Scientists Looked for a 'New Space-Time Structure' Deep Under the South Pole. This Is What They Found
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory under the South Pole probes space-time using "ghost particles," and scientists have just published a study on their work.

Particle physics – a brief history of time-wasting? | Letters
Letters: Readers respond to an article that argued that the field of physics is too obsessed with discovering new particles

Super-Earths are bigger, more common and more habitable than Earth itself – and astronomers are discovering more of the billions they think are out there
Newly discovered super-Earths add to the list of planets around other stars that offer the best chance of finding life. An astronomer explains what makes these super-Earths such excellent candidates.

The Big Bang should have made cracks in spacetime—why haven’t we found them?
Cosmic strings’ greatest power? Their ability to confound physicists.