they treat african americans is way different than the way they treat whites. As far as Jesse and Al goes, until someone else steps up to the plate, you've got to admit these guys are not afraid to jump into the eye of the storm and fight it out. They have the balls that only people who were involved with the civil right struggle could have. True, they are not perfect, neither were any of our leaders, however, they ask the questions that need to be asked and they are persistent. Whether you like them or not, they get things done or at least noticed and talked about. If some of you guys despise them so much, then grow some balls and start your own movement.

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