► Alien megastructure mystery deepens: 'Dyson sphere' star found to be dimming dramatically AND plenty of other space / science links, articles & pics


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From my experience, it is usually cometary debris from the shell of ice and rocks that surround most stars like a ring or a shell. (sometimes they have both) We noticed a similar change in the output of light from your star and it piqued our interest enough to come visit this very quiet part of the galaxy.

Several million years ago (during the "Late Great/Heavy Bombardment") a star passed close enough to change your Sun's diminutive sibling's orbit just enough to start slinging mountain sized blocks of super hard ices and rocks from both the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt towards the Sun.


From my experience, it is usually cometary debris from the shell of ice and rocks that surround most stars like a ring or a shell. (sometimes they have both) We noticed a similar change in the output of light from your star and it piqued our interest enough to come visit this very quiet part of the galaxy.

Several million years ago (during the "Late Great/Heavy Bombardment") a star passed close enough to change your Sun's diminutive sibling's orbit just enough to start slinging mountain sized blocks of super hard ices and rocks from both the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt towards the Sun.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
an abundance of anecdote does not make data
So true ... it can tho pique the interests of other researchers to dig a little deeper into the data or even start a new/better collection of data to do further more conclusive research on.
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